where, ho beltevad, the fise:t timboer terrl-- | § tory in thoe Confederation was to be found,. | 8 En 1865, the amount roosived fromthis sourc>» | © | was $323,000. Then, asctaer #ourca of § J i revenne needed amondment _ Ho roferred | " | to Hconsez--ruch as auctioncers and tavern-- | ksepsrs Hconses--particulirly ~the latter. Coutrol ovor "theso ought, ho thought, bo |-- takeu out of the hands of tho raunslctpalitios, The Goversment would deal far botter with Mscoussd and unllosnsed houses, Auother| g . | sourca of revenue to t1i0o Provinso was the | & Mustoipal Loan Fasad., To 1854, ha found ; | that $7,300 000 had boin withdrawn from | & , | that fand by differsnt munilcipalities, Bor-- | O . | rowing from that fund, isstsad of benefit}log | S ,. | muntctpalities had, in faot, become a grsat . | soursa of evil. He b:leved that tho interest | 8 yp | at loast of tho sums hoarrowod from that fund | f ya | ousht to be pald, and if attenkion wore given by to this fun4 is would provo a great sourse of hy | revenus, -- Than thore was the Canada Baild« Ing Fasd, $24,524 ; munioloalition faad, q $131,511 60 ; odnosatton funad, $22 392 ; com-- 'g mya ashnol ftasd. $78,722 ; revonus from the | G * | Poenlicatiary, 821 316 28 ; revenus trom the | N ©] Law Soclety, at lsast, $20 216 89 Those | K * | fignzes mate up $2886.773 07 ; aad | *" l ha fousd that tho totel revemus from | P°|a!l sources reashed the large sum of | 0 2>1$2598,578 82--a sum qulto «ufislent to | G C*| meet tzo requairements of the country, | W _ _ | In refersnoes to emigration, though he expror: O | s--d kis pleasure at the large share of atten-- M |tlou i; was likely to occupy, rovieowing the | @ previous systems of ail4 Janada sottlesment, | W f ho beld that had a policy afimilar to tha in | s Bo existenca is aoms of the Wastora Statee, | R [Be | particalarly TtHco's, bass adooed ta Canada, | 18 ' ths popalation of the Provisco would be | 4 U Imuch preater than 1t Is to say. In farthar ' Alxonssi ig the q'm','\i m, he 1(fwrrod to the | t regort of tha Chif Agen't o# Enigration for | PM WB [1855. Ia that report ho foant a letree con-- | # .a tatniog valnahble anggeationas by Mo Din®'4: har |80a, an* fcom tha larga expartence that gon-- ailp |Blsmss has bad, and tha uuromittiog arsoen-- | t tlan he hes given the subject, theso nugges-- A Itors, ha (UMr. Coyne) ons uidsrad worthy the ateation of tha Honss Mc. NDasaldson's | d palloy. the spsaker continued, was that wo 'hoold iuprove a p"'fl m of each township, | E * |ray taon rzo0r0e, wu*t vp @ log honae and offer it 7 the astubs. _ Tok the laad thus ba separat> f v 1od ;<vo the Istcndirg settler tha optton 3 «clexsl=gy <Loa timproved lots or the unim--« wored langs hasseen, duly pa_s«lng hask to M Bs | to Goversnent the aost of the actval tm 8 | povem=>nts «Meoted, He MA not thick the 1 x | Covernmens »snoulid go lavishly into such a M+ | thome, but it they improved 20 lats in a | @6 tbonahlp, it wouldl not cost more than | of . | & 0090 _ This plan would nos only anonurage | Cl of | nizra'ion from Europe, but a large portion 4 | 4 our own yourg men wou'!d be rotained in al | tle conutry -- Hae belleved also that there wro gentlomen in tho country thst had made _y, | ®>ropoaitlon to atock It iz this way. _ If the y | Gvsroment would give them a townrhip, 4 | ty would setile it within a Iimited time io | @I tw way ho hal atated. He thought that usler the olroumstamncss the acheme was © | wrthy of the consideration of the Hous» as | §¥ 9 | terding to the good of the Provices, It had bam a matter of regret to ns to sso from | P a~ | yeur tayoar, a largo portloa of the immigra d | tin o" the cantinast pasalag over our linese | f 1| of »atlway and taking sottlement in the | 0 e | rethbourlog country. In 1845, of those whe came to the country by Qiebec, 1,500 va | w@ere cabin and 19,795%stocrage passongers | C ~4 | Oat of that n=mber, of the latter olaszof pas 14 | sengor®, 9 875 were only ia transit to taka to | uJ sstt'emsnt ia a forelgn country. It mass loa | ba amatter of regros thet sush is tha case, ¢. | anod he would not advise the curtalimest of al | tho efforts to the working outs of a proper sh | system by anv plaus of false economy or 1,| reduse the cffislenoy of the doepartment, | W which in the end wou'!d bohp snl;'ony. 'Eh; 9 next parsgrea ariiag the appolatment of ' a'rbl£to|§ bothw:'i the 'Provhgu of Qaebes ® m