owner tRuiwmiraEFri' 3 he e; ominion Government told lenvlng the - ney would be n convenience The hon. , ttorurtletmra1 hoe altogether e different l my. (Laughter). Perhepe the honourable gentlemen had better nettle the difference between them, on had been done on o recent noon-ion. (laughter). - Hon. Mr. WOOD expltined hit ointement to hove been that the Dominion Government would tind it more conveth to oeuee oer- . tein poymente to bemnde in debentures, lit, BLAKB--Did not the hon. gentlemen toy that the Dominion Government told it would be e convenience to them not to pry In conh 2 Hon. Mr. WOOD-Never. Mr. BLAKE told It leemed he had been guilty of another miorepreeontotion. It would nndoubtly hove beenmereeonthtent with the 2 preeent view- ot hon. gentlemen when leev- ' ing their money in the hands of the Doad. il uion Government had arranged for e fair rot » ' of lutereet. The Dominion Government the r h ' knew had been ptying heavily for the! money ---haviasg to give the Bank ot Monire Ci at the rote ot 13 per cent. Why then thould . the rum remaining in the hand: at that Gov- ernment end belonging to Ontario bear no ' interent '? No urngement had been made | to pey one shilling ot intereet, although there I could be no doubt the Government would be I quite willing to pay 6 per oeut.on ell tut. , crown deposits. Hon. Mr. W00D,-Do you doubt they , ill pny it 'l , Mr. ',hte,t doubted it very much, in ttt , We on uproot moment to t I "tret (Hear).