patay. Sept HI 195 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL g i ing as much ™ r FHA uA es PORT a a i 'IT PAYS TO DO SEEEEE HOME-GANNING ; Stonrd ne 2 E lors from Georgetown, ea Burlington and Tor- Boisville, GET local representation, BENNETT BIRD WINS Although Orillia came up with WHEN YOU Bil, 1v< © loct] repiescilalon | Winal race of the season held a Billcro! ot th OH turday for | bY the Oakville Racing Pigeon | The OBA. playdown trall this tne second game, the Oaks had ! By ui ) _ | week became a heavily travel- ||; on - i © fhe big events of the sea- Club, a flight from Chatham, re. y little difficulty in sweeping their lted in a win for a R. Bennett [led thoroughfare hereabouts, as|first round of the O.B.A. inter- T s annua etition for | SU enne roun te eet Commerce | S1UY. G. Robbins placed the sec- |{hree town teams got down {0|mediate "A" playdowns by tak: Cane Ereens. wore. taxed | 91d bird, while Bennett entries ne chasing | ing a 6-1 verdict at Wallace park hy Ersens carried off third and fourth | championship silverware. ~Fol-|jag; Wednesday night. The spots. eh AT THEIR PERFECT BEST ity, and three twelve-" > a retin lowing their game here Tuesday |cirtermen played sharp ball be- gam aye: a { en night, the Snow juniors travel |y : a Stes tition before a = h hind Mark Pollock's six-hit twir Cit hoch: second filt in the best-of-three | jing while Yorky Yorston and HE "p R 77 ero or Tarneys triolsiom |] second round junior "B" serfes.| pj 'Wollons led the attack with I s. Homer V's M The Oaks, who play Crowland ford. to, Ey : ) a brace of singles each. Kenny ort fff} vie carried olf the tro-| : Wednesday night, jaunt to. that | Sopris, Of singles each, Kemny || oc yp SEASON ARE ARRIVING DIRECT FROM THE Calif vith three wins and a total| The Oakville Yacht Squadron|iown for a 5 o'clock Saturday |: 'onty Oak miscue, and this FARM DAILY AT Da to, MEN of 60. covered itself and its home port | game in their second round in-| tere oy siairs was am immen ough yi, lEY ond place was H. Dick-|with glory last Saturday at the apn . bow \.orgetown rink, with three Snipe races held at the Canadian ee a hy En a E RH MARKET Nad 47 points. B. V. Coop- | National Exhibition. It also man-| ola Tuesday, ars back at Wallace | 20g Vio had begun fo view tn < tJ I from Toronto's Boule- |aged to get covered with plenty of 2 AL © | field bobbles as something that "{lub came third with two cold Lake Ontario water. or To Meee an a SeC | musp be toleramily accepted. 2 mld score of 51, 2nd Mommy The Snipe class were the last| guia kids. os Fotis vr > Carter | Eas nad th ford [Hosting '\ Oakville rink had one [to start, but the Oakville eager vay rec tests, £1 46 points to take fourth | beavers were out in the lake al- clean Emaar, 1ads. however, and the playoff picture 4 host an Hour ahead of timo! gots eo o looks a bit brighter than it did. 8, lol entries went to Tor- | ting the feel of the water and B% , Compete in the Globe | winds. And how they got: the feel les, 1311 Anderson and Lack- [of the water--especially the poor Ayjur won «the first two |crews--speaking from experience, 8 = lost out in the third |you know. The waves that climbed i. nom Blakelock and Mark | your back were not too bad be- Eon sor the first game, but|cause you could not see them f clinhinated | in the second | coming; But the ones that hit he you smack in the face when you : ook \from this coming Sat- [could see them coming and had | Well into the veteran class, actions "ie local club will stage a |no place to duck. and appearances very much con- With fowl and vege-| When the stant whistle | tradict the fact, as the affable it blew the Oakville Squadron werd | Mr. Louth is still very much a Z i right out in front with Bill Mac- | g0ing golf concern. Reminiscing iE rae's and Al Masson's boats lead- | On other competition days. he % r ing. It was a three mile triangu- | confided that Jack Pritchard, 2 WATCH FOR lar course twice around with a|Prominent pro at the Mississau- ; a FALL FESTIVAL reach and a buck and the third|93 Bh hee about 'the an a ; ; > OF HITS arm, a run, Twice Bill Macrae's | commentator was one of tha Fudder came out of its pins but | clubs laziest caddies, is still very ! ) a COMING SOON in spite of that he managed lo|active in the game over Buffalo ; 7 70 THE CENTURY snake 5 very good Huish: way. "I saw Jack just a while ; : h nd 11 in Les Louth, popular pro-man- ® 0 0 Saaeag ager at the Oakville golf club, -- marked his 25th season with the club this year, Doc. Deans dis- closed to members of the Lions club following their tourney last Friday. While this term of ser- vice definitely should put Les Walter Alway is the latest ad-| | "omoom STE WAY dition to the hole-in-one assoc- HEEEgoAkvILLE iation hereabouts. Walt bagged his ace on Glen Leven's 130-yard HOLLYDEAN FARM MARKET" fifth, arching a seven iron shot straight for the pin. To make a long story short,|2g0, while visiting across the y the Oakville Yacht Squadron took | line, and we enjoyed a lot of 0 the first six places against such [chuckles recalling matches we'd . 7 CHOCOLATES clubs as Queen City Yacht Club, | played," declared Les. "It was Hamilton, Port Credit and (I| quite a while ago, yet somehow, ; think) R.C.Y.C. : : Doug andl ib Armour literal It) dossnitiseem likejit ZiThe) fact CANDY AND i 1y nosed out Art and Sadie Hills|that their pro-manager has been Donna Lea HUT Stop F) { BIN (to come in first; Jim ana Nancy | around for so long will probably R f ; | Baillie were third; Bill Macrae [come as a surprise to a lot of i with Bob Johnson and Allan Mas- Slabs Colborne St. E. Opp. Century Theatre ow Higklest Quality son and yours truly were fourth 2: 1 club members, who have grown No 'Shortages and fifth; Jack and Ann Pear- iced 4 son were sixth. h Pricets or Budget Terms | *% %\ oa) feature of the day's / i > races was that the Oakville gals a vem EEL SH with one other exception were s Sty N. the only women sailing at all that day. And you will note that they CE COS . __| were all in the winning boats. : The Squadron has only one oth- {| er big event in the future before 2 it winds up a most successful PARE season. Next Saturday the Squad- ron is taking part in the wind- up' regatta 'at Queen City. FOR! WINTER Incidentally the Squadron sail- ed their own boats in these rac- es. Too much credit cannot be given Commodore Jim Baillie and his helpers, Bob Johnson, \ Art" Hills, Al Masson, who towed Order Your, the eigth Snipes to Toronto in Lo J the storm of last Thursday and STORM SASH moored them at Queen City Yacht & Club. And who were down there shortly after 8 a.m. on Saturday scrubbing the bottoms of the squadron's boats to insure their maximum speed for the races. & Who later in the day towed the BRONTE \{OODCRAFT boats to the Exhibition safely 3 through that _ stormy risking Phone Brite 225-W themselves and several hundred : dollars worth of boats. t Term one 2] Ider's Har( ware & Supplies um \ Let Us Keep the Young Fry pock, a FIGHTING 3 - Spick and Span - with regular TER TE +i, Dry Cleaning , JACK DEMPSEV= > (7520 ER WE PRIDE OURSELVES IN FINEST QUALITY DRY CLEANING . .. THIS cer, of Rg AY GOES FOR CHILDREN'S CLOTHES AS WELL AS ADULTS. WHY NOT cumaED BACK TO WIN. : MAKE A PRACTICE OF SENDING THEIR GARMENTS ALONG WITH YOUR ROUND -- 1925 oo OWN ... KEEP THEM SPICK AND SPAN. CALL US TO-DAY! WORLD'S MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMPIONS . 1941-1951 TONY ZALE jo 194] - 1946 ROCKY GRAZIANO -- 1947 -- 1948 TONY ZALE -- 1948 -- 1948 MARCEL CERDAN -- 1948 --|949 JAKE LA MOTTA -- 1949-195] SUGAR RAY ROBINSON --1951195) RANDOLPH TURPIN-- 195] -- | L] (clip for handy reference) WING comp LmitrD . AL