porhepn, here gone with the 825,000. Th; . Government had employed e gentlemen t nomad Hertney, eon ot'Mr. Beriney, who , had cherge ot theec mettern " Ottewe, to h take ohergo of the stationery end printing. r No eutordiueta or deputy heed Wen to incur t any expoune without e ieqauition eigucd by d tlv, heed ct the department, on which Mr. t Hutuey would procure what wen required, ' oherglng :t to the dope-:tcuent, no that er the ' cod ot the yoer they would be ebieto tell t p:eclealy the condngenciee of each depert- l ment, end He cont ot tho whcio pat together. , Under the heed ot Legioietion, the only item t requiring notion juet now wee, 'utattanerr, l t,i1.uh1tiotte'1't peper, printing end Mad. lug, $10, ." hie wee ionnded on e very ceroiui eetimete mode by Mr. Herteoy, a ' uttewe. e gentlemen oi "ilk greet experi- ', once, end It. Silly-on. I0 "WM! eeid thin eenimete wen em in for the eervlce. i More wee en item oi "52,500, expeneen oi election," en it wen eupponed thet election 1 might poiaibtr teke plum , Mr. BruMa--mtr meny 2 , Mr. t',0YD-0f courne fires, the eunmpilon ' being that there will be e chenge ot Govern- l, menu. ( Boa. Mr. WOOD -0i courne. in thet cone, 1 the member tor Prcecott would be one ot 1 there who would hove to go to their countlt- 1 more for ro-eleciion. Coming to the entimeten l for the " Adminietretion cf Juniioe," he 1 might remnrk that, in the entimete for the , Court o? Cheucery. the nelery of the Mentor l We! put down " 83,000, which wen the mm 1 he hail been receiving. He could not, haw. l ever, find ntetutory euihority tor more than 1 t't240, and it wen no eteted in en 0de1 list 1 ot eelnriee iurniehed him from the Fioence l Department et Ottawa, under date 26th ot 1 December, 1867. It " wen iouod that he wee l not entitled to more than 82,240. he would not be peid more. The Hence would nnder- , stand thet, by the Coniederetion Act, the Pro- vince did not pev the ne'eriee ot the Superior and County Court Judgembutmerely the eele- rirn of the ofhoo" oi thcee Oourtn Under tho heed ot Public Wurkn end Building; the first lam wen $30,331 to complete there-building, repeirlng, until? end furnishing the Public Buildings T e wee the beleuce remaining eiter the peymcut oi the 823,608 97 mention- ed in etetement No. 5. There wee en item of $50,000, on eocount of rebuilding end tur. nieh'wg Government Home. The thtvern-- ment pmpoeed to put up the building in the coming "mmor--' new building on the Gov. ernmont grounde in pieoeoi the old one which wee burned down. It wee thought thete Burn in the neighbourhood of $50,000, would be en dialect tor the purpone. "Non, to - on the works commenced by the Government ot Oenedeen the Lunetio Aeyium, 875,000 wee eehed for. Some yeer or no ego, e con- trect wen given out by the Government of Oeuede ior thin ,rotk,aaiounthttt to nome- thing like $122,000. A lerge emcunt hed elreedy been expended. end the expenditure la eddition to thin 875.000 now enked tor, would leeve about 854,000 ntili required tb nelly to complete the building. There wee enitem ot $50,000 tor Colonizetion Beetle. The Government could not etete precieely where thin money would be expended. It would depend liter upon the direction token by the t e oi nettiement, end the quentiou where it could be bent need icr promoting the enttlement ot our unoccupied lentil. The untimete ior Agriculture wen e little in edveeoe oi thet oi 1867, in oonne~ quence of en inoreenn oi 17 in the number oi our electorel divuo"--the Government thinking the inoreeee wee fully itatifUd by the imporienoe oi the egrioulturel element in our country. The Boerd ot Arte former. ly eetebllnhed in Toronto, had been done ewey with, end the 82,000 it received would be given to Hechenice' Inetiiutee. The Iinietnr ot Agriculture lied who; eeeooieted with him, in hie dopertment. Pr ennor Buck- land---" e very emeli "tat-trho: it wee