mete thoee 2W,7ah"l7i". m re err particularly to the courne taken by the AttomqrAhtnor.t, a gentlemen who had been known an a heformer from hie _ . childhood up to the moment-the unguarded mttnt.rst-wttgtn he entered the Coelilion of , which he wan now the lender. That hon. gentleman, he comilered, took a com-an t which did great injury to the Reformere of Upper Canada. (Hear. hear). m united himeell with the honournhle gentlemen who eurround hun-tttntl-mm who hold opinion b hentile to thoee which hie honourehle friend . had held, and which he believed he atill held g " thin motntnt--opiMona hcetlle to the . leorm perty ot Upper Onneda. Hie hon; y Mood not only ailisd himeeil with thcae a gentlemen. bat travelled from one end of the e country to tho other, giving hie 1niiaertete 0 invarinbly to the ammonia of the More: w party, and by doing no damnging that party very matarlnlly. He believed the . Attoney . General hlmeell. " he r would only spank hln honeet eentimentn at the pro-ant time, would no- u knowledge that he did e wrostgttthinm1t d sud to his party in the onurne he then took- of and l-e trnnled the day wee not far distant h when bin hon. friend would return again to r hin fratlova. (Hear, beer). The cry had been relevdrmd " and been reiterated by i e tho ban. l-r-ntlemnn who moved thin Addreu . --that p-rny mould bedone awe, with. He J 2 Wr McK all") held that thin wee an impal- g nihility , any. more, that, even It it were at puldble end practicable, " wee not "able. He held I v prone, haunt, feithful Orpoel- . lion tobequi e: nocunary and need no a ii e (hammering with reference to thin Oceli- tl n tion, he (Mr. cKellnr) took the ground dur- d Ing the eutttion--and he held the anme n r. opinion junt en ntroogly 'tttw-tttat it wen not I for the bent intercu- of the country that we t a ehoui'd have a number of gentlemen, uniting , to hmm a Government. for the "u of enjoy- , n. ion emolument. houour, end power,who held ' or opinion! at oppoeite an the Polan'l'he hon. ' B. gentlemen who moved the Add eeld we t " would not tingle out thin end he other [nem- ' '4 biru" the Adrr.ioGteatior, end any we had t t, o .1.~'idurce in one, and not in on- e r oust-r ll. (Mr McK-llev) would ny tt he had ttt ti For." a: 1esat in the of economy 1.! tan :1 Morn»; -G-v.erel. He had oottiidowa" in him aim. the: no far " no a could, he Would l ardenvour to nuke Pullman 1 . principl'n pterrwi Ln tr's Cnhlnct . end of thin 1 I weheli nu lndlihiluu in the renulutloue now 1 t before the Honey But how could he (Ir. ( of ch , give full ear.fidesa, to e Government 1 hevzng gentleman in is to whoee polish?, he l u. [had elwnye been oppoeed. end who, no fer " ot " knew, hagd not unused their cpl-Ion- on I i one of the great queetionn of the dart It Ir wee true the Attorney-General had told themintheWeet mu. GiiiiriaiiGT l gentleman from the Oonaervative raukn an 0 apprentloee totheBeiorln oauae. Itwould I beintueeting to theHouee tolearntmdey 1 from the Anoney-Genenl what progre- of thenehnnqentlnrneuhadlnade intheetudy ll oi 1ftiU2"Pt (laughter). " would be in I learn how in! thqhed