1 Mi. McKILLAB eleo edvcoeted the no . end needle; ot the mu. AftihMtr, he - K I "ttstud, could be produced to ehcw that th I I dehentnree L'2 tet "1:35? the vet , i - tr t "I " 1- ', , I I never ran": cleerer once for the LegIeIetnre 1 ' . etep In and compel a net of joetice- " , um. GIBBONS Inpported the eeccnd r " , I , Fi The Bill we: then mad e eeoond time. en- , orderedto be referred to Committee ot th it ' Whole on Monday. w t noun Gunmen iNtWRA2rcr'. 00. tl 3 On motion ot Mr. LYON, the bill to inoor- , . porete the Royal Canadian Inenrence 0cm- l e,',,',,rttn1tst'ht,ta',',f, referred" I , mnIttee of the Whole on Monday. l i Ioncn'ro unxvnnsm. ' Mr. BEATI'Y moved for e return ehcwIng 1 " the enenel receIpte end 1/',te,t,','t of " l I mete Untveretty, end U nutty College. t due the you 1860 3 elec ehowIng the I , eenrcee of Income. nemee end alert" of pro- " feeeore, (moon end employeee of eeIdInetIa F I tntIon, and the uncut "tut', ennnelly In eoholerehIpe end when. ed. , one]; came coma]. T .lr. CHRISTIE moved for e return, In ebetrect. "10.193 the Incomeend expendI- tum of Upper Oenede College for the yeere , 1862 to 1866 InclntIve; Ad, the yeerly et- , tendence of poplin. Second, e deteIled etete- i ment toe the yeer ending December 31et, 1867, ot the Income end on ditrus, the _ ettendence ot pnplle, the nuns: of hechere _ employed end their eelerIee, together wIth e etetelnent of the emcnnt. it eny, edvenced to the J2tg Cenede College out of the Xo-. rontc Un verelty made tcr the eevetel yeere from 1861 to 1867 Inolnere. Cented. nxrmnw news. Hon. J. S. MCDONALD Introducede bill to ccntInue for e limited tIme certeIn Acte therein mentioned:- f Second radio; on londey.' The Home edjouzned " 6 o'clock until Hondey. -----+----