IBNEWS Continued from page 6 nity Jaworski noted he and his NAPS hosts handled more 55 calls for ser- vice in bes foe days. "You can't call ant district for help," ae Ja. worski. "You are who you rely on." The Halton officer said he spoke with community members about residential schools and came away with a new understanding of how deep the trauma caused by that institution and how many people it itimpacted. "I get shivers thinking about those stories," he sai- d."You certainly do 0 gain a deeper de i: about why some ig ‘those challenges are in fact mul- ti-generational." Police Const. James Dejazmatch who al- so visited one of the north- ern communities said po- lice need to understand generational trauma so they can be ina position to provide the necessary sup- rts. Halton Police Const. Amanda Malloy, who was stationed at Fort Albany, said short staffing levels meant she was on call near- ly 24-7. She said she was also struck by the approach Ase officers take toward acted really take it toa personal level, which helps watching the way these of- ficers communicate with members is something I took away from it and something I took back to my communi- ty in Burlington." She said they taught her to remember that the peo- ple she interacts with dur- ing service calls are some- one's brother, mother, sis- ter, father- something that can be forgotten when working in a big city like Burlington. Peel Sgt. ‘Greg O'Connor noted in a video, which was played for the board, that the NAPS officers could teach a course in Commu- nity Policing 10 aid oor are every- nine their community from mental health work- ers to crisis workers to shoulders to lean on in a place where other supports are not readily available. The video also featured Nippising First Nation El- der and Spiritual Guide Gertie Beaucage who said the only way things can be made better in us world is by working toget Notallof the! faim offi- cers’ time was spent polic- ing with Malloy and others also participating in sweat- lodge ceremonies, smudg- ing ceremonies, traditional als, community events, and more. Wilkie said Halton po- lice will be engaging in In- digenous led conversations to discuss these experienc- es and learnings and how they can be used to reframe how officers serve the Hal- ton community. The Garage that Goes WOW Premium Garage Flooring. We use Polyaspartic for both Basecoat and Topcoat ‘SERVI Garage Floors/Slat Walls, Steps, Porches, Walkways, Patios, Basements Garage Wall Painting, Garage Slat Walls, Cabinets High End Quality All Flooring can be customized for your preferred texture Minimum 10 Year Warranty on Flooring Over 100 colors of flooring to choose from Storage Trailers Available This Month's Special 1 0% OFF any Garage Floor 0 Upto $400 on With mi Or Presentation ofthe Ad (Not available with other offers) GARAGE KINGS As Seen On CHCHTV Book Your Free Estimate Call Jamie Roy Today! (905) 483-1710 Jamie.roy@ garagekings.com ASK ABOUT OUR MOVE-IN OFFER! The freedom to age in place, id at-lal ¢m com ii=>.41 0) (-met-] a2) when you need it Experience the caring support you deserve at Chartwell (OF-1-a1/|(- Wa @]0lat-s}e-] 0) Ial-rem-lale mm a-lel0]¢-]0)(-Ma-<e(-lale-mi a) Uptown Oakville offers a personalized lifestyle with the flexibility to tailor care and services to your unique lifestyle. 1=YoYo) MY (olel am el-Ve-xeolar-liP4-vemaeolll al CHARTWELL OAKVILLE 180 Oak Park Blvd., Oakville 289-644-2960 A CHARTWEll Chartwell.com £202 ‘el Ainr ‘Kepsunyy | senveg eqayeo | 2 woo'uo}!eyepisut