12 be 5 Oakville Beaver | Thursday, July 13, 2023 WORK WITH INDIGENOUS COMMUNITY EARNS HOCKEY PLAYER OMHA BURSARY For Will Langlois, rec- ognizing that there was a problem wasn't ‘t enough. Attawapiskat Hockey Cares, Langlois learned about the shortage of blankets and clothing in the remote town near the west shore of James Bay. raneiols t took action, orga- lanket and élothes arive, Langlois then personal- ly delivered the blankets to the community, which re- quires two flights to reach. "Willis a great ambassa- dor for the program," said through "| learned that it's not only important to give them support with blankets and stuff like that, but it's mostly about making connections." Hockey Cares co-founder Gary Peesker. "He speaks on our behalf at public events and he's demon- strated the whole spirit of the program. He under- stands the purpose and he exemplifies eve that we stand for." And while Langlois said ~ Will Langlois that it is important to help, he believes it is the person- al relationships that are After participatiny OMHA YouTube screen capture in a hockey exchange with Attawapiskat, Oakville Rangers player Will Langlois organized a blanket drive for the Indigenous community near James Bay. Langlois was honoured with a bursary from the Ontario Minor Hockey Association. extracurrict ties away from the rink. Langlois, a graduate of T.A. Blakelock, rolled in the business real estate program at the Uni- versity of Guelpl dition a ‘his work with the residents of Atta- wapiskat, Langlois also as- ed with the Blakelock sive see what our players are one to make their communities a better place, whether on the ice, in the classroom or through their volunteer- ism," said Ian Taylor, execu- MHA. most importa: stufflikethat, community service was __ tive director of the O! "I veamedaic about the but it's mostly about mak- just one factor in him re- "The two recipients chosen ing That's ceiving the Ontario Minor __ this year for the Wally Scott with mares oe peoplesin when youcan really make Hockey Association's Wal- Bursary program are shin- Canada," hesaid."Ilearned an impact on the issues we iy Scottbursary.Each year, ing examples of what it that it's not only important a ie OMHA honours two means to be a student-ath- to give them support with Langlois' outstanding teh school graduates who _lete and good citizen." insidehalton.com LAKESHORE HEARING PARAMEDICAL SERVICES Family Hearing Clinic since 1979 Summer Hearing Aid Sale! LIMITED TIME ONLY Offer ends August 31%, 2023 CALL FOR DETAILS “Retual cot of hearing sil) only The latest Hearing Aid Technology! 2317 Lakeshore Road W, Oakville ¢ 905-827-2902 Tayiel@re-1.<-ks alo) a-) y= 1e-Tant-vel(ers| exe) ta) Step into Summer at Palermo Village More than a place to live, it’s a place to enjoy life and call home. Independent Living | Assisted Living | Short Stay and Respite NaN Call today to book your personal tour Palermo Village 7 RETIREMENT mae _ (905) 582-0395 Located at 3136 Dundas St. W., Oakville, ON PalermoVillageRetirement.com