Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Jul 2023, p. 10

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Oakville Beaver | Thursday, July 6, 2023 | 10 insidehalton.com FOOD PRIVACY? CARE Whether you're asking about the care, the food, or how you spend every day, we know you've got questions about moving to senior living. You should. It’s a big decision. Come in and ask us anything. Book a tour today. Call Jade and Neda at 905-842-8167 AMICA BRONTE HARBOUR 160 BRONTE RD = AMICA.CA/BRONTEHARBOUR IBNEWS IMPROPER WELDING LIKELY CAUSE OF MASSIVE FIRE FIRE DEPARTMENT DELIVERS FINDINGS DAVID LEA dlea@metroland.com A massive fire that de- caused by improper weld- ing activity. epakwille Fire Depart- puty Chief Dan Bower delivered the find- ings of the fire service's in- vestigation into the blaze, which was captured on vid- "Welders were welding structural support posts to metal support beams in proper welding proto- oe said the fire investi- gation found these actions probably caused the initial fire, which then quickly spread to other homes as a result of the heavy winds day. Fire crews attended the Dundas Street and Ninth Line construction site at 11:36 a.m. on June 21 after being called by construc- tion workers at the scene. "We had multiple homes in different phases of ne struction that were full vorved." said Boyer. “itv was indy day, so it was a wind driven fire with the wind pushing the spread to thes northeast." er said it took fire- fighters about four hours to get the blaze under con- trol and six or seven hours to extinguish it. Damage to the struc- tures is estimated at Graham Paine/Metroland Firefighters battle multiple fires that destroyed or severely damaged at least 10 homes under construction in the Dundas and Ninth Line area. around $5 million. No members of the pub- lic and no firefighters were injured during this inci- dent. “We were extremely for- tunate," said Boyer. ittamy Homes, which is developing the property, declined to comment, stat- ing, "Mattamy has not vet received the shall's report, which i peal re- quired for us to conclude our own internal investiga- tion." FEEDBACK SOUGHT TO IMPROVE BYLAW SEARCH TOOL The Town of Oakville is asking for the public's help to improve its online reference Through an online sur- vey, available until July 17, members of the public can provide input to help im- prove the ease of search- ing, accessing and using bylaw information. The survey can be found at https://sur- vey123.arcgis.com/ share/5c33b7leb- fa5499f96f30733f2951722. wn also wants resident feedback on its popular bylaws page at https://www.oakville.ca/ town-hall/by-laws-en- forcement/popular-by- laws/ and its advanced search and indexing tool at https://assets.oak- ville.ca/| iiss Search/ ‘Pag- os/defaulta all feed- back collected through the survey will be used to im- prove the access and use of bylaws on the town's web- site. Town bylaws are in place to provide up-to-date information on what's al- lowed, prohibited, or ex- empted on a number of matters. Bylaw information is used by residents, busi- nesses, vendors, research- ers, investors, community groups and more.

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