. 'JW. ' - . f t ', Dr. ' c (' - ' Hen " with e r greet deal oi intereet to thie diecueeion, end ' hed been dieeppolnted with the wey " in which It had been hendled. 1 He thought runny hon. gentlemen were l eireid to meet the queetion boldly. wording to the diotetee oi their own ooneclenere. He 1 to wee pleeeed with the pol "Ltrtt,f by the n Treeeurer. m would eve been better 0 n. planed. however. It the Treeeurer had not I rd been quite eo iloerel. (Beer, beer). Still :e if the epeeoh ot the trenurer indlcetrd the h; policy ot the Government, be (Dr. MoGill) b tr. endorsed thet policy with hie whole heert. TI ot He wee gled we hed e Government which bed . ed the oourege to bring down such e neeeure. . It. end he irueted they would heve the courege t he to etend or tell by it. AI e - why t at grente eh: uld be continued. lthed been urged b by thettheee inetltntione beddonee greet deal oi h 19 good. m admitted thet they hed done no 0 'il And why ehonld they not heve done good, "u when the y hed been oetered eo long by the he government! Other inetitntione hed done " ood, which hed received no eld iron: the S; S',',',",',,,',',',',,',','?-')")'; 'Ocilege, Bellevllle, ior ht. exemple. Our Common Schoole and in Gremrner Sohocle were doing e greet _ deel of good l and no they ought, Cl for they got e very greet den! of the public " money. There wee e cry egeinet Toronto . Univerelty, thet It wee e " ttiidUta" inetitn- . tion. Why wee It eo celled? Becenee with- . in ite welle there were not taught the tenete of eny pertienler denomination. The none 7 hon. gentlemen who celled the inetitntion M k "goo-," lobed, wee eld to be withheld or trom inetitutione. beoeuee Obrietienity wee _ tenght within their ,ratu--aviiunt1, imply- 7 ing that within the welle oi Toronto Univer. n- ulty Chrietienity wee not taught. He (Dr. I. loGlll) eeeerted, without ieer of enminl a n, contradiction, thet there wee not on iruttttt, " tion, e church, or e building in Ceilidh. with- d to in whoee welle Chrietienity end ill evidenore tr 1. were better tenght then in Toronto Univer- 'd e tr. ' Mr. BOULTEBeeid he felt lunch pleased fl when he eew theee eetimetee brought down, ttl s with the heading " eld to Superior Ednoe- in n tion," m egreod with the Treeenrer thet " grants ebould not SU,',,',') to religioue deno. ll , mice'lone. But he ought," lee-t for the d . - preeent. they ehonld be given, to the ool- al t letter, elthough controlled by denomlnetione. tt . They did not interfere ,riththedmromittntiort. 01 y ' eltenete of the eiudente. m attended one oi them for threeyeere, end he hed been freely ellowed to ettend the church of hie own onorniaatlor, which wee different iron: thet ot toe cullege. He believed theee college. were doing bod--sM e locel good. which _ would not be done. it ell etndeete were oom- I11a1tott,t,,t,'lg,t,1,ht'ti, Bedidnot leve in e oompuleory oontrelizlng eyetern. He thought there ehonid be e greet control " Trntvomttr-raa exenining body to greet degreee tothe etudente ot theverione oollegee through the country. end entirely eepereted i', iron - 1htiiqid-r1hth- College, or eny other. m hoped the Governmentwonld