1mao0ea, _ Desides, Vounly Counciis were very parsimenious generally. Sls HENRY SMITH--Not so bad in that respect as the hon, the Premier himeeli (Leaughber), Hon, J. 8. MoDONALD sa'd that as the Government intended to Ml{ddown & scheme which would effect the whole admi{in-- istration of jastice, all the points raised would be considered. The bill was carrled and the committeoe rose and reported it without amendment. TNmHS i4 VRGiF own Rands, an inspectior would be appointed to do this work. matier the Gorerament ware takleg n ship were a a in the right direction, So far as his oxp::}f ence went, these instead of being the means of im the gaols, woere gene: brought into collision with the County Councilse, and did mischief in that way. Ho held that a committee of the County coun: oll was the best to look after there gaols. Hon. J, S M>DDNALD did not agreo with the hon, and gallant knight that the County Councile would be the best parties to look to the grol management. Speaking for his own part of the country,he would say thas such a course would be a dargerous one | _ _On motion of Hom. J. 8. MoDONALD, the; House went Into Committes of the Whole on the bill Prieon « these lspectors were uow officers of the | Dominion, and as the people of Ontario were | determined bkopm':zvmud their affairs in their own an insnector also, and, before g further, allow flmo'!o:d'mmdmbogmbfll. Hon. Mr. WOOD acceded to the sugges-- tion, and the bill was allowed to stand over. thero were any objections to the bill ; but it had only been distributed, ::.dthoHonn::d banloo!tnhohndo'nt necessi cautiousaly, might q.;.'_u o ho marinl in tais detihede ¢ipisined, simply ihis: in ihe measure in the statute book, the operation of the act was confined to tenancies certain for one month only, or one quarter. But it had been found very inconvenient not to extend the act to tenancles which might be determined by notlcs; and the main feature of the bill before the house was aimply to extend the R :'l;h' m.ouh aimplify pmud. act would very m » ings in county courts, and save a good deal of expense in sctions of ejectment in the old Aon. MNr, WOOD moved the sesond reading of this bil}, respecting over--holding tenants, in order to refer it to a special committee. The main feature of the measure was, he expleined, simply this: In the measure in An0 Aamendamenit was agop.ed--rcad a second time--and the Bill, as amended, was read a third time and passed, SUPPLY, Hon. Mr, WOODS motion--* That a Rap-- ply be granted to Her Mrjesty," was allowed E&n. J, tsl.n h'(:.DONALD ,lnfiuod & respooting Registrara Istry offices, ng the nghtnflon of instruments relatiog to land in Upper Canadas, CINXSOLIDATED REVENUE FUKD, Hon, J. 8. McDONALD,before moving the third reading of the Bill to establish a Conso-- lidated Revenue Fund, proposed to add to the 4th clause the following amendment, in accordance with the promise made to the member for South Bruce the other evening : ----** And whenever the exigencilesof the pub-- Mo service may render it necessary or expe-- dient to convert the same into money, shall zell and dispose of the same--first glvbog one month's notice in the Oficial Gazettes of the Province of Ontario, and of the Dominion of Canads--calling for tenders for the purchase of the stock or debentures in which such sur-- plus be invested." €804) and to remedy this i8 was propose tlut'.l:'ou. of the violation of m law, the decision of two magistrates should be tinal and unsppealable. The motion was carried. TOWX OF WHITEBY, tluur u.'ulost.ggn io hmpw:uh?lho"hn I to o Whitbhy, and de'ine the limits thereof. Mr, BLAKE sald he OvVER--HOLDIEG TENANT3. for a third reading to--morrow, to remedy -- this Mr, MoOALL (Norfolk) expressod himself in favour of leaving the settlement of these claims entirely in the kands cf the Com-- missioner. The motion was agreed to . On motion of Hon, J. 8. MoDONALD-- _ The House adjourned at ten minutes to Emdlnx the Lieutenant--Governor for a return, showing in detail all the surveyed lndanuoldusnowonodbythol'roflm of Ontarlo ; giving the number of the lots and concessions, with the names of the townships and countics in which the said lands are aituated. The mover explained that he had made this motion some weeks ago, but had been requasted to allow it to lie over, Now, he brought it forward again and hoped Government would furnish the information, He did rot assume that they could do so this session ; but the information might be ebtained duaring the recess and brought down to the house next session. Mr., HAYS was in favour of the address, and hoped the mover would add to it a re-- quest for a return of the lands taken up, but oclaims refe H sal ons 1 3::.00 of t of d by the affidavits sent to the dq&j': ?flo Commisstoner of éran Landg, or aun officer appoluted by him, were to the different countles, and investi-- sslo colaims on the spot, taking the ovi-- ence of the varlous parties, he believed it would be easy to settle the claims. He intended, in a bill herea{ter to be introduaced, to make auch a proviaion. aince vacated. There was large sections of the land in his constituency in this way. He did not believe it was in the power of the Commisaloner to get through all the work required of him in this and other ways, and wonld suggest that a commis+ion be appointed to take the matter their holders raised their prices, and kept up. Mr, L&AUDER said that in his Ridiog wmdnagnotdodotlmdwhlohm occupled, but which had bseen vacated. On this land settiers would go, but that they were afraid that the large arrearages of taxes due would make the lots too costly. Hor. Mr. RICHARDS had no objection to the return, save the expense and trouble it involved. No doubt, as had been men: tloned, there were large quantities sold on which over two or more instalments had been pald, and then they woere abandoned. SBome of these lands had bsen forfeited, and with respect to the others, it was the inten:-- Hndthocnnb'g:lhmghmtho counties and deal with cases ; of course thqmuhntogvonodoo to parties to pay up, or else land would be for-- Mr, McCKIM believed it was the intention of the Commissioner to deal with those claims fairly ; but it was quite impossible for him to give them the attention they required. He thought the Government shonld at once take possession of the lands held by:ron- lators, and sell them,. The labour of the nor settiers in making roads wuyc;rllly improving the value of theso lands, while some independent rs were appointed by Government to dm the disputed Crown Land claims, A Court of Claims, or some authority independent cf the Commissioner ought to decide on such claims, and not allow the Commiessioner of Crown Lends to be overburdened with them. Mr, HAYS thought that thesos claims wonld be best settied in some such way as the honourable member for South Bruce had Mr, PARDEE moved an address to HiL Hon. Mr. RICHARDS, as to thodhguhd aims referred to by the member for North said his experience was that it was 3 le to arrive at the morits of a case Mr. COYNE thought it would bae wise If PUBLIC LAXDS,