same effuck. + i By Mr. MoCall--From inhabitants of Elginoy |' the same effect, * By Hon, Mr. Cameron--From the Girls" Home, praying ald. Bj Hon, Mr. Camvon--From Toronto General Hospital, with same prayer., Mr. RYKERT brought up the thhrd report | of the committeo on Sln:lg. Ordersy, which was recelyved. _ -- |C THE DISTRISS IN NOVA £C9FMIA, Hon, Mr. CAUVERON brought dow: l message from His Exosilenoy the Licutona 16 | Governor, signed by himself, which was .A8 follow#s-- _ = ._.." "His lzfl!uo the Liontenant.Governa ® rflcoonn:o'aA .ob;iofl}onddmflu; of the ouse a«sembly the pro o &-thg ® the sam of $5,000 for tgo g:'ll.:l,ol die-- J treassed fishermen and their families, in the |"" alster Proviace of Nova Sootia, Government House, ¢ Jan. 21, 1868." % x FIRST READINGSY, :, Mr. CARNEGIE introduced a ~Blil to | 2 amend the Ao} 61 Vic., cap. 24, entitled, an |, Ast to consolidate the debs of the Town of 1 Peterboro'. 7+ Mr., McKELLAR introduced a Bill || to _ enable the _ Truatees _ o# _ St-- |; Andrexs Church, ia the Town of Chatham,to |, sell certain launds held by them fior the use of the congregation and for other parposes, i Hon. Mr. CAMERON introduced a B:ll to |' legalise by law No. 116 of tha 'Township of Bayham and cortaln dsbentures issued umler | the authority thereof. P Mr. PARDEE introduced a Bill to author" | the Crescent Petroloum Association of | ew York and Canada to hold and convoy i rtain lands in the Township of Enniskil-- |, J A soe®E--uthIstenrat reseossiturmy, | Mr. COYNEintrodnoed a Bill respecting | Division Courts. In dolog so he ex-- | plained _ that he would ask. the | %omtown!vo the usual practice in | referonce to the Bill, and allow is to be ro: | fern:d to a ;elcos m\lfiu bdmd:l% f as by so g a good o g:lonnom'y would have been exeroised. He would therefore move thas theBill be referred to a aeleot committee. Hon. J. S MACDONALD said that could not he done, _ The House ought first to ato | the Bill in print and be putin possession of the principle of the measure. _ He would say that there appeared to him an unusual desire on the part of -- honourable members to take out of -- the . hands | of the Goversment that -- responsibility |. which attsched to the Government at all times. . The laws of the country ought not to be legisiated upon--no ailterations should be made in them, at all events--with. |-- ou, askiog the Government. Ssveral Bills, mostly of an important nature, had already | been introduced in this way. without any | previous consultation with the Government ;