Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Jun 2023, p. 4

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4 bd 5 lay, June 15,2023 | Legislation that seeks to % protect children from do- 2 mestic violence by better — educating those who make 8 crucial decisions on their F behalf has received Royal g Assent. 2 Oakville _North-Bur- 6 lington MPP Effie Trianta- filopoulos announced Thursday, June 8, Bill-102, which Triantafilopoulos originally brought forward as a private member's mo- tion known as Keira's Law requires newly appointed and existing provincial court judges and justices of the Peace | to undertake ed- ucat while on a court-ordered visit with her father, Robin Rattlesnake Point ‘Conservation Areain Milton i in 2020. 's body was found at the ottom ofa cliff, with dent or a result of a mur- der-suicide, her mother, Dr. Jennifer Kagan \ Viater, has been adamant daughter was waded a Brown as an act of ae amid a long-standing cus- tody dispute. were by. the Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Jus- gender-based partner violence and coer- cive control. The Keira's Law motion was named for four-year- old Keira Kagan, who died OFFAiO the ‘amendments i in Bill ‘02 ill significantly contrib- ute to the safety of women and children in Ontario. “The Keira's Law Mo- tion was in response to the dedicated advocacy of Dr. Jennifer Kagan, a leading voice in protecting women and children from Intimate Partner Violence and Coer- Foleo) [ame mela 4al-W.x-lo @z-1¢ ol-1 01 KEIRA’S LAW MOTION RECEIVES ROYAL ASSENT Heather Kagan Facebook photo Legislation created in honour of four-year-old Keira Kagan has received royal assent. cive Control, “said Trianta- tody and unsupervised ac- cess." filop Een by the tragic The Keira's Law Motion loss of her daughter Keira, urged the government of Dr ¥: Kagan t rs shonealight Ontario to consult with the ourt system public and its that. Paice to Geknowledge the relevance of domestic violence in matters of cus- partners in the family court system to romote and ensure the availability of continuing education seminars for professionals in Ontario's family court system, in- cluding judges, Justices of the peace, cro’ neys, custody myoseesors, and social workers, on mat- ters related to intimate partner violence and co coer: cive control in ‘ter and family me Tee tionships. The Ontario Legislature voted unanimously to ap- prove the motion Nov. 30, 2022. News of Keira's Law now getting royal asset was well received by Keira’ mother. "Keira's Law contained within Bill 102 will have a major impact on the lives of women and children in On- an. cating judges on domestic + violence and co- ercive control, we ensure they make decisions with child safety at the fore- front. Lives like Keira's de- pend on it. Triantafilopoulos said judges and other court offi- cials will receive training on sexual assault law, inti- mate partner violence, co- SCI ation. roo, ensuring that pro- within the legal sive education on these standing, sen: lington MPP. “These changes will en- sure a consistent approach to the way judges anc cated about gender-based violence and its impacts on children, families, and unities. communit This royal : assent comes just a few short months af- ter the senate passed Bill C: 233, informally known as eira's Law,’ which estab- lished and enhanced edu- cation seminars for feder- ally appointed judges on matters related to intimate partner violence and coer- cive control. Watson Investments BOOK A MEETING to learn more about how Watson Investments can help you. Film Festival From June 21§™to June 277 Tickets available now at offa.ca v ”Ontatio thtrada g B RENEE 5 , ape “ MBA CFP,CIM REP, FSI w e@ 2 TELEFILM thrillhouse —caju > coceco A c Jennifer Watsor info@watsoninvestments.com (905) 842-2100 3 MBA, CFP, CIM

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