» } a 7 . a 4 : li J vr wy eS SS aN ac Ae ee ee gy Local AND SOCIAL| tein. John Whitaker Na heen eon- fined to the house this week suffering from a bad cold: Mrs. A. E.: Gibson of Yorkton, Sask. -is-visiting with her-aunt, 20 i W. T. Brown, Randal St. Mr, and-Mrs: (feorge Sullivan. ef Orangeville visitedthe latter's father, E. H. Gulledge, on Sunday. Miss Dolly Worslin has returned to the. Hamilton General hospital to undergo a second goitre operation. Mrs. Nelson King and Mrs. A. Lofquist represented the Oxkville lodge of the Daughters of Rebekah in convention this week. The large garage and a room’ to the rear of the Fitzgerald building, on Robinson street, are oceupied as additional wookroam and office by the Oakville Die Casting Cv,, whose headquarters are on Wilson street. The A.M.E. garden party, announc- ed for July 1st, has been postponed owing to a conflict af close dates. and will be held on Saturday, July 18, on the chureh grounds. A good program has been * arranged. and you're all invited. Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Read of New Vork were quests at the parental heme of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Read last week, Mrs. Ponl Read was a bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Beatrice Crocker of Toaronte to—Dr. Pelham Glazier of New York. OF 40 entrance class candidates in the Oakville Centyal school, 20 have been aad on their record, leaving 31 te try their exam. hy writing Principal R. F. Sanderson is thus keepitz tp his splendid record for passing entrance pupils. Knox Prealivterian Cliurch is hold- ing their annual geirden party on Thursday, June 25, at the home of Mrs. W. R. Adamson, Dundas St. There will be afternoon tea and sale “of home cooking from 4 to 5.40 p.m. Re cure and not miss the supper, which will be served from.6 to § p. m. at We. a plate. Visit the follow- ing booths: Faney work and novel- ties, knitting, plain sewing, fishpond. candy. ice cream and soft drinks, The Oakville Riding and Polo Club ehose sides last Saturday at Glen- eairn Farm and held a red-hot prac- tice, entering into the eport with all the energy of a championship ame. Then the participants, members and friends hied them to W. Harland Smith’s farm, seventh line, where they had tea. At the St. Andrew's church garden party, to he held on the presbytery grounds on Thursday, July 2, the fol- lowing high-class talent will take part in the program : Elair Ronse, refin- ed-comedy, songs and stories: Perey Thivid, comedian; Mazie Allan, sing- er ond dancer; Tom WHamilton, Sestrh comedian; Dorothy Fielding. accordion. b-4b-e. The anniversary services of St. John’s Tnited Sunday school were held an Sanday morning Inst. The platform iad flowers and eanaries artisties|ly arranged, and the = ing af the birds added to the joy of the occasion, The retiting min- ister, Rev. J. W. Magwood, owas in ehoaree, nesisted hy SiS, Supt. Tr- ven Fell. Features of iy service were ‘he repeating of the 2rd, Psalm by Fraueis Lush: naming the apos- thes hv Wendy Auld, and the baptism of the infant danghter of Mr. and Mre, Trven Fell. On Sundav- Mr. Magwesd announced he would eon- elnde his pastorate of St. John’s churel on Sunday. June 28, ae that his sneeessor, Rev. D. AH. Gallagher. would arrive in Oakville on July 2 and be inducted on July 3% Sports ye Perey Page is taking his Edmon- ton Grads to Burope and will detrain at Toronto on June 23, then leave by motor to see eastern Ontario, ‘ * * * * Perey still bus a lot of friends and some old high school mates inOak- ville who would be glad to just say “Helio, Perrys: at him: Oakville ball team will play at New Toronto this evening. * * Mr, General Public seems to think one Joe Louis will make a punching bar out of Max Schmeling tonight. Then the punching bag might swing back on him as they have been known to do. * * + * New Toronto will play the Oakville ball team here on Saturday, and the Dundees go to Port Credit. * * » Port Credit ball team play at Oak- ville next Wednesday evening. = * * * * Three pitchers on each side had a workout in the baseball game here last Saturday between the Dundees of Toronto und Onkville. * * = Tt was a field day for the town hovs—a day -of-over-the-fence home runs. * * * * Larry Wilson did the trick in the first and again in the third. then, Curter repeated in the fourth. * Fletcher started on the mound for Dundees, but he dropped out in the second frame, to be succeeded by Pallock (not Tack from Bronte), and he in the courts by Taylor. + * * ut they all Wokat alike te their opponents that day and the score kept piling up. * * * Oakville started Anron who was working effectively, Then Barney Marsh stepped up—it really looked queer to see him in-an Oakville unt form—and he proved he had Jost none of his old-time prowess. Barney pave war to “Dee” Galbraith’in the eighth to give him a workout. ” The pitchers had a spite at Doug. Wilson, apparently, as he was struck hard by the ball twiee. Then Har- vey Lyon got a hard one in the ribs, Fred Green and Maurice Fell umpired the game like a pair of pro- fessionals. * “hh * The score by innings tells the tale: $4567.89 s000010—6 533911160 x—I7 * * + cutee 1 Dundees ....0 3 Oakville Be be Oakville cricketers had a good win over Toc, H at Varsity camps on Saturday. Oakville had to take the field first on this game, and it looks as if they prefer to know how many runs they have to get, Toc. H found tlie bowling. too good to take liber- ties with, Wiffen’s firet 4 overs were maidens Warren, wha went in first. Was seventh out, batting for over one and a-half-hours for 20, The ground was fast, but the fielding was very bowled against Toe. TW, only 51 were hit for runs. and only 4 of those reached the bonndary. The innings lasted exactly 2 hours for 82 rune. « * - * Fred Shaw and Tarlor started for Oakville and immediately went after that 82 and put on 40 before being narted. Shaw being the first to go. Tavlor following his 9 runs Ister. job Muerae and Gran. Morris then earried tle seore on almost to the winning point, Morris leaving at 78 and Macrae at 80, Wiffen and Pul- len then had o merry time carrying ‘thé improvement being made to the and taking first base forced ina rux 4 * * #£ + f S| day with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs, keen on Oakville’s part. Of 249 balls} . Main Street Facts, Figures, Stories Ceritred Around Colborne St., Oakville Gregory Theatre - OAKVILLE - In making the necessary alierations | board. to W. H. Morden’s red building on | Office, datl’s tannery for Braun's welding shop and- Ri@sey’s blacksmith shop, the original drop letter slot of the Colborne street to the west of Ken- | =————7 7p ves Furniture, Dishes, Household if i ne 520 first postoflice in Oakville was cut out, The timber was about 4x10 inches of pine and the wood was as solid is wood could be, although the postofiice] was erceted in P84), just 106 vears Outboard Motorboat,. 15-ft, Cedar, Peterborough, sell or trade on anys thing. Phone 420, ago. Fire Chief Alf. Hillmer got possession of this historical relie of the town’s earliest days and will keep it as @ curio, * a J Consult Madame Ko-Ko, +} Catborne St. One of the workmen emploved at Savoy restaurant on Tuesday slipped wood plant and tub over on the walk. No harm done. * * * Three squirrels were having a gay time on the ledge. at Dan MeDer- mett’s shop on Monday morning. Many of the town’s squirrels are as tame as kittens. This is the migratory season A school tenehers, judging from tH) advts. in the daily papers. A.M.E. tag-day on Saturday, In this ease the money raised stays where it is needed, right at home. Wm. MeDonald, of the Onkville high school staff, has been presiding as examiner at Appleby school this week, The LOD. will held a garden tea at the home of Mrs. Caleb Reene eormer Colborne and See mid atreets on Saturday afternoon, II, Dy Lambert oft Newmarket on Tuesday was eleeted governor of dis trie “A” of the Lions International iethe organization convention ft Ot tiwi, The-engagenient is announced. of Miss Helen Turner, daughter of Mrs, A. P. Turner of Toronto, formeriy of Gloucester Road, Oakville, to Covert Massie. the wedding to take jlace this month. Mr. and Mrs. W. Duck, of Dixie, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Saunders, of Hamilton, and Mr, and. Mrs. J. An- erson, of Palermo, visited on Sun- J. Saunders, Stewart street. The engagement is announced of Ann Doris Mary. daughter of Mrs, Husband and the late Warry W. Hushand of Oakville. to Mr. Stifiley Nelson Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neleon F.*Lawrenece, Sheridan, Ontario. The marriage to take place the end of June. Continuing the 50th anniversary of Wesley Church, a lawn social and coneert will be held at Snider's Cor- ners on Tuesday, June 23rd. Tea served from 6 to 9 o’clock, D.S.T, Football game between Sheridan and Wesler,..8_.0’clock,— I -H.—Cameron, humarist,_and Toronto soloists, Ad- mission oh cents. the score to 118 before Pullen left. Wiffen left at 180 and at 189° Sam Shaw and Don Macrae decidéd to ret tire. Onkville’s innings had lasted one wid three-quarter hours. ; *- * & Next Saturday Oakville play Bed- ford Park at Wanless Park, Toronto: * » * + Tom Pullen went after the lee ba le in good style, Gordon Morris was good in his place at mid-off. Mr. Wells got in a great amount of work at aquane leg. Reid Townsley is rret- tine quite a thrill playing with the team. from a step-ladder and rolled a box- |: Seyen-roomed house, all freshly de- All conveniences. $30.00. Apply > Gordon Slater, son of Mr. and Mrs. THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY — JUNE 18, 19 and 20 “SHE COULDN’T TAKE IT” romantic comedy, co-starring George Raft and Joan Bennett, Gang. Comedy_—“ANNIVERSARY TROUBLES” Seenic—“Beautiful Banff and Lake Louise” FOX NEWS Chapter 1—“THE LOST JUNGLE*—with Clyde Beatty, world famous anima! trainer. Saturday miatinee. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — JUNE 22, 23 and 4 “ANNIE OAKLEY”’ sharpshooting star of Buffalo Bill's Wild West, she could split a <ifd at fifty paces, or break a heart at d@ hundred, starring Barbara Slanwyck. Comedy—*HOT MONEY.” Cartoon—*FLOWERS FOR MADAME” Coming— “Professional Soldier” with Freddie Bartholomew and Victor McLagien. During the Daylight Saving Period the shows sgart at 8 and 10 Mondays to Fridays. Saturday matinee 2.50; night, 7.45 and 9.45, in passing his second year in arts at Corporal Ts Ewing avd Sig- camp school at Niagara-on-the-Lake. memory of the fifty-five members of |}serving., A spe the cel ai | Baud. Mie: Biihie Eaton is on 1 visit to fhe annual-Mother and Daughter her sistetr, Mrs. Maurice Brown, inj banquet of the W.ALS. of St. John’s London, Eng, United church was held on Friday, Delegates to the Oddfellows’ grand 6.30 in Lusk hall. Mfrs, A. NN. lodge convention from Oakville are} Burns, mt inka of the Dominion Arvid Skoog and Charles Ford. Bourd, of Toronto, was guest speak- The flowers on the altar of St.Jer. Members of si Young Women’s Jude's ¢hurch on Sunday were in| Evening Ausilia sssisted with the table was ar- Woman's Auxiliary who have] ranged for members of the Mission and had resided in Onkville es MOTHER MAKE SURE YOUR O K CHILDS EYES ARE Now that the children have started back to school it is a godd time to see that their eyes are in-goodcondi- tion, J. R. BYERS has all of the latest appliances to assore you of receiving the bestiof satisfaction. Years of experience are a guarantee that your chiidren will receive the proper glasses where they are mécessary. For an appointment call ‘ BYERS DRUG Co. Phone 47 Colborne Street NOW’ is the time to H — poses un- —and cave t maatern ‘Stoel at Sole Canedion manufacturers and distri. buton of Jemernway poultry equipment, Factories also at Toronto and Montreal PIANOS | AS OLD AS THE HILLS Made Like New The Cost is Not Great PIANO TUNING, ACTION REGULATING, KEY POLISHING : AND GENERAL REPAIRS (over 25 years practical experience) Violins and all stringed Instruments_Regulated and Repaired. Violin Bow Rehairing, Repairs, ete. ‘H. Wheeler P.O. Hox, 984 Phone 24, Milton Made from the “purest DELIVERED DAILY Guaranteed Service FORD’S BUY Your old tires are your down payment All brand new 1936 fully Guaranteed TIRES ON TIME STIRLING-DYNES Phone 800 - - Oakville TRADE IN YOUR OLD | STOVE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE CAMP STOVES Are you wanting a STOVE for the camp ? Call in and see our supply of Used Coleman Gasoline Stoves, Perfection Oil Stoves and small Wood Stoves Coal Oil Heaters, from - $ 2.00 Coal Oil Ovens, from -. $ 2.50 Coal Oil Water Heaters, from $12.50 CAMP BEDS Anything in Beds and Mattresses ata LOW PRICE Double Deckers, two ne Mattresses ies = ; m = $9. 50 $6.00 Beds Complete, “New Mattress” any size, from ; ; : OAKVILLE POSTOFFICE - Phone 520