theatiqte oovoo hood -porooooin Eon. - too. tortootooco. who hovo oiwoyo ooioyod . "I right oi fro-chin, but who wero " wivod oi it by It. hicKoilor'o Act of 1868, one chill ccooidoroti by him to be unworthy to ho booted with the politicti righto ot troo- moo " Thio otohI-t woo quite untrue. What the oommittoodidwoothio. Thoyogroodtotho irouchioo ototod here. " far on 'rprmulp1 ', election woro ccuoorood. bill. the very ' mun which 5. (Ir. McKoihr) had him- ooii rocommoociod in hie Bill, lotroducod and M in 1866. It woo moved by Hr. Bull-g that tho fronchioo for Poriiunootory oiocticoo thank! ho reduced to tho oomo omouot. but the committee agreed oimou uuooimcooiy that " woo inexpediont tor tho ccmmittoo then to deal with thot quootico. - Mr. FERGUSON rooo to o question of - order. Ho did not think the hon, gentleman ' T,,t order in bringing before the Homo o oi what toot piece in Committee. ', Mr. 8001'T(Ottowo)--Qoeotiooo oi privi- iogo oro olwoyo tn order. Me HENRY SUITE told the hon. potio- , uno- could put himooii in crderhymovin' I the odjoorumout. Mr. ICKILLAR wont on to coy, thot, K. ' stood of tho Oommltoe. or them who were o r horned tho Reform momboro of it. oncol- ' Ir. Corliog'o motion, they merely death: that :twoo oxpodiont that the quuttou ho gotponed. One rcooon woo, thot the mom. oi r for Frcutouoc had o Bitl Moro tho " ~ Home, (looting with the oioctioo low you". c: tr, in commotion with which the queotico oooid better be diocuooed. He thong" when r no "pope" deliboroteiy mirroprelouted what » took piooo in Committee, with o View oi tootoohgcdiumoo thcoo whom they coiled o- Roioruore. oithough the come portieo had do- ' cloud thot all potty lluoo were now chlitoroto til ed, the ur- woo of o noture which ought . to be brought before the Home Ho oppeoiod U' . totho Choirmooottho Commitmv. (Ir. Ryhort , to coy who the _ tho ototolnoot ho had now mode woo corroct r ttrnot, Topathimoeii iuorder. ho mend ', that when the homo odj our" " oi: o'clock no it dootool odjcuoed till to marrow " hoe o'clock. ' Boc. Mr. OARLING ooh! he thought tho ' ototemoot in tho Spectator woo comet, on to 's, l whot Mytcoh piece in the committee. 1' Thacher for Bothwell oud o number of H other when voted ogoiuot his tse. Oori- tAt into) motion. , Ir. BLAKE-Tut woo not "rsuMrtntng oci the pincipio." to. no: Mr. BYKEBT. the choirmou of tho con- " mittoo. ooidho ontiroiy coincided with the on! octioo d tho number for Bothweii. oud tho .1. mojority at tho committee. in the no". a. refund to. Some oi hie Cannon" u fr-de-eel, the member for Peel (Ir. " cureF-Frtf dooirouo to cut-rodieoi _ . oimoot ovory rodicoi in the home, oud. hot he lortho rootroint put upon that houourobio geo- Se than by the committee, he would hon , had msivima1 mfrrago recommoudod. Ho .9 had not uudorotocd that tho " Bo- . iormoro" had tte, ti " f t, Mia": 5 the -t-rte " on o o mo] . Wlf2llrll'l'l in common with himooif, out " had been dooided to one" my alhrrtttetgt of th to {touchioo this ooooiow The ccuihittoo aatMeit to ttetedue thcmooivoo lhio ooooioo b ' may!" the tttrate? ll gammy = in til the Act I ' AI e o lo I" an Tut-ra-and ho outidorod '- mo Monitor in roolity. it ootooo in . tho com-oh ocoeptotion of the mroed--ao did r not uodon'od tho Reformat cu the other , ' gm. of the have were oppcoed to oiteriug the irooohitc; but the committee. on ttttle ite-oh. My. determineci not to interim 2 with it thin calico- : Mr. cow mu thot, when NW '