Bruce. "on . divieion ot ereote would be uata'r to the senior county. Eon. Mr. WOOD eeid the cleuee merely mug. "banner the eenior county to pey over each n proportion. it it - fit to do " It geve no oompulecry power. Mr. OLIVIB wiehed to know from the Attorney Guerel. whether he wee to ellow tttht Bill to become iew thie eeeeion. Like the member io' South Onterio, he wee much ourprieed when it come up for diecneeion. He (iir. Oliver) tnfhl2,',ht"2't,tttgtfg1,h",,ttt .t.t,u" Home to do jut ce to ouch e men- It": Hon. J. B. MCDONALD wee gled to ttnd the hon. gentlemen 'gltt,t looking to hie (Mr. MttDoatatd'al eey " it they were oreelee. The Aeeeeement Bill propoeed ohengee 'thet 'were vitel, " regerded people'e poohete, and he had thereicre thought It well to poetpcne it tor more meturo ooneideretion. he ranted thin Bill, he had cereiully gone over emendmmte propoeed. ttrsdnuisrrtteh-irtthtrtetrt. The membc ior tideecln enhitted theee emendmntetotheulmoonddcetiencithe Boone. end, it rho-g objeeIoee wwe ehewn toe-yoithun. he-wee not no weddedto tt,tnh,t.',,t.1'2uf',l',',','r'M"i, Be (the Attorney-Genre!) heve himeeli ecmdhiegtoeey'ee te one or two cigthe oleueee. oi which he did not epprove.| Olenee 5 wee then - to. Cleuee 6 being moved. Mr. OLIVER eeid thet ineteed oi one councillor for eeoh weld retiring ennuellv. he wiehed the threetc retire ennnelly. ll e moved to emend the oleuee in eccordenoe with thin negation. Mr, PARDEB thought the pin oi only e portion of the Council retiring eech seer had worked edmirebly. Mr. HAYS concurred in Mr. Pardon View. The emeulment wee urgetlved, and the cleuee egreed to. Cleueo 7 wee egroed to. Olenee 8 being moved, Mr. Gow cppoeed the exclueion oi County Attorneye irem lunicipel Councile. Mr. lcuOD eeid the objection wee thet the County Stg'tr; if e councillor, might be reeve, member o the County Council. e member of the Bench ot Megietretee, end might in that oepeoity audit hie own no- cz-untl. Hon. Mr. CAMERON eeid the proper oouree would be to diequeliiv the County Attorney hom being reeve. lie would add the Clerk of the County Court to the 1 " oi dirqasld1ttab1ttm, De. BAXI'ER. moved to elrlko out the worde, " no Sheriff, no Deputy fllterltr, no County Attorney. no Clerk ot the P-" m eeid theee pertiee would, ot come. not nit on the Bond of Audit. lion. Mr. CAMERON .eeid the M-lft might heve e writ to execute egeinet e munic are": ' ot which, under thin emendment, he Mt 'li'lk reeve or werden. Hon. Mr. WOOD eeid " euppoeed, It three omciele were excluded. Ceyuge, which the hon. member reproeented, would not hevo euy leit to meke oouncillore oi. The emendment wee negetived. » Mr. HAYS moved to etrike out the worde ' 'deputy clerk ot the Go In." Thi, eleo wee nogetived, and the oienee wee egroed ta. Cleuee 9 being moved, Mr. ticUALI. (Norfolk) moved thet the word "rnaU" beicre the word "ireeholdere" be etrnck out. Loot. The clenee wee egreed to. Oleuee 10, giving the irenchlee to perm hevlng inocmee over 8600, being M Ir. CURRIE moved thet It be etruoh out. (N0. no.) Me. ICKELL en en rted clenee. m eeid e "ag,', "dd't er the tenent ot e property velned " 8500, had e vote, eithth he might be Tfl, ell the yeer. end o , come beck to reel e in the mnnicipelity e month beiere the election. But it e men wee not e hence. holder. he could not vote. The frenchiee. he thought. ehonld be exeroieed by men oi in- telligence and good moral ohereoter, end on income oi 8600 wee " goodntret oi thoee qualities " being eeeeeeod ior e hcuee et mount. A proieeeor in one oi our univer' eltiee, who heppeued to boerd. bed no vote: while the ecevenger who ecre ed the mud " the etreeh had the 1'lfl2t'l', m would prefer 8600 " the eteederd. Thie would 'g"it,f,t e ',trd"that,tl1e", clerke. eemen, wor ecto meohine than. to. M Eon. J. 8. MCDONALD cherecterleed the hm. gentlemen'e remerke " bunoombe. Thie wee the thet time in n Britieh ooionythet euoh e thing had been propeeed. n " here. 'ded we: I',', the treeeury benchee, he wo n e Sfl,fL3l'Ctt,u',gg, t"guget,tt