"I 1)., " I Mr. BLAKE doubted " very much, in the ebeenoe of en uproot errengementtothet~ effect. Wear), Hon. It. 5,ohtl1t"d,g,rt', they relate to v. pey interest, whet woul you do with the money 2 Mr. BLAKE replied that Ir-uint, entitled ' toreceive heii e million in oasis, end being uked to ieeve it in the bends oi the debtor for hie eonvatnunt=--it thet debtor reiueed to my intereet, be (Mr. Bloke) would ' oerteinly withdrew the money end piece it on depoeit in one ot thoee inetitutione. ot the loivency ot which he had a little doubt " . had the honoureble tree-urn himseli. , (Beer). It did econ: etrenge to himthet honoureble gentlemen opposite could not w . come down to the houee with tall and expli- he cit Itetemente " to the expenditure end he revenue, and belence, if eny. ht Hon. J. S. MCDONALD eeid he e had explicitly eteted that they would heve e eurplue oi $500,000 to Invest, They had eltogether owing to them 8575.000, but did tt not propoee to invent the m1 mount- , e HrBLAKE eehedii they could not get 'd the full mount 2 if qt Hon. J. a. MCDONALD reputed no 'i] statement, that the totelemountthey proper t' : ed to invent wee 8500.000. , Mr. BLAKE wee ewere ot that, but ' wiehed to know the iull mount the Province 1 would get. u e Hon. J. B. MCDONALD replied thet l there would be e margin of $75,000 over M. , e tor the luveetment- I 0 Mr. BLAKE eeid that would rennin if the ' tt Dominion Government made no relerve. I . Hon. J. S. MCDONALD (turning to peso , 23 ot the Public Aocounte) made out that , n the Province wee entitled to 8598.000. '