tione longer. Sir HENRY SMITH oompleined that in ooneequenoe of the mem- ber for Oxford rieing eiter nix o'clock, the ruiee of the home in that reepeot hed been Infringed ttts-tttttth hon. gentlemen ehould be oeretui not tommeuoe. Heredter.he (Sir Henry) would iueiet etriotly on the rule. If they were going ta edjonrn there wee no are in continuing the debate at that hour. When the eubjeot wee telrly before the houee he would upport the Government, heving ooneidered the nutter very fully. The heurethen rote-4t being e querter put tix o'clock. Alter recon, The order being reed for the houee to go into eomnnittee on the reeolntione Repeating e Ooueoiideted Revenue Fund. Mr. MoKELLAB told. More the Speaker left the oheir. he dedred to nuke e few ob- eervetione. Hon. J. S. MaDONALD.-Amrtutomau e motion l Mr. McKELLABc-oYee They had been deeiroue on hie eide of the houeo not to em- berreee the Government. end had eehed them -whet he thought wee e meet reeeooeble tttlog-to delay in. dieoneeion of theee reeo- intione. until the houee wee in t'h'tft', of 'dtttllg, (a? would eneh it to 're, en nteliigen J n u it then. e Government had med "up: neeoneble re- ane'e. end it thereto" become thednty ot himeeii end hie hon. irieede who egreed with him, tooffar their reeeone for 1tt2,ett,t to the reeolntlone he "and to e et thie stage. While they rej thet the Govern . ment wee in pone-indwhettheyeetd weeeverylergeeum od matey. - were very tt,tN','1t,t2t,f2P, one of the that thine e Government fre, to do wee to engege in the bueine- money- iendere. They held that that wee not one o; the ttttet', the M333: The hon'.' tiemenon eTreeeury mead» m 8500.000 oe_8iW0.00i) ot themeyeotthe Provinoe to the Comment of the Domini» They-id "would koahr--thattuitaii oi the Dominion wee the nieet inveetnent we ocuidget. new not deny that it would be onto imminent. But he did not teeon 1tththted't ehould be Inked toteke from Ottewe Government thdr Dominion , 19tt_kyrhrtrtmtgttttottamtu troenatt. lo held that it the Province hed theme, not med, for lb tit,t','tNEtti it would much better Pitt, e hende o! onr own henhe. then ended in Do. minion etooh. Hon. J. 8. WNALD - Igrttdtitr--. mart hour! "It. magnum " any?" from room ' , ttorney. Genoa! did a'tat that on htvmttrtiet tn the benhe of U Condo would he Bat% Be (new; tret-tttae-ses been in a eonetry thet were enter the _ mantra: ttttrg.' 3.1% [ J "a. tlenee to mete he! tttrr-ttuid Int would out dleoredtt on theee T or ereete (item in the "a. tried them. (Beer. heel). 'thouht whet money we had, not humedieteiy ittmd, 1ret1ttyttr,