Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 Aug 2023, p. 27

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BNEWS This Oakville mansion just sold for nearly $10.4 million. OAKVILLE MANSION SELLS FOR $10.3M LOUIE ROSELLA ville-on-real-estate/old- i bal a 5,000 square-foot man- sion in Oakville is Onta- rio's most expensive home of the month, according to real estate firm Zoocasa. The property at 319 Bal- sam Drive includes an “is door and outdoor pools and eight bathrooms, accord- ing to the listing, which can be found here: https:// ‘www.zoocasa.com/oak- "This large, country- tre estate aveated t in Oak- ville has 'y features, theatre, gym, sauna and an indoor and outdoor pool," according to the listing. Zoocasa photo tion’s (CREA) most rene data, the benchmark for a home in Ontario reached $927,100 in June 2023. number of homes traded hands in July, from extravagant luxury prop- erties to cozy condos, pro- to the spacious and luxuri- ous feel." The home sold on July 20 for $10.375 milli According to the ‘Ca ana- dian Real Estate Associa- for every buyer to fing With the summer market in full force, we found some of the most expensive and afford- able homes sold in July 2023. LANDSCAPING Rd W, Milton, ON L9E 0J7 Interlocking & Concrete Specialists » ar Landscaping Ltd.” crete * Stamped Concrete Interlocking * Flagstone * Walkways * Garage Floors * Patios COMMUNITIES WE SERVE: Located in Halton Region, wo ‘work round hiton* Campbatbate¢ urdngton *Airahot Call Mario 905.842.7171 TWravaar-tar-lireksver-\ ok-mexe) + Hamilton + Oakville » Mississauga * Waterdown + Carlisle BAEUMLER [i APPRO ED ATTENTION) READERS: Part 2! Strawberry, Moose Tracks or Vanilla? What's your favourite ice cream flavour? VOTENOW! We all have a favourite ice cream flavour. Whether it’s one that takes you back to your childhood, or one you now like to eat right out of the carton with a spoon, we want to know whatit is! Over the course of several weeks these flavours will go head-to-head in our next Sizzlin’ Summer Playdown. Cast a vote to see your favourite advance to the next round. SCAN THE QR CODE TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE! INSIDEHALTON.COM o%e *, metroland €Z0z ‘e ysnBny ‘Aepsiny, | seaveg eUAyeO | 27 woo-uoyeyepisu!

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