WH'M'M "r U' . r _-__. " --------_ - / i, hzi'we wzra the beat possible. He entirely ' ' i 1.22.: 1l.t'.cd ior himself and those euffng with : him the statement that their suggeanione on . i this occasion were predicated In any other d ! new than that which had been escorted, ' namely that if it was not a prudent or wise - luring to come to a determination on thie, c, A subject, "thin period ot theeeeeion,wieh the l l iisttuuria1 bushel- ot the country in its ' r ' present state. The question before the i ll house we: not one to adviee party feeling. It ' LS we: simply a question as to the but _ f mode of dealing with supine lands which it . ' lwen said would exist. And he would any _ , that it was a source of regret to him 9" Government should not be more straightior- _ T ward in this matter, and not attempt to an- swer arguments by more aseertione that they L were prepared to take the responsibility rd ' ' this half million doiUm' investment. It they F had had any data on which to arrive at the as conclusion lhat there would be a aurpiuo, and " that it would reach hell-a-million --the Home should be put in posse-salon ot there ' data. 'Elear). What hon. gentlemen oiri Jeoted to war that, not knowin the policy of ' e the aovarnmentL.nat 'll','.",','?,',,', en iEl,ll Ionic expense would be incurred-they did, ' , not want to be tied before hand. Beridee I mmy hm. gentlemen entertained feelings . regarding this investment which dlii'ered ' from more of honourable gentlemen on the ' treeaury teaches. There were there who ', . thought i- might turn out unwiec to invent " large a pm of their funds in Dominion r stock. Not that the stock wee not regarded 's as wood stock. It would be a bad thing for the country it that stock were not regarded L' ' " good. But it was one thing to allirma belief that the stock wee good, and quite T . another thing to say that under the ofrosr.rn, stances e r the Dominion it would "t it were at needed to cell it, shortly-realise par. ' (Hear). This investment, it would be borne . " in mind. wan merely temporary: and it war .- impoealbie for hon. members to shut their J eyento the fact, recently admitted by the at hon. Attorney-General himself, thath was . quite pouible this stock might have to be . , sold a: a discount. A ' Hon. J. S. MeDONALD.-au ho never " i' said anything ot the kind. " a Mr. BLAKF replied that he muat have B greatly mlsapprehended the hon. gentimanit, ' It were not .0. Tl Hon. J. 8. MCDONALD said that what he H had ateted was that they expected to get the _ etcch below par. and therelore would not r , likely lose by it. 4 . Pr. BLAKE ma that m. hon. friend did, in than. say that the stock might be at a ' discount (Hear and laughter)] That We: it all he (Mr. Blake) had accueed the hon, gentleman M. And having respect to the ' character of that "oth-that more we: to be issued during the yeariu a country contein- ' _ ing no great amount of tcu-it was not at v all unreasonable to suppose that there might ri be 1tfiealty in "eating the stool: when they "' [( wantodto eel] it. And this led him toe 'd point which showed conclusively the ~ " impropriety cf the positlcn of hon. ' ' gentlemen on the Treasury Benohel, " 'i, on this occasion. It was pro. ' . posed toinveet the hell million dollars in It View of the fact that it included the entire [l , , would; for the half year past and half year ' ' a; current, forthe great gain of 6 per cent. It i' iii, was said that hon. gentlemen in opposing the e. proposition were really loaihg interest to the , 3 country. That objnrgatlon had been raised l I against them by hom gentlemen opposite, ' ' e, f whom course with reference to tho licence: ', I ' cf the country hitherto, had been what ? l, " , Hon. J. S. MCDONALD-when T . 'l, . Mr. BLAKEwaI about to explain. They . were entitled to receive a large surplus im- e mediately after the first of July. But the Dominion Government no doubt told them it would beaoonvonunoo not to exact the tcont-to leave it for a short time. C, lion. J. S. MCDONALD-Nothing of the ' kind. L _ Mr. BLAKE said it was very ' dftfioa1t to enter into discussion with honourable gentleman opposite, their i statements were so contradictory. The Treasurer stated the other night that the ' Dominion Government said leaving the money would be a convenience; The hon. Attorney-General hae altogether a different . etc: . Lavhter ' Perha the 1: MR I"