at e few den of the eceelon "tttttttted-ati. umber " Ellie remelnioa undiepeeel of en very tog-usd membere had alto that, quite enough to do, between that rlrd and the clone of the eereion'. . thank entering an on loveetigetiou getting ouch erdunue I'Mntioll nod lo" and able bendilng ll thle would -e,, For " own part--" hie name wee on 'hat oommiltoe-he Who'd up thee to do ' hie duty on " properly would mini" him to ebrogete elmuet ell He other nnotioee ot legieleliou. Al ur- on] ueeful purpo. we: concerned, thin motion would own lieh , nothicg It might give rlee ht e 'illi'lrll1'l ' " but thet dlecueeiou would be'ter come 3 " on the rupplemontery utimetee which its ' been promised. (Beer, beer). The qua. tion, they were ell agreed, wee one oi greet _ importeuee; end had the committee hen " moved for or on only period in the eeeeion -hed the Government eeneetrd to St-and hed thet oomurittre full time to meture their V Tl-ttte question would heve DENIM r another phone. He hoped the motion would tot, under preeeot circumrtencee. be pent-t- " r, Li Mr Bill " FY :lieole'oI-d rv-y Mae of , 'M-tili'y to so. in: tat lune HUI-J to ttte m" ' " "in chin v'. tr "ht, q the oxnmltree "a ouspiy t ' muti- A frratertA, an» . itch aha House ml"): h" ri-preon to one at y in on time, when rhi, mono T of higher inchinu ttMg") up He did not pr: pm the! he Work of the F 'omml he» would tormieetr With the i exciton. 1 Ir. R ARE-1' muct can ttoo,. C, M-. RE l l' Y _Wot1. it the informed": " coed not no 'o, not hiring the. LTI', eeuion. he could not ere my chive! on to gem. u no much informed" on potable before the HOB. we M,-. no 9009 "tl would give notice thet ' in no event at hevieg men n committee T hex: voodoo. " would countder " hie duty to within tho manual of thee cummlztee. He hed nothing waewver egeluet the gmtiomeo nemnd ' new»: a n-lrmeo ought to be well ' eveve that the p-ejnmore of (autumn on thin tunic-o: may} be very 1itter'r--m,urtor' in ttlit of tr.arttH-to idioma- them ll car, now. Mr L, UDER eeid he had no chinotiou to the qOrd on] of the union Mr, BE Try then withdrew hie motion. mrnovemns'r 1mm. Mr. BL ~KE moved for e return. ehowlng the emouzzie which here been receivei by the Crown in each yrer rinoo the eho|iti~an of the bend Improvement Fund. for lend -old dor- lug tho ex'etrnoe of thet fund. end elem the nmounte which ere etill receivable 'T the Crown. in reopeot of ouch eelee no eleo the ' eume which would. but for the when» of the said fund, be peyeble to eech mun icipel ity our of the nit! emounte for eeoh your emreeeid, end for the future Curried. runner when Mr. EYE! moved for e return ehowing the numb-w of eoree of land one epere in the towoehip o' Money, in the county of North- ' umherlend for the Will',', of building. or misting to build, the urrey Oenel; nine. whether the eeid leode hove been will. end h. iieo. how much hen been reward, the detee of receipte. how mud! h. .hTe'eppnet or ' eporourinted for the ""0" "ended, end whether ouch money- ere eveileb'e tor the f let"" for which eeme wee kneaded Cer- r m OVIBH'EDIFJ TINA!" . On motion of Hon. Mr. WOOD, The Home went egele into Gtrrttrttthe-. \ir. Clerhe in the tstuir-on the Bill reepeot- ' log overheating teueute. _ . Severel omendmeoie were mode to the Bill. The Bill. " emended. wee reported. end ordered to he reed e third time tomorrow. . 00mm! Lew PuOOlDUI-t, On motion ot Boo J. th UODDNALD. ' The Home went Into Ihmmitr-6. . Cumberland ht the ohatr-ott 'N',U,',t 5 61) to emeud the Common he ure Act. Ir. BLAKE drew etteoticuto the deuce