Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 Aug 2023, p. 7

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BB NEWS GET WEEKDAY WEATHER, TRAFFIC UPDATES DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX Wake up with coffee and insidehalton.com news team is serving up a daily report on weather, transit, school bus cancel- lations and delays and traf- fic so you can be prepared for those busy commutes on snowy team works on these weekday reports early in the was Latest weather and traffic update. morning so you get the most up-to-date information. You can find all this in- formation packaged in a short story right at your fingertips when you sign up for our morning news- letter, which will be deliv- ered straight to your inbox am. Our newsletter is curat- ed with additional stories from in and around Halton that - bonus - will keep you OMHS Pet Cemetery Notice OAKVILLE ENiaiind SOCIETY In anticipation of the future relocation and redevelopment of the Oakville & Milton Humane Society (OMHS) shelter, the current pet cemetery situated on the premises will be undergoing excavation. OMHS recognizes the importance and responsibility attached to a project of this magnitude and nature and we are dedicated to managing it with the utmost care. To ensure the meticulous execution of this project, we have enlisted the expertise of Dr. Tracy Rogers, Associate Professor and Program Director of the Forensic Science Program, Anthropology, at the University of Toronto, along with her colleagues and students. The work will be carried out with great care over the next 12-18 months. All remains will be properly stored until a new location is designated for the placement and memorialization of these beloved pets. More information can be found at omhs.ca For those interested in reclaiming their pet's remains and/or the associated recognition plaque(s), or to ask other questions, please feel free to inquire at shelter @omhs.ca or by calling 905-845-1551. 8uHoea Metroland file photo company during your lunch hour. 5.5% [m] SCAN THIS CODE newsletter sign-up page 2g / Wiliam Promo Code TorStar LETTER TO THE EDITOR IS SOFTWARE USED IN INTERNET MONITORING OF SEX OFFENDERS REALLY EFFECTIVE On July 7, you published an article about software that is being used by Halton police to track internet use. Halton is one ofa few ju- risdictions that have been selected to pilot the pro- gram for those who have been convicted of sexual of- fences while they are on probation or parole. Ihave three questions. any conflicts of i ‘interest be. tween the people receiving public funding for the soft- are advocating (LinkedIn suggests Such Police Service involve- ment. tte How does the price alternatives, for anne group therapy It is not clear to me that a punitive computer pro- gram would be more effec- tive than human support. 2. Whatis the sensitivity i and specificity of the soft- ware? Does it effectively B detect internet use thatisa § (sensitivity)? + a What false positives does it 3 find (specificity)? In partic- 3 war, would seeking help 2 and therapy trigger the > software’ 2 it might be punished by the use of this software. 3. Finally, what is the re- a world benefit of using people ai are oe eeced on parole or probation less likely to fent this soft- ware is used? Is it money well spent? The use of the software as a pilot program ina handful of jurisdictions will allow us io determine whether this is a good use of taxpayer funds. It is pre- mature to advocate for widespread use | until the efficacy is prove! CRIS HITCHCOCK JAKVILLE GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS at reyalca jadiancircus ca woo-uoyeyepisu!

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