Oakville Beaver | Thursday, June 8, 2023 | 22 insidehalton.com Kick start your morning with helpful news and information to plan your day. Weather, transit, school bus cancellations and delays - our news team serves up daily updates to accompany your morning coffee. Get it delivered right to your inbox weekdays by 7 a.m. @idenatton.com IBNEWS HALTON STAFF RAISE Halton Regional em- +: r * a ployees stepped up in a big Halton Region/YouTube screenshot way to support local com- _ Brad Park, president and CEO of United Way Halton and munities by raising nearly Hamilton, addresses Halton Regional council members. _ _ a i past year for ton and campaign —and that'sjust at the region has once Haniton an incredible amount of again shone through.” The yport — which money to raise during such “Everyone who has con- includes vayroll contribu- a time of uncertainty and tributed to this year's cam- tions and volunteering on economic hardships where _ paign, your efforts contin- fundraising events — was people are faced with some _ue to make a positive im- highlighted during a re- really toughdecisions,"said pact on our community,” cent Halton Regionalcoun- Brad Park, president and Halton Regional Chair cil meeting. CEO of the United Way Hal- Gary Carr "I'm very proud to say ton and Hamiltor United Wav is wrapping that the region raised over He added: “The generos- upits 2022 campaign at the $95,000 for their United Way ity of your staffteam here end of March. BB WHATS ON MAYOR'S HISTORICAL PICNIC RETURNING JUNE 11 The Mayor's Historical etyorganizerssay there will Goggin Dancers and the Picnic will return to the beplentyoffunthingstodo, Oakville Wind Orchestra. community on Sunday with the event featuring Residents are asked to (June 11) children's games, clowns, bring a picnic lunch and The afternoon of music face painting, displays, bal- lawn chairs. and activities willtake place _loons, a model train set up For more information, from 12 0 4:30 p.m., at Lake- anda stilt walker. visit https://www.oakvil- side Park, 144 Front St. Other attractions in- lehistory.org/oakville- Oakville Historical Soci- clude a Dixieland Band, mayorrsquos-picnic.html. ON NOW AT THE BRICK! a SAVING YOU MORE > proudly Canasian Since m g HOUR SALE ctaRTS FRIDAY, ENDS I MONDAY SAVING YOU MORE For more details shop instore or online at thebrick.com