ctr-eh hhn " very denier. wh- outpared wlth hie conduct laat yur. The wee aeareely T,'tgt fed the Ala-nan Act l g",',',',',','.),),,'; laudl. at'tir','gi iavcur the epeculator. My, tthEELLMb..ait what reapect! Ir. FERGUSON laid hewould Inetanoe At olanae with reepeettc atatute labour. which wan v? invent-able b the. holding large been land. The loader-oi the motion laid the rt,t,T - than awai- lcwed up the w value cl theae lande. Would It be fair to aubject thmto Mill _ "(hertz-2 Uptolaat .lOperoent. waaadded onhnee unpaid T,ig,','f4l'llf . " buhnw'ahdidtheuemberhrnothwdl - sympathlae "an laet year. that he reduced it to 8 percent. Alternating acme further charge tr,',',',,, the member tor Bothwell. . queen went on to " earthathelawnoneceedtyiorthe " tt"l'thtfrtt ttitatsrimr propor- Hedenledthattheae landawen a - bar to the Improvemnt oi the country ' tor, t it It wae true, ea alleged. that they In- P created In value Iron: the Improvement of the neighbourhood. the aaeeeecr wouldtahe l, notice of that fact. and aaaeaethem accord- tts ac that they would contribute their ' proportion for aohoola, roade. an. l The Canada Company had been apohen of. He could ray at that company. that oi all " theocrporatlcua inthe country, the Cana- t daOornpauy had ever been ready to pay , _ its tan-a. He thought the hours ahould vote down thin relolutiou, and allow " municipality to tax the landa withln " IN pleated. ', "in. moons: "tt mkrmcka about t! o a n , which he aceured oi mm mm. , progreeecihie partci the country. When . the people claimed that they ehould tm t compelled to tell their lauda. the - I wae, that vented righte could not he in- l terforred with, It ac, they could only be I reached by taxation. and he hoped the ae- aae anent law would bealtered to permitthle to u be done They ought at leaet to be made to pay the tenet by the lat ot January. like other people, Inatead ot let May ' and alto topay the atatute labour on "aat tot.. rather than on hlceha In tho wnahlp of KcKillop, they tt' 8700 for atatute labour; It they paid on e tame principle a the eettlara, It would be $1,200. m would have all put on an equality. Mr. WILSON laid there wat not am in the houae would chisel to the propoaitiou ttt the member for South Huron that non- reaidente ahouid pay the name tarot " reeldeuta and a. he aaute time. Mr. MCCA LL laid that the would" of the hon. member for Both --who t. doubt alpirtd to the Treaaury Bench-am. clan-ah " extraordinary character that " (Mr. MoGall) had loot oinihUttoo in that hon. gentleman (laughter). and Would not vote _ with him on the notion before the house. ' The fact war that ncu.realdentewere already ) - well taxed for their land-ln acme catee even l , to a larger extent than raeideeta. (Hear. hear). It wae not In accordance with their tree repreaentative ayetem or the geulua oi their people that thle -iat diacrimlnating leglelation ahould take place. Mr. MONTEII'H acid that It there wee anything they had to be dimatkiUd with in the country. It tree that companion held large hlochaoi landinthe countryhere and there. like the Canada company. He would ea_y let them not impale a apecial tax, but, letthzm amend their sum antlaw and make each teparate parcel ot laadpey Ite lull ltetute' t ltr,; "; go a?" m tttd 'ttt 'ttt a wou e roper way 0 e rid at the grievance. 9 Under it the and. Cnnpany. which now held a large tectlon ot hm county in Ststttmutm,iirm1d have to releaee in peep. Perhape hie can; Indexed more htm that ti,tt,.'T,,,tta other}? the Prague; andha 'tht no prepared with "any General unlea- JMU! gentlunn came down with acne mature on thia priedpie. (Hear, hear). Ben. J. S. McDONALD raid that has - the hat apeaher the hence heard a very . practical im-thas, which would get!" of the Manny bet-re them. That hon. antle- mau admittedthattherewaeaaevilhereb be remedied. And he (the Attorney general) "readmitted It. "(M has