17 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,June 2,2022 insidehalton.com SPLASH INTO SUMMER PRIVATE TOUR EVENT THROUGHOUT JUNE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Cool off with a tour of our amazing amenities and spacious suites. Limited suites available! Please call (289) 725-6000 or email oakville@vivalife.ca to book your tour. *Conditions apply including public health protocols. No w Av ail ab le AN YT IM E D IN IN G 1 Sixteen Mile Drive, Oakville, Ontario | vivalife.ca On Sixth Line just north of Dundas Independent Living | Assisted Living | Respite Suites Put a littlemore wow in your day. You know the feeling. That spark of joy when embracing your passions. At V!VA Retirement Communities, our simple goal is to help you feel more of that every day. We take care of the chores like cooking and cleaning, and you focus on the things that make you smile To learn more, contact Megan or Carolyn at (289) 725-6000 or email oakville@vivalife.ca.