tt even or ' adthe -rtstrt. right s' in law. Mr. BYKE " hoped the promoter of the Billwcuid "endeavour to force it through I to-nighh liltoeuldhe ahowa that there l waeecmethieg wrong about theee deben- tumltwunottooloteevenyetto' not the ed] that mightarieefromtoo i Fiti','iiiiiii Aeamunheroi the Pd, t vote Committee, he had thought that the oaee of the townehip had not been put " etrougly before the Committee " " might t have been, even although eminent cmneei t were employed. He did not with to defeat t the Bill. He would eupport it--axtmpt the I clanre giving interest on 1r1teri-ttttle" it t wee eatieiaotoriiy ehowu that there wee 1 eomethlng wrong. But he thought further d inventigation wae neoeeeary, and begged to I move that tho Committee rise, report pro- greta. and ask leave to eit again. 1 Mr. MCLEOD thought the claims oiMre. l Hubbard ehouid not be ignored, It the hate t l were aerepreeeuted. m wan, therefore, in ' iavcnrof tponing theooneideration of the I Bill ',,',1'f'ld faote were further inquired ', ' into. ) Mr. BLAKE aupported the ptmtprtiernottt, l 1 Hon. Mr. CAMERON laid he wee willing l , to etrihe out Mn. Hubbard'e 82,000 from . . the Bill, or to make any proviaion with I I regardtoit that might be comidered jolt. I I All he desired war to legalize the ; debenturee held by the man who l actually advanced hie money for the work, l, ' for which the debenturee were turned. He I ', did not want the nearer-e delayed to that , , it ahcuid not pare thin eeuion. He ' ( hoped the Bill would he allowed to , go through Committee, and the third reading ', , might then be delayed, to parinit further . inquiry on to the taste. , Mr. BEOORD eald he war no Yankee, no ) repudiaior. He would have every townehlp , L meet ire obligation. It there were any l villaiee in thin matter, it wee not the per- I ' ecu who bought the woman'e righte for 830. 1 but the townehip which had reduced her to I L the etraite of telling her 82_000debenturee I ' for that cum m wae not willing that there l ehonid be any poetponement of the Bill. 1 ) Mr. SCOTT (Ottawa) raid that, " far re 1 the dehenturre were in the haude of the ori. f ginal holderr, they ehculdbe paid in full Mih l intereet. But, when they had pltltd into I the hande of other hoidere, he would nay let 1 ' them receive only what wee paid for them. , It the p:omoter of the Bill would accept the following amendment, he thought the dlfli, 1 , oulty would he met '.-- 1 w " Provided alwaye that, if any of the de. 1 ' hentnree have parted by eaie out of the pee- 1 [scion of the original 21a then it shall be lawful for the preeent hot ore thereof to l 1 recover from the municipality only each a I eum,wlth legal intereet thereon,ae the preeent 1 holdere can prove, to the eatiafaoilen oi the county judge, war paid for the name." Hon. Mr. cannon me he would be 1 willing to accept thin amendment " the , third reading. The motion for the Committee to the and ( report progreee, wae put and loat. Tho fourth and last oiauee wee ll on I agreed to, i The Committee reported the Bill, and it was osf.ared to be read a third time taumcr- I row. l snow) READINGS, 1 The following Bilie were road a aeoond 1 time, and reierrcd to Committee of the Whole tomorrow _ l (No. 42) thenaion ot Cobcnrg, Peterbcro and Marmara Baiitrar.--Mr. Franer. I (No. 52) Ottawa City Pareenger Railway. -llr. Scott (Ottawa). l (N0. 58) L'Hotel Dion, Kitttyton.- Hon. Sir B. Smith. l (No. 69) Bishop Strachan 8chooi.-Ilr. I Cumberluid. 1 (No. 53) Archibald Bur-ur. Smith tttid. dleecx). (No. TIO Oxlord Fire Ineuranee Company. 1 Mr. Perry. , (No. 88) London Collegiate Inatltute.-- l Hon. Mr. Carling. I (No 23) Eetate of J. K, Rrohe.-uir. William: (Durham). (No. 76) By-Lawe of 8'iaaeot--hdr. Fer- , gum. (No. 98) Cliiton Bridge Cotttpattr--Mr. , l Beatty. l ; (No. 80) " Andrew'e Church, Ottawa - Mr. Scott (Ottawa). I The Home adjourned at 11:50 pan. :