Mr ruow . T J' encoding with 'tg'al1 tt an"... 'a,'.'ttttt2t,ef, that 'ee d It - "P" - , v ' = V X. r "' L', 'w EE? ' - tl Cr l m. r I ti u. " _ terge ll muin ' mt W has uhnuld near irom their constituents. , J Mr, FERGU SON thought " might I . tor new" yea. us the ohsnges were no pcrhnf,hnd u it wnttoolute now for than go into operndon this your. He oomide the question should be deleted until . Gowrnmeut wne propored to nuke the w 'B. iew harmonious. " Bur HENRY SMITH hoped the hon wou'd not oounteneeoe the uttempt to th the charts ot the member toe Luau nnd r committee to get the most ueediul c- - carried thiseeseiou. The member toe Q outa duerved en! credit fer the labour ' tad bestowed on the mttthltt, There some provision of the Mil, however. WW' which he did not enme, end which he would be reedy to ditoute et the proptr t me. Mr. BYKIB'IE told he won williegthe Bill should stud till Wedncedoy. Mr. M. KELL " suggested that it should be nude the dret order tor WMI-dar, with u' the underetendlu' tint it would bedhpmed a by the committee on thetdoy. nudreed e third time e day or two niterwu dtrso that . it might immediotely be "rented to, II". , min tho 'l'surn Licenses Bill. The choir. mun tad bestowed u not deal ot lubour on this Bill, and some of the umendmente were of great importance. He thought it Very auntie! tint it should be urged iorwerd, so that it might bro me low or noon nepot- a a. . Ir. FERG USON mode tome further re- make, clinging the number for Bothwell with responsibility for the rosin of - mcnte in the aiming law. _ . Mr. MoKE LLhB denied the stetement. The schedule whleh oreeted that obnoxious node, and which would he one-dud by this Bull, WI! introducod in the - house. The oommlttce roee, reported pro-, end cbtnlned leeve to eit not: on Wedneedey, en the first order tor that do). ter. Joan's 030368, roar no". On motion ot Mr. WILLIAMS (Durhem), the Ikil ramming St. John'e Church. Port 11 ope, woe read . third time and netted. mun" Hon. Mr. CAMERON preeentod return to , on ndclrees foe pop-re routing to the diode- l so! of Mr. Hamil, Besietrnr of Bruce. i Also, eupplementery return to en addre- r for a "moment of the returns mode by Rogu- l tram. Tha house .6 j ourned et six o'clock. '