Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 16 Jun 2017, p. 4

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y, June 16, 2017 |4 idehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | \Q ey HAPPY FATHER’ 5 DAY from all your friends at Enjoy getting out and about with a scooter —s Easy to purchase, drive and maintain es A great way to run errands, do fun things and get out and enjoy life! —_—_—_——_—* Go from reclining to standing at the push of a button in a Lift Chair en] Many colours, sizes and styles to suit any person Available with both heat MENTION THIS AD TO RECEIVE on the purchase of a Scooter or Lift Chair. (Discounts not eligible on tems funded by a third party) Offer expires June 30, 2017 access abilities Your ability store Ou passion Town looks at economics of Glen Abbey development lathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff To help the Town of Oakville weigh in on the future of impact study of the property. report —_ indicates redevelopment of the property would generate but its lasting impact could potentially be lower compared to that from its current use, as a golf club and facility that continues to serve as frequent host of the Canadian Open. The Land Use Economic and Impact Analysis went to Planning and Development Council Monday, June 12. The PricewaterhouseCoopers Real Estate Inc. (Pwe) to assess the current economic impact of Glen Abbey golf course in its current status as a golf course, and its permitted uses as a golf course and hotel. Watson & = Associates Correction A Thursday, June 15 story Mourning doves oblivi- in the Oakville Beaver contained incorrect information. Confirmation was received after press dead- ous to traffic and passersby i Dorothy St George Economists Ltd. did an economic evaluation of the property, , if redeveloped. Dorothy St. George, Oakwilles economic development director presented it to Council Monday, Itis estimated the golf course generates $5.2-$6.4 million in revenue and incurs $4-$4.5 in operating costs annually. The report estimates, as an operating golf course, it has a total economic impact in Oakville, measured in terms of GDP impact, of $2.9-$3.6 million per year. In years when Glen Abbey years of employment and nearly $72,000 in property tax revenue for the Town. The Canadian Open offers GDP impacts of $18.1 million and employment of 220 jobs. providing short-term increases in vacancy during the month it is held. Also noted is its name recognition, online _ search popularity and tourism impacts for Oakville. The 1333 Dorval Dr. property is zoned as private open space and permits, among other uses, a golf course and hotel. see The on p.13 lines from the Oakville & Milton Humane Soci- ety that the species of bird was pigeon. The Beaver regrets the error and any inconve- nience it may have caused. www.insideHALTON.com Ebrroriat 6 Sports 21 ARTSCENE 19 — CLassinep 23 “*ALL FLYERS NOT NECESSARILY DELIVERED TO ALL HOMES Real Estate New Homes ahve Ribfest fal home deliery& customer sevice cal 905-621-6098, 5200 Harvester Rl, Bungon ssubseribe online Mirrors *Dressers ¢End Tables «Coffee Tables eNight Stands «Mirrors oat Work FURNITURE uOUIDATOR

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