4 7 # PAGE 10 Daly Journal-Record, Monday, January 16, 1967 Get the pastor's firethanit $< coamaeet and prayerful guidance, | > * o with respect to your desperately ot . urgent impulse to somehow res- * Sou : cs MARY HAWORTH’ S MAIL eee Crna tat ox | MEAN You BOUGHT) AUCTION SALE THE AUCTIONEERS KEPr TERE. ery ALL THAT STUFF . Dear Mary Haworth: I am 50|Should I get a job? Sometimes risk that if and when your hus poor hat Fra gies ot es” aE ASKING POR J-¥~ MODDING -and my husband is 53. Bo eer he takes me too much| band’s brothers wakens to the Having talked with your pas- s HIS HEAD! drinks; and when he fs drink-| for sapere I've told him often | truth of what's been going on, tor, then put your cards on the Ee EI ing he is mean to me. Worse, | that I would leave him if he| he may be murderousiy angry table with your husband. Teli ) ie ; - he is having an affair with his|ever saw that worman again. | about it. ‘And his wife and —| lim, in effectythat if he sneak- it fs brother's wife. I know for ‘sure. | But then I let him talk me out| or your husband may suffer vio- visits “that woman” ever again, {tT ey ‘ Still he tells me he loves me| of it, with his promises of ° “never lence at his hands, belore and you learn of it, you wil/ GQ j1}/ 2, and couldn't live without me.| again.” So I forgive und stay regains prudent sclf control. | immediately file suit for separ- + / This I don’t believe. He says I} His ones operates dhe Even so, it is my view that| 2! tenance in your present i wm ‘ am everything he could wish|of business and my husband) as a matter of personal decency. domicile, on grounds of his in-\faq [F ras} for. But if 30, why is be doing| slips seat to see ion when} you. cannot continue to laut fidelity. In the cided name ° ig these things? he's not home. Should Ihave} back in your husband's scanda- as his part- } = She managed a cafe before|a showdown? I am in desperate | Jo ner in - gon you + us defilement of his brother's y she married into the family. neal of advice, Please answer] marriage. As of today, you are simply don't intend to put up She had bmken up several | soon. a conspirator in his wrong doing ith, whitewash or be a blind homes before. ; R.S.| when you aive it the cover ot ger. their misbehavior any lon-| rE~ = has vowed-to stop| SEEMS ESSENTIAT. . your silent | a , : ane yaa ds and go to church. For| Dear R.S.: Yes, | think you] that his ath a i : WHAT a few ths he did; and 1 should “have a sherdewn, I] of the ugly tae how | gout GRE, TURN TIDE _AeSPPENED TO YOUR Les? N Your WATER. PAN! believe with all my heart that| terms of openly washing yOUr) Gey PASTORA ice hs teeter io live oP he was a changed man, Now I| hands of your hustand’s intoler-| ~ Reeause of the : tal outlook. -be prepared to live up doubt that he will ever change. | ably sord rdid raivcenduct with bis} oived, 1 think morta ra in-| to it, according to your word. WIFE WON'T LEAVE brother's wife under the latter's | Cues the sit nk you should dis-) When you mean whal you say.) Q, I've never worked! in business. Y tenes, respi ao know | your apa will get se Bites S ; Ms sAinica stor, in! unmistabicably, and the shock o always Ftayed home. There is, nf course, & Serio en confidential confessional-lype| your resolution may crase his |G intntly st sree re ecg precipitating a; interest in-his brother's wife. C9 WINNING CONTRACT © ia aan By HOWARD SCHENKEN | TV I ISTINGS ’ ost declarers instinctively|is that this shows # five - card | count their quick losers before | spade suit at the same time that WGR — TV — Buffalo (2) WKBW — TV — Bullalo (7) - starting to plan a suit contract. jit shows a club suit, for wii! WBEN — TV — Buffalo (4) CFIO — TV — Toronto (9) | only four spades the natural op CBLT — TV — Toronto (6) “HCH — TV — Hamilton (11) | | ening woult he one elt ! Val: UN TH i» As the bidding we a N ‘orth re MON ‘ | MONDAY 45 4—Dick Van D Tee os . Both 4J82° alized: that bis points micat not eyenke €—Girt From Say ALI Re | a) Ot LOOK, \ SOMEBODY BUILT A ONLY MOVES FROM 910643 ‘| be worth full weight, and cor- 6:00 U.N.C.L.E. d—Magistr e's ne ‘ Seen NOD UP ie Be ee pts OAQE6S rectly stopped in the spade par- 4—News, Weather, 12:00 Court | Ghai ON OUD UNCLE } bed ogh tebe beaten l 3 ate . 1l—Mystery Theater 11:33 N PoRcH/ oh 52 6—Gilligan's Island 12:30 6—News <= WEST rst “When West Jed a diamond, de- sda or 1—Night Life TUESDAY aAT74 g si counted his quick losers | 1)_wews, Weather Afternoon = 9085 972 aaa no more than three— 30 TUESDAY QQ ©1073 198 two black aces and perhaps a! 2—News Morning Pe thes = 2 * diamond, Bebe = probably mis-| 4-New ] 6:30 4_News ae A107 4_ $98) [3h came, partner.” announced | 1° o—Ne “pena 2—Window on the cel Ae aad a ¥ ' — . ra Des South, fieuiing the diamond ee — 4—Holiday 6—Luncheon Dats - OAK queen. sNews. ‘Weather, Se ieihe #—Toronto | Today oO - East took the king and return- ii fiw : Sports te Li: 052 ed a trump, West playing ace sp oi : one House *#kKQ63 _ }and another. A club, from the o—Pamily Affair sa vetacen conta The bidding: table went to South's king and | }!—GHlizan’s Island spe 2—Merv" Grittin - Went West's ace, When West returned Sr ee en 2-Today blll Aneta Bt 14 Pass “1N-Ts Pane a third trump, declarer was left "1:25 4—News |. H—It's A Match ae pag 26 z kee with only eight tricks—one short. | &—Sports Mar phlei of the ig | Be AM Pass If South had followed the re-| 2—Monkee She 7:05 m Gus 3; in| NO ONE BUT UNCLE STARR \f lcommended drill — count win- Gilligan's Talend -:|- + “Tes, 2-News AND KILDARE KNOW WHERE]. Lae | 4 M Opts : : Opening lead: Diamond four tacking eehato was ogc Sutil ee ;—Employment File iss (Hamers sy TREASURE 1S. AY 2 - = c —tror *) i 7:30 | uncheor | DUCA THAT would have seen that he had on- Sotcine “Bau } re ‘ eee asey ss fe ms COMEWHERE IN THE ring | 7—Roc ‘i c | Cautious players go a step fur- ly eight sure tricks. Realizing net ae geecine aaa Tearly | M—Mavie =o YUCATAN PENINSULA ther and cout ide ae that a club ruff might be need- | eats L—Schaitze! Hou “ed 1:38 fa inners, ed. declarer show!d put up the | = Mr “Territic 2—Let's Make A io INFORMATION : diamond ace and piay a club) 4—Captain Kangaroo ‘oid \ood eancte esse ara On North's on: re- | immediately. | Sent od Lead at Sepak tw WHEST EREY TO South th could t have ve tad ei-| Both vulnerable, Su opens 4—Luicille Ball Piety ogteca scaast hd ep aong Ber cm te tmp ase rk Re A dead eee led 5 OUR MONEY re two spades w 10 2 H: Qi 107 D: O42 '¢c: oA eb det 1=Dialing For Dollars | 2— Days Of Our Lives | = KLOARES TOYING have been too conservative). ‘ang K 6 3. What should he bid? For ss Oconslensl aa 4, 6—Password a =| ‘advantage of bidding two clubs! answer, see tomorrow's hand. | §~ rel ee oe hen : “Prudden tenia “aed } 7 Felon Seer ea Ares Li tie aa i s=poctors. t | $—Country Music ittle ‘ pecple OUR ata 5 Trr HINTS I Hall as cliente tt Street | 11—Petticoat 2—Jack tata : eam Girl Junetion 4 Love -oto:Lile §—People in Conflict | | 4. 2:35 By JOSEP! .OLNER, M.D | 4—New Christy Cea wade! | ‘ 7 i: | r | Minstrels 10:00 2—Another Worla | fT we. eumereao! | wT per we rwo!| _ i i= .r WIN, “| |SomeTimes Dear Dr, Molner: For several; ance. It is precisely the same_ bags de A aig hae For The 4—To Tell The | AY can HELP -{ cou LARS I Can't el Beni ri Give voultls TRAC end te years I have had an_ allergy} as treatment for hay fever ex-}!—Mery Griffin varigit Camera ¢—Taxe 30 | ies ead SiNdedc oes J LF yl) MONEY-MAD which appears to be rose fever.| cept that different extracts @re| 2_Run For Your es adian Schools 7—General- Hospital -| B as It occurs mostly from May to| used. Given carefully, the injec-| | Life Phesaane ewe and Music | mid-July, and this last year it) tions are unlikely “involve side | 4—To “rel ape Truth | 11—Ed Allen = Confidential 4 : was worst of all. effects. The injections should te &= eee 2 Sera teee ree 3:25 qo My physician says that statis- | started well before the season} 7—Big Valley = : leas | tics show that one out of three | involved. Hence you should not) , _»., 19:38 £--Concentration 2—You Don't Sayt = I cases become asthmatic delay the tests and freamnients] Se a Secret Heveriy uae A-Euge_Ot Night 1) if not properly alge to prepare for the 1967 season. | 9—This Land Is A elaaiey Oot T te aera ee oe I have used Fea mera much too} ies a—TV Bingo hr fonldonat ioe) strong a wo to use with se! ; li—Morning Time 4 much. My ad & enthee vere allergies. If you are wise, > Weather, Sports ee 2—Mike Dowel as M po relief and| YOU Will avoid as well as you| © t-News, Weather ee ‘- feels ries of tests can any plants to which you are e-News Matches and ~Cor vn cate a to be sensitive. Exposure Mat Bot Lave, Lacs be made to establish h eam 6—View point + Rure ‘Gritnith H—Super Comics 4 actly what I am allergic to, and ‘ enough. to touch off, an- 6—Butternut Square 4—Moev 730 I tak inj sities attack may set you back Skiing Fin Stein | 7— Suiits thet 6 Mad. Ra : tions during the allergy season. that much of your desinsitiz- go Soke tr And Mra o—Movie What is your opinion? If tests tine will have to be begun all l—Pierre. Berton i—aMike Douglas U—Zorre, prove it to be rose fever Nit ih ene ati em 6—Movie dial ron Sy pASsy) 4 ever.) In any event, you probably| 2—Johnny Carson S—Emergency j—Laramie ho} wee } aoe Seat Aneel Ahi will find it wise to continue 4—Movie mee ll-Movie C3 CARED SO MUCH! 4 oyed here some of the desensitization (or : 2 Holltwo i ; What re case ther Of} tolerance building) each ver S—Court Martial Sante ‘euic Hop. > ee a ae ‘es ae : for a number of years. It is well , A cel- | worthwhile in terms of comfort ln Take fe Seems.Yoe| an health CROSSWORD = mi rs ing as to when to have the in-| Note to S. M.: I'm familiar} -- , oe jections. Did he say “during the| with the cod liver oil notion and ACROSS DOWN = 22. Weary, zi allergy, season,” or before thatthe theory that it lubricates} 1+ Fathera: 1, Authority with © season? _ arthritic joints, but there is not colloq. _ 2. Swiftly tedium CQ It's true that many people|an jota of evidence that i 6. Marks of 3. Strange 23. Golden with allergies de-| works. Aci j are not! wounds 4. Land velop ese The ering de- | hatmful for arthritis. il. Ser measures pend on severe ne 5. Samaritm; js, but a great deal of the 2 sym. i tater le. exists be LIVE UNDER CANVAS Gab hha = cause people take steps th : to curb allergies. ‘€PS) there are more than 1,000] 13. Women in Nquid -. 25, Met. L - Da eA ie mY yi} Et SARGENTO? ~ “Rose fever” does not neces- = trailer campsites in) |, Dua 7. Mongrel eorolo- Saturday's Answer «NOPE THERE AREN'T ANY one”, one x tivi to * ie 8. Re rm gist's sarily mean sensitivity to roses. 15. A shield ees carey. Se keel MORE LIKE HIM AT Your cAMP! | | WOULD FIND A SUN Tt can be allergy to other plants 9, Laugh- PP SCHOO or flowers that grow in the STAYING ON THE JOB 16. Salt:chem =~ able 26. Dis- eenter = én iC. same season — usually : 17, Riverislet” 10, Six-line figures 38. Dutch fa z ou Only one working day 18. Told stanzas —=«-28, Sorrows painte QO be Mle ot the tesla is to diss | 100,000. wal lost In Sweden Ore shccteremenn cen pin y all 7 | cover what pollens are involved | owing to strikes or labor dis- vedio Sichuan nickname a Sch & ee tn your case. putes in 1964. picture Normandy capital 41, After om a) ele EXTRACTS ‘ cae aad me cone bash thas are Be , | =; se te -Medication primarily MUST KEEP WARM ted ihomberen 1 a Ys E F : oe « { you very ant eee Only 23 to 20 per cent of reverie gs | ae (fae BS < i ea - ea ae tions of extracts from these self-| power consumed in advanced | 97 In this 7) rte al same — and very gradually | countries is used in generating “wie = 2, be SF place | wee ‘ increasing the a ce sect the rest is used for | 98, Politica ; j 7 System builds up é° toler- seam division of + ie ee eee ape : , acity ! ee . i i * —_——_——_ QUEENIE ; By Phil Interlandi | 37 R5Ra |e rT ley areas i 33. Familiar ia = pratt b.4 35. Matter: | F iw) Iaw 36, Parson wa bird ea | , 37. Gunwais ping | % = 30. Fle 40, Weird ee wr 41, Danger a 42, Outer garmen z cw 43. Billiard | > stroke = DAILY ORYPTOQUOTE — Here's how ‘to ike tts AXYDLBAAKRE fs LONGFELLOW One letter simply stands for another. In this sample A issused for the three L's, X for the two O's, etc. Single letters, apos- Signe the length and formation of the words are all hints, Each day the code letters are different. A Cryptogram Quotation PQQ OBLRYV JBPRYC, JITCCEV PRE DBLQNVNDBLCV PRE NKO- UPTE VSVOCZV—-AKO YNE TC- ZPURV.—UPTF Saturday's Cryptoquote:. HATREDS ARE THE CINDERS CRET AGENT X9 | SE © tr, King Teaisres Byndicle, Tae) | Go