Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Record, 22 Apr 1926, p. 8

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lL \ rl - ‘ schedule, ete. Inspector J MM. eeey of Milton, was in town last Tu * i - Major K. D. Marlatt sniled lust week for England and the continent on a business trip. . Fleuty has accepted a po- for that city te ake Mrs. Raby, at aeahie Arm, B.C., her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Stephens. = s LJ Mr. A. Y. Wilson and son, Fred, who are at present in Mian, Fla., “are expected home on May 9th. . . LJ Members of the choir of St. John’s United Cflurch will be enter- tained tomorrow evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wil- son, Colborne street east. . LJ A. I. Wales, Niagara Fal's, New York, visited among friends jn town last week. Mr. Wales is assistant manager of a Loblaw’s store in Nia- gara Falls. mee of her many . The good wishes friends are extended to Mrs. James’ Bond and her family of three simall children, on the eve of her depar- ture for England, where she will in future make her home. Mrs. Bond is spending a few days with friends and relatives in Bronte ard Wood- stock and sails from Montreal! on the = inst. Miss Georgios is the guest of Miss Helen Arundel a ‘Ge of Torcnto. | Mrs. Frank Hornbrodk, o: Mon- treal, is’ visiting with her" mother, Mrs. Thomas Wright. - Mrs. William Waters, of Toronto, who front her recent rscrious opera om ng a cou- ple, of Pike ho home of Mr. and Mrs. William Galbraith. nell 11 bah SE Sct Wordly. “REBUILDING The Suruat nthe the Rebeccas have put over in a season ox social treats was given at the euchre and dance on Tuesday evening when nearly one Hundred Rebecens, Odd- fellows and their friends ¢ mprised the happy throng which taxed the Lodge Hall to capacity. Mra, E. Snowball, Mrs. Rewers, Miss May Rylie, E. Snowball, Alfred Hughes, T. H. Madden and A. Lofquvist cup- tured prizes at the euchre. Refresh- ments were served prior to dancing. os . . Mise Helen Arundel of Oakville entertained at bridge on Saturday evening in honor of Miss Frances Ross of Quebec. The guests were: Misses Georgina Gooch, Lois Fur- ness, Catherine Cooper, Ethelwy:. Young, Audrey Bedlington, Jesse MacNeil, Honor Grant, Nellie Ed- wards, Edith Baillie} Margaret Avio- strong,. Marjorie Kilgour, Mary Doty,.Meéssrs. Ray Manbert, Parker Boothe, Lawrence Grant, George Doty, Jack Earl, Christie Arnstronz Max Wyndham, Paul Jack Brummell, Stanley Braund, Billy Meikle, Herbert Chisholm. es BALL TEAMS ORGANIZE At a highly enthusiastic meeting of representatives from churches in this district “Wt Bronte on Tucsday night, it was decided to form o Lake- shore Inter-church Softball League. Representatives were -present from nine churthes—Trinty United and St. Luke's Angli Burlington; =t. me Press ferian Angle? of Oak- John's United: and St. Jude's ville; Appleby United; Palermo butt- ed and St. Luke's Anglican, Valer- mo, and Walton Memorial at Bronve.! The League was arranged to ve composed of two sections, one for boys’ teams and one for mixed teams —boys and girls.. There wiil be no age limit and all are eligible who are members of the Sunday School, foung People’s Society or Church “>A working management committee was appointed: Hon. Pres., Rev. G. W. Moore; pres., W. N. Gilbert, of | Bronte; vice.-pres., E. Darlington, | Palermo; sec.-treas., H. Merry, of Oakville, and an execuiive to bh composed of one representative [rom each church. The president called a mecting for next Tuesday evening to be ield in the Walton Memorial Church, at Bronte, for the purpose of making rules and regulations, drawing up a It is expected that there will be a trophy provided for each league. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED—Lady would like room and board ‘for summer, near lake, or on farm. State particulars and lowest terms. Box 12, The Oakville Re WANTED — Cook genernl ‘for small house, sleep in. rite siat- ing wage and previous =xperience to Mr. Burden, 8th line, Oakville. plé WANTED — Experienced cook general, Apply Mrs. K. D. Marlatt, Bond Street, Oakville. Phone $23. LOST—A brown fox fur on Rey- nold, Randall or Allan streets. Find- er please leave at the Record Office. Rew FOR RENT—Six acres of fruit dand about, two acres in Thimbleber- ries; also apples, cherries, etc., all in good condition, close to town, Phone 732. FOR SALE—Hen-house, 46° ft. long, by 10ft. wide, 4 divisions. Apply to Mra. J. S. McDuffee, Deug- las Ave., before noons. elé. FOR SALE—$50 buys Ford Teur- ing, in gobd running condition, nev top and side curtains, test year slip covers and good tires. Phone 172W ALE. Luker, Dean avenue, - FOR SALE—A 7 = Mc- iforiie | top. ig 8 A for same. pply Palmer avenue, George Burnell, Oakville FOR SALE — Asparagus plants, Mary Washington variety—-32 per \ compare it with any other , 100 or $15 per 1000. RYRIE| FD “type of tubes, pugardiase of racine * FARM, Lakeshore East. j Riviere eee oor igus te kelate poi oven: For. SALE—Rhode Island Reds, Je Comb White Legh Age cockerels ‘and pulle:s, plendid: "legs fortahng for pl6|« om hatching | STORY OF YPRES LIVES | AGAIN ON THE SCREEN} Now, show the folks what you méan when | you say those dumb words, “machine gun,” “bomb,” “pill box.’ Now, fathérs, sisters, old Zolks, you will understand the marks like the welt of unseen whips that He upon the souls of your men who were soldiers. “Ypres” is a great motion picture because4t points no moral. [ft shows the plain, stark horror of war. It shows the simple, flaring glory of war, It must have been un simost irresistible temptation to the assem- blers of this great war picture not to introduce a veiled and mysterious figure to go brooding through these scenes and so make the photoplay an anti-war epic; or to introduce a sym- ‘bolic and valiant shade thut would | make it a militaristic fiery cross. _ “Ypres” consists of two kinds of ‘esels, The makers were given ac- jcess to the official war records films rea snd they were given by the British war office 850 troops of various arms to use on the plains of Alder- hot to reconstruct the twenty or more undying episodes in the war history of the Ypres Salient. which un unimaginative G.H.Q failed to have filmed on the spot. “Ypres” has no hero and nw plot. It consists of eight reels of unadorn- .ed and unconnected rtory—unton- nected sive by the fact that British, Canadian, Australian, French, Sene- galese and Belgian took over from oné another through four long years of the bloodiest warfare that was waged on any part of the long front “Ypres” is being shown az the regory on Monday and Tuesday, April 26 and 27, with a specis] mat- Ince on Tuesday at 4.1% What Will y¥ f saneving to . : ; Temadi ied by — “2. 30 P, M.—Sunday School KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sgt ived WALLIS. Akko Cyril sess F.C.C.O., A.T.C.M.—Organist and Choir Leader Bandas, April 25th, 1926 7 P.M.—Public Worship. Subject “GREAT TRUTHS OF THE BIBLE—JUSTIFICATION” EVENING ORGAN RECITAL Subject: THE WALLS” and Bible Class. Piece Herroiq cia! Symphony Schubert Will O° th Wisp Nevin Wales of, Hota Zu Offenbach wo Moveusacs Concerto in G Minor ...cscccs-e ae k Miss Maraces Paul, A.T, C.M., You are Cordially Welcome to All Services in this Church. r France assisting artist 9 “the piano, ST. JOHN’S United Church of Canada Rev. J. H. McBAIN, M.A, Minister | i Wy ndliam, | } | { } old gravel crushers, y-u can| pst | ranged for delegates, went for his organ recital on Sunday {struments is enjoyed so thoroughly | Moss has chosen numbers for the or- ance. “Sunday, April 25th 11 AM.— ea “THE LIFE OF FAITH” 23.0 P.M:—Sunday - School, 7 PM— “HEAVEN” The A. Y. PAL will entertain at+ cards next Monday night, An in-} vitution is extended. ; j Mrs. W .H. Tuck was elected ys! secretary of Missionary Monthly at. the meeting in Hamilton of the pres-' bytery of the W.M:S. of the United Church for Wentworth ard South Halton. Pa ri ee wee ~The first annual congreyational j meeting of St. John's United Church will be held in Lusk Hall on Wed- nesday evening, April 28, 21 S p.m. A review of the past year's work will be given and extensive piana for the oncoming year will receive ¢onsid- eration. Right Hon. D. T. Oweis, ‘Lishop| * of Niagara, administered the rite of Confirmation for the first time on “HRISTIAN SCIENCKY |], SOCIETY of OAKVILLE Subject, pers April 25. “PROBATION AFTER DEATH” Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m (2nd and 4th Wednesdays) Including Testimonies of Heal- ing through Christian Science You are cordially invited to at- tend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room (Open Tues, and Fri., 3-5 p.m.) where the Bible and all author- || ized Christian Science litera- ||| ture may be read, borrowed or ol 2 eee GREGORY THEATRE “WOMAN HANDLED” = Starring the ever popular Richard Dix. COMEDY—"DOG DAYS”—With Our Gang. Hodge Podge—‘‘Earth’s Other Half" MONDAY and TUESDAY — April 26 and 27 é¢ 39 The story of the Immortal Salient, produced by British In- structional Films, passed and approved by His Majesty's Army Council, COMEDY—“GOOFY GOB" FOX NEWS Special petty on Tuesday at 4.15 Two shows each night at 7.30 and 9.15. Prices, mutinee, l6c and 25c, night 25c and 55¢ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — April 28 and “THE PRICE OF PLEASURE” Starring Virginia VaMi and Norman Kerry. Chapter 11 of the “Fighting Ranger. Comedy “Cupid's Victory” VAUDEVILLE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 COMING—“The Pony Express”, “The | # Fool’, “Irene” with Col- leen Moore, “That Royle Girl”, che Merry Widow" Pb oe ee, © ' Two shows every nignt at 7.30 and 9.15. Matinee every Satur- day at 2.30, Prices, matinees 10c and 20c, nichts 15¢ und 25c " unless otherwise announced. A000 eon ne eee eee ee HILLMER BROS. BATTERY SERVICE Agents for the long-lived Exide Car and Radio Batteries: Batteries Recharged—Called for’ and Delivered FOR BETTER RADIO RECEPTION USE EXIDES CHURCH NOTES eandidates received Confirmation at St. Jude's Church Burlington, on Tuesday night. The Siget Rev, Bishop Owen administer-; ed the spastolic Shan Thirty-seven = | THe Very Rev. Dean Broujhall | recently created dean of the Angli-| wi diocese of Niagara and rector | of Christ’s Church Cathedra!, Ham-| iiton, will recgive from Trinity Col-| Sunday afternoon at Ridley college, when the: school chaplain, Rev. W.!; F. Wallace, M.A., presented 35 can-| didates. The musiéal portion of the service was under }the direction of | S. G. Bett, the school organist. . . -e, The last en of the Board of | Directors of the Book and Publish- ing House of the Methodist Church at Toronto recently, showed the iust year’s turnover of business was.one of the largest in the history of the Book Room and ageregiated-$1,067,- 130.70, an increase of $181,471, 61 over the previous year. Bishop Owen, of the Diocese of Niagara, officiating at confirmation in Christ's Church Cathedral, Ham- ilten, on Sunday, announced that the assistant rector, Rev, F. BH. Wase, had been appointed to be rector of George’s Church, Georgetown, to succeed Rev. M. PB. Mayes, re- cently appointed to Niagara Falie. s The Annual Provincial Meeting of the Women's Missionary Society cf the Presbyterian Chur¢h ir Canada will be held in St. Paul's Presbyter- jan Church (Bathurst) Toronto, on April 27, 28 and 29. An interesiing program has been arranged in which many prominent speakers wil! take part. Railway rates has becn ar- Moss has another Mr. muricul ovening cate Knox. Miss ee “aul will assist in orgka and piano | duets and ag this combinaticn of in- gan-thateshould encourage attend- 4 s. . The Dovercourt Songster Brigade, one of the largest and moet efficient- : opportunity of hearing them. . el day morning and evening serv will be held at 11 and 7 Sie aati in e S.A, | Gregory Theatre at 8.15 p.m. lege today, the honorary degree nf Doctor of Divinity, the only one be-| ing conferred. Dean Broughall, who} was a former rector, of St. Jude's, is an M.A. of Trinity Collece, and nad a very distinguished academic cureer K has been announced that Rev. G. . Luxton, rector for the past two yours at St. Patrick’s Anglican Church, Guelph, on May 16 will re- linuish his charge to become assist- ant to Rev. Canon Broughall. ‘Boys and Girls . -This Handsome First Aid Kit Given Away FREE year hundreds of thou- ating sands of boys and girls the United Sates and etic enrolled in the Bauer & Black Junior First Aid Again this year the opportu- ecb peuaaes cobs ls who saapatoot out cage Eee cap ie will receive a - some First Aid Kit, a member- ship button and a First Aid Handbook. $10,000.00 will be given away in awards. One grand ip award of $1,000.00 will be given and 475 boys and girls y teceive $10.00 gold pieces. Join now! You may be « winner. AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE “A GOOD PLACE TO DEAL” Colborne: Street - Corner Dunn Phone 650 - Howse 651 % urchased, and periodicals sub- i paren cot pr aanramaad Telephone 9 - - Colborne St. News Building, Dunn Street. = PRES ES Sa see in) a S ANNOUNCEMENT AON Madame Duncan is celebrating her - Tenth Anniversary of Hair Dressing and Beauty Culture by openin up-to-date Beauty Shop on Colborne Street, in the Gulledge Block, oppo- site ‘Hewson’: Grocery”. 2 The opening will take place Wednesday morning, st 9 o'clock, April 2 ; Everything done in the line of Beauty Culture. Hair goods made up to order, Ladies~of town and strrounding district are invited to come in and take advantage of the special prices offered during the, opening week Present phone number 327 * ow fs A. H. THOMAS AUTO ELECTRICAL SPECIALIST Colborne Street, Oakville -—; Just East of My Old Stand. Storage Batteries recharged and repaired. New Batteries at a saving Starter and "Blectrical Repairs. Generator, RADIO! Proper Radio Battery Charging is ony possible on a Multi- panel charging set, You will find it her Practical Experience with eu Equipment ! OAKVILLE’S FIRST BATTERY SHOP PROCLAMATION Pursuant to a resolution of the Council ere, Daylight- saving in Mooi tec from May 2nd, 1926, at 2 o Stptember 19th, 1926 a.m., ereby request all etree oe the Town of Oakville ms ‘advance their clocks one hour, makirg Daylight- Saving effective May 2nd, 1926. W. N. ROBINSON, Mayor. Oakville, April 20th, 1926. 3s NOTICE! ned shnwal meeting of the Traf. Agricult held in the Council Cham en ea Gntarie, -m., for the e ep vecton o 23 _ The po hagyawed it te Shera of evening, April 27, 1926, at Bit 15° pose 0 oh ps erage the financial statement. ah ers will take place and other business transac ( L. H. ypc . Secretary-Treasurer, in eee shat or WTS im oe he a ee aaiabieel

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