hish had had bsen to far d.m--r ::lont which wam:lp"bye e honou any Houts ot P'm"'"fi Nee Douhlo. 5.. "Bay he Shougah there ts i promk neossel {' for each and sver i udes mmore thor n{""d"*'fl m '_m{( ;x;cmaor more This Bitl bat, no doust, beon care: | R 3 hhay..ud ounvingly érawn ; M;i io woad -- ' hmvgpite > ; &n o wou'd ' d nep thouphs thet atate_I h acivenattivenad q tlo. lenh j w control ques na'i.hhlm % C E' f e yil img tw 'a greas 6':5'38 a0? bo inserfered g}ri-'."y-'m .';d" "'G; at. > !.1"0 ta» u..o'-. f ;hha y fhe, o U.';::UcUpp';r Osasais w: n:"lx L?t lely 0 andlens . agd t coure c : olely ow 'the F". PBiH, be was not un .a en es [ al f Leral . Moverntia :'u plrl;-d to on thetr Joou! rights Wile respidt o the M&ht ilf, he might romu;'p?" io ie ' m" us a¢ asy mambar on y o bage 4o 1 wl 6 w:t*lo prock ai,' clanse t~ | A been m» a':o the messures .f'}mv:'r."{'h fa" | & proraised oring down P Wiquanoefe:son) | . that th:fld'on ntaero1s ooo hipht mt T .u mssasures iné{ca'o': e ob a ow sW Lk the Set."): wore two-- | b hh'" N. , Bal Defore t 'lement of the | & would not be contont nntzld:ga" peas m aily onunciated th:l C otiey With rogard to the modmin d 4w4 MM b..bnndu, he was sorry to aa , th Te w :uimember o# a gsvoran' & se lf as ag to be condemusd fo:fl;--"md --which had not lostituted say moa fon oo 1% make change io the Crown Ltads i mnssper | R tmeThm lands were Inter ded tm"ag.. er, and he wonld say that :hb"'n:fi"' h free nment intimate thiir i§z'~n'l»:x fm s gnu. they ahould seca to is 'tl(x) un t grao should be made sb:alu*" o crtan 11. m&kb'llou. Thsy should seo co"i'dlf'os*r poeq t mln mulx: lu"::hb' wich'xe!d' il'rz:; :.lt:: ' % % they shoald uo r.'.l mattlomant luya c,m:ll;\'i ';;- a:'teplpt ! aable timbor, or break yt" ";'uut i ailf settlers by losating them >u hud" C aising TA wuflling in the way o! timber b &ommuing by the lnmbermas, The:J '\tv!:-u't:w another aspect of this! quos ' fated rights--the rights of tt(lloae "g!:::tlen'xr oo pesding large sums of money is :.mklon in 14 wmfl on the lands--osught to'gf fog. (Hear). The Address Itsoif h rl" ""uvcy general satisfaction, he mb nfl Te e up the time of the House at o eass |1 Mfihc hs should join heart m ma | T 'fim Mmbou of the Oppozition 1 y e be econozy used in the :dmh' l hflonh of the public sffates ; and i mlnl'.' y '.:'w.!. . h::g{ it his pas: ex'gcrlano: 'v':::ig & ( zP ':') or to members of the House. : t . OLLVER, of S suth h + -- be thought at the outzet of%::oéd% ie is wae l going to be stormy. He : reverAured [ remark of the member."fm'.. nvon | hoqhto!o:l:. .H rurabling "frormmu + Ts s one | ¢ rfily. there was a dar(s l&fiffi" gm\th); 7 pultdm forth from the banoho:: thu:. l m) m.hcn. member for South gfon.e b spoke) which made his (Mr Oliver' earslf m ao thit ho determined 45 iop iess 1 ter). It was acnlid that youwp omgen 1 .my defined their posiito i revvrgnd | § um. and ho would s:y "Wn.gn C ame oe [f .. that matter, . HMo und 22 en stecten, to [ 1 m oun, Mr. :oDonald'n Gol;:::x"n::tto c Mhnm'n; t had been eleoted to oJ3 confid h w4 Qovernment ever !or:e':la. h('l;eyocogumn p -...oln omlnf to the House, ho fel::lhhe")- b hfio" enilent than before to '.lw"d f Mhmdld y benohes ; bu's ltillwm y If not believe that an ue ouee bLiation, or Coalision Governmz ie rer old,