Lam ""1'M " , ' Mr. McKELIlABeeid hedid not " E tend how theeettler wee to live. it he El e ot ellcwedto use the tinberou thelend a, enclosing. m eeked theOomud , .3. '/ explain this Mr Hon. Mr. RICHARDS sold the let ' I would, on for " peelibls. be excluded ' il :whstwere purely timber lends. In . direotloatorNomUn Bey therewere r ' r on 1'tt2,tdT, 2ht,tth end which . , eleceute eoreg purposes. H.- LI these the settler would beellowed to use H r the timber neceeeery for building or fen g; purpcees. r Mr. MoKBLLMG-Athe he nees alt *" requiresior hieowuuee.cee hedo ny- _ i with the rest which heoub in the preeeee ' ' , l clearing. . 5 . , Hoe. J. S. 1ioDoRALD--m will l permuted to cell. it he peye the till i' dues. Hon. Mr. RICHARDS eeid, it the settler i could eellthetimber out in tgt.Ttt the ", eettiement duties, intend of in; e le- to ttiahttwtnMttetmln,e. much unto the ? lumuetrtart--tut heeheuld sell the timber 2 end psy the duel, up to the lg eoree that he il 'Tph'ttt t Mr. 000 BURN nid nettlers were to get the benefit of the timber when they got il, theirpstoute. utter the lspse of flea, yearn ' y', . perhspe by that tine ell the timber would betttipped all. m would prefer hula; " " provlded that, " econ u the ions] Crown ", a. nude agent wee "thfisd that the settler ll. wee u bona " ecuupeut, he ehculd have the d. ttenefit of the timber. He did not thinh it there were " nut-y cues an had been rcpre- . ' rented, ot people going in under the pretence L lot uettlement, in order to plunder the tin. . be: ' he (Ir. Cookburn) thought the inter pr feta ot the settler end the lumbermun were L ii, not hoetile, but in meuy respects Identical, ll (, end that they ehould be nude to ccvoperste , " together. He hopcd the commistiouer would offer tome inducements to pcreuede rr I those in urreers to psy up. In runny creel, J he believed it would be lmpuellble for them r to ply both principsl end Interest. , 'l Hr. 8001']! (Otters) complimented the [r COIIlIIOW oi Crown Iasnde utheebllil ' , and energy he had devoted to the unbjecl He thought the resolution smply tttitttltd I the promise of the womb. To here intro. duced. genersl hemutesd exemplcn lew would ttttat be tgt,"; have been in sec trd. ence wlth the w er of the people The , queetion had been exit-ted In the election in tl futitdtho gentleman who oppceede ' r» general homeeteuulew wee elected over hie I rt anneal. by an! overwhelming tr/tf/g; I " w sane " ttttlt ttf pc , i ot theGoveruneIt. he" eid theme: t tionct m enem- week which in me! , renteweretcbe "I." uetswlseoue. l gtt,"aWatdt the dietriets trevereed ' b, the calculation y. ' I -~.;; "' w i v'