| _Er HENRY SMITH moved the discharge | of the order relating to kis Bill on this sub. joot, and that the Bill staud on tho orders for this day week, He had no poerrocal interest in this matter, and before is came up sgain hoped to have such evidence as would fully zattaly the Government of the necessity for this msssure? By the petition which he bad that day presorted from the Treasurer of the \ Law Soolsty and 60 other l:'sl goaticm :n of \the city, ho (3ir Honry) fancled he had done \much to convert the Premier already, TUE STATUTEL, Bsfore the house adjourred, Sir HENRY SMITH called attention to the fast that ! thers were no lecs than 3 members wanting oopics of the the Consolitat:d Statuter that moratvg and corld not gst thom. 'Thers was but one set in the Hbrary, Hor. Mr. CAR#LTNG explaincd that two additioral 1ots bad lately arrivod, Hir U, SMITH said that was nos enougb, aud i! the Government would not furaish enough to exnable members to get on with the business of the H he wou:rd have to ask the Speaker's htc'mllon. He woeuxld move that the bhouso do now adjourn. next. them, but, as they were now cfficers of the Dominion Government, the Government of Ontsrio bad felt the neceraity of getting officers of their own. Abous half--past four o'cleck, p.m., the last of tho day's businers havirg boen finished, Hor. J, S. ¥cDONALD roso and raid the Goverrment would endeavour to get the prirting dore more rapidiy. For wart of bu:luces thoy had been called on to agjourn at that carly'porind of the day ; acdit was too bad, when they had tims on kand, to be thus unable to proosed in the public buriness, bear teatimony to the good results of their inspectorship, and those acquainted with the past and present condition of the l?'ll«ml of '('I'pger Canana could not fall to atruck th the great improvements cffected in these institutions of late years He was happy to booblntobouthhhmmony which he balleved to be mcerited--to the ser-- vices of theso officers. Hon. J, 8. KcDONALD replied that there was no disputeo as to the wmuoy of these efiiouu: ?hey desired to pass no opinion on ment wore makig efforts to yr00u4% bus had not yet got all that wero m# Hon. Mr. CAMERON sxplained . Consolidated Statutes of Canada m prict and were very hard to got. ernment were only abls to get from OMtawa those relating to Upper Canads. The House then adjour; od. ' Hon, J. 8, McDONALD sald the Govern: PELAY IN PRINTIEKG. LAW OF RVIDEXCE