! * ' yea, yen, or nay nay."" The Government had :l! announced two measures in the spesch, so m had only introduced two bills --o86 g an cfficlal Grzotte, and the other ruxtofluflu appointment of magls. trates and coroners. Was the house to do nothing but to consider these bills ? If he was not to be permitted to take his share in introducing useful legis'ation, he would go home. He appealed to honourable members --to the new members as well as those who had previous Parliamentary experience-- whether they had not ideas of their own, Let not.danpubothrownumth-byhm.' them they were not to introduce measures to carry out those ideas. 'The Government had enough to do, and it was the duty of hon. memters to assist them. Bull.&. considering this bill, the Government ap-- proved It, and were willing to adoptit, he should be happy to make 1 over ;_o.;L 11'1. ler ; th. w mber, md s remler ; they reme that there was another 1 P .w by these statutes, and it m';fll. por-- haps, for this house not to interfere too much with these statutes, until they saw what the action of the otker leglslature might be. Ts might be enough at prese:1t to proceed merely with those important chanvges on which the public had _ made _ up its mind as _ advisable, _ for Stlog _ dGown bribsry and oorru:tlon. g; having one day of clection and one day's polling, and also so abolish the dual seats, On these md. he thought the house was all cf one Hou. Mr. WOOD said, in the Parlismeat at Ottawa, a Bill bad been introduced on the > same subjeock as that covered by the Bill of the hov. member for Fronteunac; and that :n.lih !bt'h t::h :;:l:; v'l::gl this Ctovernment not tho n to &« tiog a law on the subject on mp:"hi?b- book, until they should see what was dore at Ottawa. He thought is would be an ad. n:ma to the country gsnonll{, that there i in manmnimnbadis parporses, for the Province and for the Dom!nion, This would avold embarrass-- ments at the gencral elecstions, With this view, it might, perhaps, be conceived advisa-- ble to lay the matter over, until they saw what was dore by the Leglslature of the Dominior. Mr, BL&KE hopsd the suggestion of tha hon. Treasurer would not L listened to. From the dl'ght experience he had had o( leglslation at Ottawa, he did not think they would derive much admmlrom the care bestowed on the consider of measures introduced there, Nor did hethink it woul4i be wise for them, setting out as an indepsn« dent Leglalature, to walt and watoh aund see what their betters down below to do. (Yosar, hear). He thought should excroleo th«ir best jadgment, according to the abilisies they poua.l. ing at what the Ottawa Parliamert ' to do, but not waltiog :h amend : ¥ and ul; mitted vaunce, because gentlemen a Obtawa might, in their wisdom,and after their own fashion, amend it at some future time. He sould notthen accept the hon. rlhn'l f suggestion, as a reason for m with an amendment of the w, in this house. He agreed with his hon. frlend from Bothwell, that the measure was ons : which should be introduced by the Govern« ment. He did not, however, make this a chargs agailost the hon. member for Fron« tenac. Qaite the contrary. 1{f the Govern: ment did not ch:ku to hl;t:doqu Mfi: to remedy an nowledg it was 'o duaty of his hon,. frilend, or of some one else, to do so. Alllvnfinflm G>vernment saw #t rather to throw a par on the Blll, by iuggesting that they should walit to see whether the Parliament a% O:tawa might not at some future time carry a a Biil that might answer the purpose. Hs (Mr. Blake) would be Inplzy to assist tha ," hon. and gallant knight making hi« * | measure as perfect as possible and it :; througb, as i:l v;u u;luul:flg f hbkl. pluz auother general elso e ® | before t'ns. Parliament at Ottawa moved in ": the maiter. g| _ The Bill was introdaced and road a first time. Sscond reading on Monday. TAVERN LICENSES. Hon. J. 8. MACDONALD gave notics of reo&.fionl respeoting liseuses to tavern-- 1 | keepers. e 8 CONSOLIDATED REVENUE "ED-