Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Jul 2023, p. 3

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IB NEWS COMMITTEE FORMED T0 REVIEW MIDTOWN OAKVILLE PLANS newly established Town of Oakville commit- tee meet every month to help plan the future of Midtown Oakville. mmittee of the whole for Midtown Oak- ville was created, following a special planning and de- velopment council meeting on May 23, to review pro- posed plans for the urban growth centre. The committee's inau- gural meeting will be on July 18. will then meet ¢ on the seoond Tuesday each month until mid 1 Dee ecem- ber. Town staff said the com- mittee will discuss third- party reviews, best practic- es for major transit station areas (MTSAs), designing of complete communities, climate change initiatives, relevant master plans, pop- ion and public engagement and a detailed review oft nen in- frastructure ments, timelines and com, mitments sought from the Province of Ontario, Met- rolinx and other key stake- holder: Committee agendas and materials will be posted on the town's web pages in ad- vance and members of the public will be ae to dele- gates at the meetin; ‘his special committee wil for the benefit of resi- dents and council, ensure that we id. all wi need to ‘now so we can make Midtown Oakville the most vibrant and liv- able urban growth centre in Ontario," said Mayor Rob Burton. Town staff said they are also working with a con- sulting team to move for- ward with aspects of the Midto forecasts, opportunities for Program, including under- Town of Oakville image Concept art for Midtown Oakville, an urban growth centre within the Oakville community. taking master plans, public realm , environmen- tal assessments, and zon- ing bylaw review. They said public consul- tation related to these mat- ters is crucial and is cur- rently being planned and developed as part of the Midtown Implementation ogram. There are a number of development applications in the Midtown being re- viewed by staff. Recently, Distrikt devel- opments appealed two ap- plications in the area of Midtown to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), due lack of council decision ‘in the legislated time frame. One appeal concerns ~ South Service Rd. where the developer ants to build a mixed-use multi- tower development featur- ing towers 44, 50 and 58 sto- reysin height The second appeal has been filed for 217-227 Cross Ave., and 571-595 Argus Rd., where the developer wants to build a mixed-use munity comprised of residential, office and re- uses. This development would feature three towers that would be mi 49, and 58 storeys in heigl Town staff vated that while these appeals do not impact the work program and process of the new committee, they will be proceeding through the tri- | seaeeg oyeo | ¢ urban growth centre envisioned as a vibrant ¢ destination and a people- <= S oriented community. we They said 8 Oakville will have a mix of wn Oakville cov- ers approximately 103 hect- ares bounded by the QEW/ Highway 403 to the north, Chartwell Road to the east, Cornwall Road to the south and the Sixteen Mile Creek valley to the west. al more information https://www.oak- ville. .ca/business-develop- ment/planning-develop- ment/official-plan/offi- cial-plan-review/growth- area-reviews/midtown- oakville-growth-area-re- view/. *TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY 7100 IN REBATES* {Carrier Turn to the experts HEATING & COOLING www.aireonewest.ca Peter Watson. MBA, CFP, CIM, RFP, FCSI MBA, CFP, CIM Watson Investments m info@watsoninvestments.com BOOK A MEETING Watson Investments can help you. to learn more about how (905) 842-2100 woo-uoyeyepIsu!

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