Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Jul 2023, p. 39

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MARKETPLACE services ERORESS ee GARAGE SALE MORTGAGES ‘Bed aie ‘CR Lic 10154) Dit APPROVED ortcact Gu www. ‘merigagrgoris. ca CLEANING SERVICE European cleaning ladies available for houses, apartments and offices. Excellent rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free estimates. Jola: 647-887-2154 UTOMOTIVE RECKING ie alld SCRAP CARS CALL ME We Pay $600 - $15,000* “some conditions apply $$$ FREE TOW in 2 HRS Open Sat. & Sun 647-403-8542 TOP DOLLAR FOR SCRAP AND USED CARS. We pay from y Free ' Tow! Open 7 days a week Open Sat & Sun Call 647-501-5932 ‘om O e : metroland HOME IMPROVEMENT LS CARPENTRY FATHER AND SONS. kids toys and books, dog items and so much more! - RAIN DATE Sunday July 30, at same time 3174 Stornoway Circle, Flooring, Electricity, Decks/ nces, Wood Si Saturday July 29th e Estimi 8:30am - 12:30pm Call Today 416-839-8913 Including lemonade EXCAVA’ DEMOLITION & ; WATERPROOFING 2 Cry ; clothing, horse riding gear, BASEMENT LEAKING? JOME IMPROVEMENT FLOOR & CARPETING APPLIANCE REPAIR/ INSTALLATION ES DANNY’S APPLIANCE SERVICE EXPERT ‘Air Conditioners 905-827-2526 * 289-952-1123 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE DRYWALL & STUCCO DRYWALL, TAPING & MUDDING SPECIALISTS! imcontractingsystems.com dandiflooring@ Tete com diflooring, Call Dany 416- 239. 4693 PLUMBER 35 YRS EXPERIENCE Small jobs, plugged drain, faucet repairs, etc. Lez (905) 271-1783 Burl - Oak - Miss. HOME IMPROVEMENTS WINDOWS & DOORS & S| WINDOWS&DOORS Still in time for Summer installation Contact us today for a FREE in-home consultation. GET UPTO $325 BACK PER WINDOW! 1380 Speers Rd., #7, Oakville www.oakvillewd.com QUALITY - VALUE - SERVICE LANDSCAPING AND LAWNCARE O ALL LANDSCAPING Sod Installation, Weekly Grass Cutting, Property Cleanup, Hedge Trimming, Garden Beds, Mulching, Tilling, Pruning, More Services, Experienced, Fully Insured, WSIB, Owner Operated, Oakville / Early Spring Special TREE & STUMP REMOVAL, INTERLOCK REPAIRS, POWERWASHING, FENCE & DECK REPAIRS, WATER ISSUES, AND ALL YOUR BACKYARD NEEDS. CALL JAY 289-308-7745. MARQUEE CONTI ion Fence Post Repair, Deck Refinishing & Repair, ge Solutions, Parging, Exposed Aggregate & Paver Sealing Junk Clean-Up & Disposal, Demolition & Reno Work COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL CONTACT US: 437-329-9495 AAA TREE SERVICE/ HANDYMAN Tree, stump and hedge trimming and removal. Spring clean ups. Patios, decks an fences. Power washing, eavestrough cleaning and repair. garbage removal. SENIORS DISCOUNT. 647-222-3249 GREE, KEEPER “S © Grass © Tie tineing and remo Doing It Right For Over 25 Years! HIRE A LOCAL EXPERT LANDSCAPING AND LAWNCAR' MARQUEE LANDSCAPING Tree & Hedge Trimming, Stump & Tree Removal, Sod Installation, Mulching, Tilling, Garden Bed Edging & Design, Planting, Eavestrough Cleaning, Yai CONTACT US: 437-329-9495 SHOREACRES LANDSCAPING Weekly Lawn Maintenance rdscape and Fence Projects A Family Business 905-630-0853 shoreacreslandscaping.com MOVING & STORAGE GRINDSTONE ELECTRIC Licensed & Insured Trouble shooting, Backup generators & sump All jobs, big & small ECRA/ESA#7010208 Call for a free estimate 905-320-9941 Handyman & Electrician Electrical services, pot lights, wiring, panel, breaker, kitchen, doors, appliance installations, painting Call 647-568-4800 Affordable Tree Cutting Tree, Hedge/Shrubs Pruning, jodding, Backyard Remodeling, Patio, Deck ind Fences. One Degree at a Time ree Estimates Call Joshua/Jennifer 647-270-1084 or 647-551-7998 €20z ‘42 Ainr ‘Aepsuny, | seaeeg elAayeo | GE woo-uoyeyepisu!

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