ille Beaver | Thursday, July 6, 2023 | COMMUNITY MYSTERY OF SCHOOL'S MISSING TIME CAPSULE SOLVED KATHY YANCHUS. Had there not been a random encounter with a a school But in March, two Oak- ville Trafalgar High School students decked outin spir- it we i along Bronte beach. His in- triguing story was repeat- ed to their rather skeptical principal, who ordered a ladder and the removal ofa ceiling tile. And .... there it wut this is the middle of the story. Let's go back to the beginning. That would be 1992. mong the inaugural class Welcomed that fall to the harmless mischief, deter- mined to enjoy his high School years to their ful- les bight ionths into the school year, students bur- ied a time capsule in a gar- den at the top of the atrium stairs, not to be opened un- til 2018. Twenty-five years later, the entire school pop- ulation plus staff assem- bled in anticipation, but the capsule uns a fake and the « anton of the en onwaterproof con- r had been destroyed oes Graham Paine/Metroland Oakville Trafalgar High School principal Steve Oliver shows a student timetable and other items discovered in a time capsule hidden above ceiling tiles within the school. by over two decades of wa- ring. “Rumours began to spread that the real cap- sule had been dug up, per- haps even soon after it was buried back in 1993 and hid- a secret location somewhere in the school, but no one ever came for- ward to tell the story or to share any information, so the rumours and the story soon faded," said current OTHS principal Steve Oli- Public notice of pesticide use ver. tess ie turns out, the gen- the students bumped nto | on that win- was Singh, the To edtonen of his gradu- ating class and the former student — or at least one of them — behind the time capsule mystery. “We felt we should dig it was basi laughed Singh, ni yer-old architect. nL dont really know. I'm trying to get back inside an 18-year- old brain." Singh assumed when the time capsule was dug up, the map he included re- vealing the whereabouts of the real time capsule would be found and that would ed our- .. ho way someone hasn't found that by now. We assumed it had been found at some point and The Town of Oakville intends to control weeds in medians, boulevards and shrub beds along the follow- ing roadsides and parks: Lakeshore Road, Church St, Robinson St, Dunn St, Reynolds St, Navy St, Thomas St, Allan St, Trafalgar Rd, Randall St, Kerr Street, Bronte Rd, East St, Nelson St, Jones St, Marine Dr. Upper Middle Road, Third Line, Dorval Drive, Neyagawa Blvd, Cornwall Rd, Dundas St., Bridge Rd, Rebecca St, within the Town of Oakville kind of forgot about it," said Singh, who currently teaches architectural his- tory and drawing at George Brown and Humber colleg- es. Then came the casual met on the beach which Singh didn't give an- other thought to after he and the students parted "Ijust told them the story" — until the school tracked him down. Singh marvels at the oF Using the following pesticide registered under the Pest nada): Finalsan Pro Commercial Concentrate (Reg. No. 30012), containing the active ingredient ammonium soap of fatty acids. Applications will occur on an as-needed basis commencing on April 24, 2023 weather permitting, and ending October 6, 2023 Control Products Act (Ca For further information contact: Service Oakville at 905-845-6601 Collect calls will be accepted from individ- uals calling long distance. twists and turns of the time capsule saga. He had only recently returned to Oak- we after diving outside of ly years on Neeidea to stay when the pandemic hit, which led to the encounter with the students. The real jolt was Oli- ver's mention of a letter written in marker by Singh on the back of the ceiling tile removed to retrieve the time capsule. "Itisa message of hope, phat must be resi em- barrassing. I didn't remem- ber that at all.” But he knows the two antics eek not connected. is brain to put toon now Ww the end of the Sou could hear a pin ip Oliver cracked open the real time capsule before an assembly of 1,200 students this past May. Out poured a plethora of photo- graphs of OTHS under con- struction, newspapers, a yearbook and student pre- dictions for the futui y saw a world of no diseave ‘and no war and no hunger; it was ite ‘won- derful," said Olive