gia ~~, S=—= St Petersburg, the Dictator and the Dvorniki. Gen.Gourkhe has a high reputaticn for energy and yersonal courage. His name) will remain eternally associated with the first passage of the Balkans by our troops, that brilliant but rash feat of arms which brought about so many deplorable results. The soldiers and officers who have served under him always found that he was not a man to let obstacles stop him; he goes straight to the goal he marks out, and is quite insensible to humanitarian consider- ations. It is, indeed, said that he never felt much pity for the soldiers at whose cost a victory had to be bought, and one may in- fer from this that he will feel still less com- punction for the revolutionists and the Ni. hilists he is fighting now. In this sense the choice clearly is a oe one ; every sys- tem ought to be carried out by tools which are appropriate, and if dictatorship is intro- duced in order to frighten the foe, a tender- hearted chief would be wholly out of place. The regulations by which Gen. Gourkho signalled his entrance into office have been already publushed by the Huropean press. The new duties devolved on the porters, called dvorntki, and the prohibition against persons keeping, buying, and wearing arms of any description without a-legal authori zation, were understood to be the only de-_ erees which are directly due to his initiative. The utility of both measures is much dis- eussed, and is often denied. The dvorniki have always been considered as a sort of public guardians, belonging partly to the police. They are obliged to attend to the passports of the Iedgers, and to inform the police if anything irregular or susyic‘ous happens in the house ; they are required to assist policemen in arresting malefactors, and so,on. By the recent regulation the Governor-General has practically promoted them to a higher rank, intrusting them at the same time with a more arduous task. They are, as the reader knows, to sit day and night at the house doors, taking care that no placards or advertisements be stuck up on the walls without the due legal per- mission, and seeing that no dangerous or inflammable substances be cast on the pavement; and they are to arrest every suspicious-looking person. This latter right gives them a power which will very likely turn out to be a source of many abuses. The dvorntki are generally recruited from among the peasants, or the lower classes. They must have received an elementary ed- ucation, for they have to possess the first rudiments of spelling and writing, as well as some notions of the law, and the regula- tions in use by the police. But the number of these comparatively learned porters is not very great, and when it was ordered that the dvorniki should immediately be doubled, and in the case of many houses even tripled, the supplementary men had naturally to be sought in other classes. The house-owners are obliged to have a watchman sitting at each door, under the penalty of a heavy fine of 500 roubles ; and not knowing where to get them, they were glad to hire any one who offered for the duty. It may consequently be guessed that the set of dvornzki now sitting with a discontented look in our streets present a very mixed and strange array. Most of them do not know what is expected from them; still less are they aware how they are to discover suspicious persons. In their methods of going about in great variety is to be found. The apathetic natures say nnot distinguishinnocente from) dangerous men, and they Jet everybody go their way, meanwhile reading a newspaper or sleeping on their hard seat. Another class of them, endowed with a sanguine temperament, look more seriously upon their duty. They anxiously scrutinize every passer-by, and if the man stops on his way, or puts his hands into his pockets, or even throws a fragment of paper or some other trifle into the river, they are immedi- ately after him, asking his explanation of such alarming deeds. If he hesitates and does not give ready answers, he is led to the authorities. Is it not possible that after some practice acquired in this line, these energetic dvornikt will bethink themselves of drawing some advantage from their powers? The majouity of the persons threatened with summary arrest will be glad to escape from it by paying a few roubles. As to complaining afterwards of such exactions, they well know that there will not be much chance of their being believed by the magis- trate. The Government will think it in- cumbent on itseli to take the part of its agents, not letting a shadow be cast on their honesty. The most prudent course obvious- ly is to pay the blackmailin siience. If all these drawbacks are taken into consider- ation, even withont dwelling on the heavy tax imposed by the house occupier, what good is to be looked for from this watch of the dvorniki? Its usefulness appears very problematical, and nearly everybody thinks that such a mode of rule cannot last long. —St. Petersburg Letter. - 5 St Helena. At one time Chinese labour was extensive- ly employed for domestic and field purposes in the island. ‘The burying ground still ex- ists, where might be seen little notes cover- ed with hieroglyphies and attached to the mounds by sticks. Several joss houses also existed for their convenience. The common and sweet potato and the yam are grown in quantities ; the last named is relished by the poorer class as a vegetable in fried slices. Pumpkins and Indian corm roasted to a crisp brown are also eaten. Fish and rice are the staple articles of consumption among the poor all the year round. Of shell-fish there are the stump, a cross be- tween the lobster and crab, of a dull red colour; and the longlegs, a large-bodied lobster, dark blue, with red spots. Turtle are frequently found; one caught in the same year that Longwood new house was prepared for the Emperor, weighed about 800 pounds, the shell afterwards forming the chief portion of a soldier’s hut. Of sea fowl, that is commonly known as the Tropic Bird (Phzton ethereus) haunts these shores. It is conspicuous by its immense size when on the wing, and by its glistening white plumage. In the days of the Hast India Company, the egg of another sea-bird, which was about the size of a small hen’s egg, was esteemed a great delicacy, and considered by them as one of their peculiar perquisites. Certain days of the week were specified when the public were allowed to collect them, The man who caught a “sea cow’ rin arisk of being fined £5 if he did not offer to share his booty with the company, or ‘‘the oyle of the same.” A- mong the lve stock, poultry and fowls flourish, in wild or domesticated state ; they are fed chiefly on ‘‘ paddy,” or rice un- thrashed from the husk. Of game there is no lack, although the species is limited, there being a resular season and license. The wild rabbit burrows in the neighbour- hood of the luxuriant furze ; partridges and pheasants abound. The canary, though not of so pure a plumage as the English and Belgian varieties, is a beautiful songster, But the rara avis of St. Helena is the cardi- nal or red bird, robed in vivid scarlet dur- ing the summer months, but when moulting, of a greenish grey tint. It is difficult to capture, swift and very mischievous, de- stroying buds and blossoms of fruit trees. It has no song. The only bird considered to be entirely indigenous is the “‘ wire bird,” a sort of plover, not unlike the snipe in ap- pearance and size, and 1eceiving its local appellatioa from its habit of frequenting the long*‘ wire grass” of the more sterile regions. The Java sparrow and a few “* foreigners ” are found at St. Helena, bu no English species. : SS Dickens as a Pedestrain. “* Are you a good walker?” enquired the English friend who drove me to the station from which I was to start for Gad’s Hill, on my first visit to Charles Dickens. ‘* Pretty fair,” I replied, with that American confi- dence in the ability to do anything which has made my countryman sofamous. ‘All right,” responded my friend, with a quizzi- cal glance at the thin-soled gvaiters affected by New-Yorkers in 1866—a glance which I did not thoroughly appreciate until forty- eight hours afterwards, in my room, at Gad’s-hill-place, when I endeavoured to coax those very gaiters off from my swollen, buroing, and painful feet. During that in- terval I had met Charles Dickens, and we had taken one of his walks together. Pro- fessional or amateur, there never was a more enthusiastic pedestrian than Dickens. He loved walking for its own sake; he practised it for its beneficial effects upon his health ; he utilized it as a means of observa- tion ; he preferred it to any other method of locomotion ; he found in it rest, reerea- tion, and unlimited enjoyment. Toask you to walk with him, in town or country, was one of the highest compliments which he, who paid so few compliments, could cffer. Many are the happy hours, along London streets and Rochester roads, that memory now tenderly recalls; but these pleasures do not obliterate the recollection of the ex- quisite pedestrian pains that followed my first walk with Dickens.’ There was no- thing, except my friend’s tentative question at the station, to prepare me for the sacri- fice, A basket-carriage was waiting at Gad’s-hill station to drive me to the Diek- ens mansion in time for dinner. Next day the host himself drove me about Cobham Park. It was not until the second morning, when we had become better acquainted, that he proposed that walk to Rochester, around Rochester, through the marshes, to Gravesend, by Chalk Church, that sent me back to London footsore from unaccustomed exercise, but with head and heart full of the genial and wise gossip of the great novelist. “Not quite twenty miles aut and back,” said Dickens, as we reached Gad’s-hill Gate, “but good walking for five hours and a half, _considering-the countrys’ srConsidering;t00;" he might have added, the stoppages for hearty laughter; the episodes cf flower- gathering and stair-climbing : ‘the visits to road-side hostelries, old chureh-yards, and enrious ruins ; the talks with tramps, with children, and with inquisitive dogs, and the merry accompaniment of anecdote, remini- scence, and remark, that made each mile a miracle of delight to one who was, for the first time, alone with the Dickens of his boyhood’s adoration and his youthful dreams. —o*° i Wood and Glass Veneers. The increasing costliness of the better class of woods has reduced the thickness of veneer to the utmost limit, until at length it has come to be about the thickness of paper, a limit which can searcely be passed so long as wood is used for the purpose of veneering, The primary object in reducing this thickness has been to get as many ven- eers as possible out of a given quantity of wood, the cost decreasing proportionate- ly as the number of sheets is increased, But a collateral additional alvantage isfound in the fact that in proportion to the thinness of the veneer is its adaptability to cover un- even surfaces by reason of its increasing elasticity. A new process, which has re- cently been introduced in England, dispenses with wood by substituting glass, to carry on which a company with large capital has been formed. The two main features which will present themselves in the manufacture, ac- cording to an expert, are its adaptability to every form of ornament and its remarkable cheapness. In explanation of the former, it may be hinted that a varnish of glass in the process of manufacture, so to speak, iscoated over the surface to be veneered, however in- tricate the design may be ; and when subse- quently finished off, it forms a glazed veneer upon the wood, of any desired pattern. Ii may be made to imitate costly woods by a chemical process analogous to photography, and the imitation being on the underside of the glass, the outer surface of the finished veneer is always clean, and impervious to atmospheric effects. The veneer is applica- ble to exterior as well as to interior decora- tion, is not liable to injury by scratching or staining with ink, acids, ete. ; whilé its cost is one-half that of ordinary polished wood veneer, and the process of application is one of the simplest possible. rm A Meruopist paper gives the list of 33 cases in which ministers of the Northern Methodist church going south to preach to the negroes have either been Killed or mal- treated since the war. Some of the cases bear a date subsequent to the solemn adop- tion of fraternity between the Northern and Southern Methodist Churches. Prrer Ico, of Lawrence, Mass., was very poor and very proud. Being out of work and money he did not make his plight known, but fed his wife and child on bread and water, and went without any food at all himself. A messenger, who went to tell him of a chance of work, found him dead from starvation. A Bootblack’s Idolatry. Not long ego the good ship Star Queen lay at a pier in New York. The usual scene of bustle and | excitement incident to a vessel’s sailing was in pro- | gress on her decks. Perched gracefullyon her bow, | resplendent with purple and gold, was the figureofa | woman, which was a shapely carvinz, and a better bit | of workmanship than the average figurehead. An autumn sun gilded her tresses, and cast a pillar of light in the wavelets at her feet. The day before she sailed the tide had fallen, and the Star Queen sank lower and lower, while she nearly touched the edge of the wharf. The men on the wharf had no- ticed a little stranger who came daily to sit at the feet of the Queen. He was a bootblack, very ragged, very hoarse, aud very hungry. The foiiowing morn- ing it was found that some one had wound a strip of bright-coloured ribbon round the Star Queen’s neck. It was suffcred to remain where it had been placed. At last the moment came when the hawsers were cast off, and the vessel headed for the wide ocean. Flinging aside his box, the little bootblack darted at the figure-head, and winding his arms affectionately round its neck, kissed the wooden image tenderly on the mouth, and then burst into tears. He had lest his dearest friend. Thousands of our little ones are lost annually from cholera infantum, diarrhea, and the summer complaints, whose lives might be pre- served by thetimely use of Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry, the greatest and most reliable spe- cific known for aJ] summer complaints. Fors le at all drug stores. a Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in ! Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means for enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health ; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worried out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily ob- tain satisfactory proof that Green’s August Flower will make them as free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Com- plaint is the direct cause of seventy-five per cent of such maladies as Billionsness, Indi- gestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Ner- vous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distress- ing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wouderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. Business items. Srupyine elocution is more popular with Paris young ladies than leaning to play on the piano. *‘CooPER’S”’ are shewing a very handsome stock of Scarfs, Ties, Collars, Silk Handker- chiefs, Gloves, &c. Just the thing for the holiday season. Address, 109 Yonge St., Toronto. A man asked edmission to a show for half- price, as he had butoneeye. But the mana- ger told him it would take him twice as long to see the show as it would anybody else, and charged him double. Rusiness BDivectory, TORONTO. Barristers & Attorneys, Wetson & Haqqart, 30 Adelaide Kast. Blectrotypers, Stereotypers, etc. F. Diver & Co., 1, King Street East. Eneravers,. J. B. Webb, 18 King East. Rossin House. Palace Hotel of Canada. Mark. HH: Irish, Prop. PICTURE MOULDIN GS ¥tames nec ete Wholesale and Retail.. Low ‘Prices. ~ H. MATTHEWS & BRO., 93 Yonge street, Doronto. STRAWBERRY Baskets (qQuaris aid pints) and all AND other Fruit Packages and general Market Baskets nnade at the Oak- RASPBERRY ville Fruit Packave & Basket Fac- toy. W. B. CHISHOUM, Proprietor. P.O. Box, 97. B UY 0 i LY oe tes der AGENTS WANTED rusiece in¢ Bank Stamps, Patent Pocket Stamps, Self-Inkiue Solid Rubber Types, Stencil, Steel Stamps, ete, Re- moved to No. 10 King Street Hast. C. C. STEWART & Co., Toronto. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS prnabte, night, s'astie oat | Cheap. Hirst prize at Proyincial Exhibition, Lon- don. Testimonials on application. Satisfaction gua- ranteed. Address, J. DOAN & SON, Drayton, Ont. ADIES AND GENTLEMEN—TSN ORE —TO . leirn telegraphy, at the Dominion Telegraph In- stitute, 32 King-street East, Toronto. For terms, &e., address D. MeM-LLAN & CO.. Propriietors. LIVING WATER fos ae feet per hour, hole 5 to 25 inches.” Hand or horse power ; good supply of + ure filtered water. Send for circular. Ma ftory, 68 Mary St., Hamilton. () ACRES GOOD LAND, WELL lod watered ; hou e, 6 room: ; frame barn, 30 x 50: beautifuls tuatioi, huf mile from villase and lake ; steamer diily ; saw, grist, catmeal mills, stores, church, school, tele sraph, post office, ete. of their own Sex e&a have accom- A.ply to H. G. LADELL, Port Sydvey, P. O., Muskoka. LADIES modation secured on application. Specialty, Diseases of Women. Enclose stamp and address Dr. EMILY H. STOWE, Physician and Acesucheur, 111 Chureh $+., Toronto. $15 MADE IN ONE DAY. Agents Wanted Everywhere Selling a reliablé patented article. Sells rapidly with large profit. A vood business that requires no capital. Send two 3-cent stamps to L. C. BENTON, St. Thomas, Ont., for circular and instructions. Write at once and secure a cood ageney that pays. Desiring an experienced physician ERMINUS OF THE VICTORIA RAILWAY—farm and yillage lots for sale. C.J: BUOMPIBLD, Manazer Canadian Land and Emigration Co., Hslibucton, or near W. & C. Ba‘nes, Yoronto-st. Toronto. ORGANS, The Celebrated Clough and Warren. Patronized by the Queen of England. Excelled by none the world over, and sold at about half the usual prices. PIANOS. First-class at wholesale prices. Write to L. N. SOPER, 67 Isabella Street, Toronto., EDISON’S ELECTRIC ABSORBENT BELT For the prevention and cure of disease without the use \\\cf internal medicines. The wonder of the nineteenth & \scentury. The mild and continueus current of Electricity, \\Witogether with the absorbent qualities as furnished by the es\Belt, renderit truly the wonder of the age. : ——— G. C. BRIGGS & SONS, General Agents, Hamilton, Ont. RDWARE | Bar Iron, Steel, Tin and Canada Plates, Galyanized and Tin Sheets, Coil Chain, Nails, Rope, Zinc, Paint, Glass, Garden and Haying Tools, C2lebrated “ Glyde ” Gilling Nets, Brass Cornices, as) HARDWARE BABBIT METAL AND SHELF HARDWARE Cutlery a Specialty, 81, 4, Gating & bo, SFPRONT EAST, —- ~ - => TORONTO. ; THE “ « BRUNSWICK’ COAL OIL STOVE. we A 3 a The “ Brunswick ” is not offered to the public as a CHEAP oil zx stove, but as a FIRST-GLASS stove. ) The Best is the Cheapest. <F & C GURNEY & C0. Yr pen C) eee IF YOU VALUE YOUR HEALTH AND GLOTHES, USE. THE wees fF SOUPS SEE THAT THE WHITE IS STAMPED ON THE ONE SIDE, AND ON THE OTHER. The best Brown for ordinary use is Stamped MOR SH’s CHAMPION. “DON'T USE ANY OTHER! . The Canadian Air Gas Machine. ne ? This machine is for lighting private dwellings, SIMONDS mills, factories, churches, public halls, hotels, ete. SAWS Call_and examine the machine- in operation at JOSEPH PHILLIPS’, sole manufacturer, plumber \ Are Superior to and gas-fitter, 15S York Street. ; : all others Send for circular and price list: More Work. Better Work. A long-felt want supplied! The! new g a AVA instrument, called | eae a @e|. the Uterine Medica- Less Power FE : * tor, enables every o 5 : ! Wo woomern to ee a Uniformity 10 L f Q cue herself in her | Sees own home. The old Temper method of treatment was barbarous, pain- ful and unpleasant, =gnd_women suffered on year aiter year ra- ther than submit to | the indelicate expos- ure attending it. Send 3c. stamp. for AGENTS R. H. SMITH & CO.. ST, CATHARINES, ONT. Sole manufactures for the Dominion of Canada, Send for Price List. THE ROYAL Clothes Wringer, (Canadian Patent), is constructed with a strong, neat, galvanized iron frame. The patent lever pressure closes the springs as the rolls are opened, thus increasing the pressure nro Doctor} cireuar containing full particulars. WANTED, Address E. Amelia Tefir, M.D., U-S., Jarvis Si., Toronto, Canada. CANADA PERMANENT Loan & Savings Lowipally, Paid up Capital........scseeseeses $2,000, according to the size of the article, as well as avoid- Reserve FUNG..........50.- «ese. 850,000 | ing liability of breaking springs. The pressure 0} the rolls is relieved when notin use. It is secured to Total Assets......... $6,355,342 thetub with an eccentric, thus dispensing with thumb Votal liabilities ..... 3,328,062 screws. Surplus -Assets...... $3,027,280 SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Deposits received, and interest and principal re- paid in all parts of Ontario, through the Company’s bankers, free of charge. The Capital and Reserved Funds of the Company, invested on first class real estate, being pledged for the security of money thus received, Depositors have undoubted assurance of perfect safety. Circulars sent, on application to J. HERBERT MASON, Company’s Office, Toronto. Manager. This Wringer combines more good qualities than any other, and has no equal. See it before purchas- ing. Address all orders to the HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL WORKS, 86 Merrick Street, Hamilton, Ont.