o goia &« cugh: w * q P3 Oe Mr, MoKF R satd that when the Pro:-- mler, some days ago, iutimated to himsel{ nd his hou. friend beside him (Mr. Blake), »A Ghat it was th:n ::::ntlon o:htho m Ament to move matter, they, | for themnelves and for thel» friends on thas M alde, assured him that they had reason A to believe that thers would not be | | a aingie hon. gentlemau on that side of the house opposed to such a resolution as that now moved,. If the calamity which had overtaken our fellow--countrymen in the Marltime Provinces had overtaken our fellow--beinge in any part of 'the world, he ) | was sure the people of Ontarlo would have o | cheerfally contributed of their meaus to * | relleve the Gistress ; and when"it had over-- takea our own f:llow--couatrymen, he thought we were atill more bound to contribute, than i# they were atrangers, We were also the p | more bound to contribute, bocause Provi« 4 | dence bad given us, in this part of the , | Dowlctos, a bountilal harvest. Another e | reason, porhap», why woe should contribute, a | was that certain persons were misrepressnt:-- log us in that part uf the country at the : d ht tims, endeavouriog bo produce the 0 Epma!on that we, in this western park of tho Wmlnlon, were disposed to deal : | unfairly with the _ psople of the Maritime Provigors. We had now the op-- portunity of showing that we ware wfllhg at least to contributs for the relief of mfl'erln.f-. and be was ar<«pred of this, that If : | our positions were transpo.~«d--If we were * | auffering, and the people of N,A Scotle had the means at their disgosal to ass.~U us, they l would as cheertully rander as that as. 9§8200, \\| as wo cheertnlly rendered it now to t.&®-- | (Hesr, hear). He had had the pleasure o4 visiting that Provinoe, and a more generous, holplhfih.h:dnm h:artcd pu"'ewflo L "m saw, He grea 4 su the motion, which he was sure woczl be ap-- proved of by our whole people, from one en': of ths Province of Ontarlo to the other. Sir HENRY SUMITH thought the Govern-- ment deserved the thaunks of the country St acting in this matter zo promptly, For bis own part, he would have been happy to have seen proposed double the sum that was mantloned in this resolution. but he h&pd this would be taken by the psople of Nova Bootla as an instalment of the expression we woeuld ever be ready to give of our good will towards thom. 4 $ Mr. COMBERLAND regretted that the $ | sum proposed by the Government should be so small. A1 this house represented onc-- half of the Confederarion, he thought it would have been becoming in them to have sherwn the oxample of a proper liberality. If the amoun't of this grant were in avy way to m:;lnln th'edamo\lnlt %t. the nflubm'% t:. shought it could soarcaly be aupposed that the soffering was such as to olefor the inter-- position of this house. But if theauffering was wile--apread and severe--as he had no €oxubt the Government had evidence assur-- k, | Ing . them _ was .the _fact--then he thought the house ought, as least, to double p | the amount, [ ¥r. FERGUSON said the amount--so _ far