HUuRRd o e N t C C C000A ues ou. asking the Government. Several Bills/|® mostly of an importan§ naturo, had stready J 8 been introduced in this way. withont g previous consultation with the Government g.1,/8 aud the Government were uo longer p C ed to sanotlon this course. It the al Jong 1. necded in the standing laws of the count }, were so numerous ar to require the legisiae ; tion proposed by supporters of the Admioi® . & tration, then it was the bounden duty of pe Governmsnt to take notlos of such a fact §1, and it Government falled to do this, and 1 6 were forgstial of their duty, hon, genatieme®, $ had the remedy in their hands, and migh§}! d':'l:rodtha the Government lhu:d Mod" [ & a in not compmhe i wants of :io country, _ The hufln':fl Aaud E" galiant knight from Froutenso had lrough@ |! in one or §wo such measures withost ul consulting the Government, . The fack was | U that Government had intended to bring for-- ward such measures, and bad them under conaideration, when the matter: was taken ont of their hands, (Hear, hear) _ Now|, when ke found those who professed ho bei !flndl{ with the Government taking it npon i themselves, without intimation, to bring J down such measures, all be could say was i. that the proccediag was aliogether unusgal (Hear, hear). And in referonce to the mea-- sure before the House, he felt aure that when || his hon, friend (the member tor Peel) had | hie attention directed to it --that it was a | question which concerned not merely Divi-- | ston Courts, but all the County Contt.hdfi! y turoughous the land, and mads other im-- portar t changes--he would me that it was f measurs of auch great importtaunce that Government could not consent to be relleved of their respopsibility in . relation theréto, Besider, the Government was not at I?nm aware that the working of the Division Court Acs had been so obnoxlous as to re: guire so complete a revision as that contém-- piated by this measure. Not umo sweepicg changes asked for--but - they should be exnacted at oncc--and, fur-- 3 ther, that one of the mont rigidly adhered to of the orders of the house should be suspend-- ed in order to allow of these rapld Mm 1 | Now, he would ask, it the Government f the confidence of the houre, that their trlends J -- | should not do this? Ho did not 88 ';o:. members ought not to assist in ltghl't f bu; he did say that hou, geatlemen -Is'lé leave vital matters, such as he had all to, in the hards of tse Government., Hon. |' gentlemen oppoaite took the constitutional || cwurse, and ware right in desirlag to bold the * | Government mgmnlble for the legislation he had alluded to, For himself, so long as he had | p | cccupled a seat in the Oppssition----and so -- | long as hon. Mr. Baldwin ccsupled shat posl« |! tion--thsy never brought in one meesure, but 1 held the Governmentresponsible. (Hear,hear). | The course of taking the legislation out of | the hands of the Government, really amount» |