, 52?} _ . it if?" NOTICES OF MOTION. ' ' . ' Mr. Graham (Went Bumpy-Bill tor the _ iormatlonoi Joint 'let/ttttttttdt pnrpcae oi manniaotnrlng chase , hatter/ Mr. Trow- ctr If the Miller: intend to ii,?"",','!.",)',!,',',)!)",":?.'.;,':?,';' he , were 1'e,',idNe't,tf, 2thit 1ttttn railroada, man: With. or a portion of the new. Mr. Hare-Inquiry whether it in the inten lion. oi the Government to introduce an Act , having for ita object the payment of orimine l witneaaea. Mr. Botttmr-Addre" for a return, ahor ing the amount: granted for the pnrpoeeo ' improving the colonization reach in the com . tier ot Addinghon and Frontenac, in th i year: 1866 and 1867, such roturnto alto, ' how much of laid grants have been expend" g and under whore rupervleion the tame we: I laid out. l, Mr. Trow-Inquiry whether it it the " tention nt Miniaiora to carry out the polio ot the Federal Government in reepect to tt improvement Fund. .------_--- THE LAND GRANT RESOLU TIONS. Resolution to be moved by the Hon. Me Rioharda in Committee ot the Whole, l, That in the opinion of thin Home, ire grants of public land: to actual nettle! would tend more rapidly to develop til agricultural raaonroea of the Province, an that it in expedient that authority should bi given to provide for such grants, under " ttttlations to be preacribed by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council, not incontinent with the following resolutions. 2 That auch grants thonld be contimsd to lands lying in the township- between the Ot- tawa _ and the Georgian Bay, to the weal of a line drawn from apcint opposite the continent angle ot the townahip ot Palmer atcn; 'sorttviiater1r along the weetcrn boun, dariea ot the townahipa of north Sherbrooke, Lavant. BlithfhM, Admaaton, Bromley, 8tsfford and Pembroke. to the Ottawa river, and to the north oi the rear or northerly boundariee of the townehipe oi an, Olden, Kennebeo, Kalador, Elzevir, Medea, Mar- l, mom, Belmont, Bummer, Smith, Enniamore, Somervilie, Laxton, Garden, Rama and of _ the river Severn l and the tonahipe in the diatricte ot Niniraing and Algoma ' and in the township- hereaiter to be anrveyed in the raid diatriote, and in the county ot Simone. 3. That any person being the head ot a _ family, orot the age ot twenty-one yearn, aboula he allowed to enter upon and be lo. cated for any lot or parcel ot land not exceed- Ing in quantity acrea, upon such term an my be preacr ibed by tech regulation, with a view to a free grant thereof. 4. That otter a continent and actual real- dence thereon ot yearn next after the date of auoh location, and the clearing and cultivation lot not lean than acres an- nually, for the period of yearn next after Inch location, and the erection of a home thereon ot at leaat feat by feet, and in compliance with the regulation atoreaaid, the iooatee should be entitled to a patent for Inch land. 5. That to give greater encouragement to occupy and improve lande, the aubjeot ot anch location or grant, " in expedient that ouch lande aheuld not be liable tier any debt or - ot action incurred or accrued within _ yearn from the date of Inch location, , I and that the lecatee ahould not have power I to alienate, mortgege or pledge auch land , 5 within that period, , 6. That auch locationa ebonld be made , only open land: suitable tor actual nettle- ment and cultivation, and not upon landa valuable ohiefly for their timber or mineral reaonroea l and that it ie expedient that all merehantable timber, miner, minerale. kc. I upon any landa no located or granted ahonld 1 ( be reaerved. a w 1