July 27, 2023 | 38 Oakville Beaver al Thursday, OBITUARIES MARKETPLACE ig OBITUARIES. ‘WOOD, Margaret February 8, 1936 - July 22, 2023 It Is with great sadness that we announce ee passing of ho died pesectuly site “amily by her side in Allendale LTC on July mother's Born in Yorkshire England, Margaret aoe her husband Frank and family before iia m9 to Canada i 1966. Upon Franks passing in 1978 she began working at Surroundings Gallery and continued to raise her family. Following f her retirement, she liked spend time the church and enjoying the company off her friends. Margret will be Baptist | church, nate Trafalgar Rd, Oakville. Services will commence at 11:00 a.m. wth condolences and —rem- iniscences beginning 2 hours pI n sent to the church prior to the proceedings, on the day of the funeral. BASAd=s And haveyou gone, forever gone and left us here to weep. Till we are called to follow you, and in the grave to sleep. On May 29, 2023 at age 84, Penelope Mary Humphreys (Penny daughter of Ralph and i eae Mexico! born, raised, and i her life in Oakville, Ontario. A free spirit, she enjoyed her life as a retiree in Ajijic. Penny was passionate about jught piano in her jears. Sh continued te ey her beloved pia fe a retirement. ‘Penne was ACel 'S, Penelope Mary (Penny) an Jebration of ie will take place on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 from 2: Joshua Creek Heritage Art Center 1086 Burnhamthorpe Rd. E., Oakville reader and a lifelong learner. While raising her three young children and working, . Penny always worked tirelessly to Id open a world of opportunities for her children. Penny is survived by her husband Lamar, and her three chileren; apn (mot! 2 lake. Marie. and Coma Mare) Robert Her and Renee Osterback and son- (parents to Samentha and Daphne). She also survived by her ngs bromer Michael Young and his fe Liz and her sister, Jennifer Cook and yer William, who we Penny _ unconditional Hove and sup :30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. BRRIQUES ski ARTICLES FOR SALE/WANTED ¢ Gold Jewellery * BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls WE BUY IT ALL ¢ China « Silver * Crystal * Swarovski ¢ Antiques « ° ae ¢ Downsizing & Estate E Coins Art * Doultons Call Appraisers: John/| sec Krista 905-331-2477 416-486-7356 CELL: 905-330-7880 www.tjtraders.com ¢ info@tjtraders.com ALL WANTED ALL TEAK FURNITURE, JEWELRY, Colne an rl Flatwe ntiques, Paintings, ultra, Records insidehalton.com May the winds of lave blow softly and whisper so you'll hear; father of Jen (Mike Dykstra), Pen (Angela) and James (Lou) Devoted Gr. rand of Carter, ear rather of Dave (Carol), Dianne (Bruce), Dana (Lauren) and the late Mike (Cynthia). John will be family and friends including all those whose lives h et through encounters at his beloved live music venue, the Moonshine Café on Kerr street Oakville. Cetctration of Life to gather! te rember ohn will be announced lat and wish that you were here. www.koprivataylor.com EXPERIENCE MATTERS Probate 905.639.1222 Call The Law Firm of Green Germann Sakran EMPLOYMENT OFFICE/ ADMINISTRATION Entry Office Clerk LAWSEPH Part Time/25-30 hours per ut dat fomalcamingieacoyng ntage/ Oniclaa an n advantage , i (LP's), Military Items, China, Canoes. Estate Devwnatzing Stevensons 848 King Street W WE PAY CASH 905-979-4447 Quality Antique Furnitur ighting. Memorabilia, China Complete Now ane pou Collec *WANTED* Fine Art & Antiques. Chinese, Japanese, Asian porcelain, jade, paintings, Sterling, Bronze, Canadian art, > nti E-mail Resume to: lawseph@rogers.com Criminal record check Phone: 289-795-9772 Email: lawseph@rogers.com yy travelalerts.ca travelalens.ca objects d'art etc. English gentleman buyer. 416-669-1716 www.plumsfineart.com WANTED WE PAY FOR GOLF BALLS Pay $0.10 to $0.30 per ball Year cone Pick-up available! 39-9365 Peter NO MIN QTY OR NO MAX !! ARTICLES FOR SALE/WANTED | canper vinvt | pinta ‘We will install any room Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop & ‘Crown’ series, Eurotop sets wee om ds, end -of-line/ Giscontinuce items available. WE BUY CARS! Any Year, Make or Model ‘WE'RE HONEST & FAIR Hamilton - GTA - Niagara 905-321-9121 WBUR.ca WE BUY VINYL RECORDS STEREO-45s-STAMPS-COINS 647-265-1404 Frank COINS & STAMPS Cash Paid for Coin and Foreign Currency ‘ollection: Eager collector buying coin e house calls and no amount is too big or smal HOUSES FOR SALE $555 K includes shares. Early possession (289)296-2568. SERVICES SERVICES ™ PROFESSIONAL DENTAL HYGIENE CLEANING $200 www,jdhe.ca/info@jdhe.ca 905-599-4867 "$30 exam fee Judy Dental HYGIENE CARE one a Home/Free Est. rpet/Pad & Install low as $488 Repairs and Re-Stretching Install New/Used & Rip Outs Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Vinyl ofa 7mm $3.79 per sa. ft. Dena 905-849-4847 Paul PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Bank Turndown/Tox Or Mg Arreors/Bankrupty Self Employed, No Brook ct income Ist & 2nd up