'leSee!!eel!eee-e.e.'P-e1'-e.ee.1ee, Mt DOLLARS PER ANNUM , man: you"! " ==E===t=========== WHOLE NO. 5591 Meeee!e!E-e-eeleeeeeee ', Lsgislat11re of Ontario, . _.-.--.---- Tumu. Feb. M. ', The Speaker took the chair It 3 o'clock. , scum HURON uLwrmN. , Hr. CLARKE preemted I report from the ) South Huron Election Committee. outing that Mr. Gov, . member of the committee, , entered the committee room at the hour oi meeting to-day and then withdrew ' end that t the otherlmembere of the committee. after ' waiting an tour, ind to Idj mm on account ' ot Mr. Cow not lghln preheating him-ell. l LANDg sow ro" nus. , BooJ. 3. MCDONALD introduced I Bill I toqnlet the thin of person holding lande , formerlyeold for tom. communion or ACTS. _ On motion oi Boer J. 8. MCDONALD, E The Bill to continue cartaln Acte therein I mentioned. we- read I third time and mod. l IESPIC'I'KOF or muons. , On motion at Ben. J, B, [CDONALD. The Bill for the lnepeo'sion ot Prison WM read a third time Ind mend. _ eoum nUB'JN neon-m. Mr, Gow appeewd in hie pieee, and made "idavit, that. through the detention of a ' train, he wee absent trom the South Huron Election Committee yesterdey. . Mr. MoKELLeR moved that the exouee l ttbred by Ir. Gow be deemed "f%Unt. lion. J. 8. McUONALD raid he wished hon. membere to remember that. when they took the oath at the table, faithfully to Mi. ohalge their dutiee " membere of an Else lion Committee. it would not do for them to . trifis with thie House. He did hope the hon. member would be able to explain eatin- 2t'"Ir hie abeeuoe from the Committee to. Iy. Ir. BLAKE thought the Attorluy- General'e oheerva'ion wee most uncalled tor, m ought to have neerved it until he ehonid lee whether it wee ittatiiltd by the hon. member'e exploitation tomorrow ot his abeenoe from the Committee today. On I (armor eon-ion Mr. Cierhe'e expienation that hehad been prevented item attending. by the detention of I train, had been Ieeepted without remark. tlr. Gow'e explanation to'day wan predeely of the ante ohIrIeter. Hen. J. B. 1ttDONALD-lt in right that the hon. member ehould underetaud the ooneequencee of Ibeentiog himeeli from the ) Committee. ti he hae not a "itidertt exonee. Ir. BLAKE-No doubt the hon. member I dos. Ron. J. 8. MCDON 3.1.1) IIid hetnoh it upon himself In a member of thie f Home to eay that, when I member I ot the Committee Ibeented him]! ', from a meeting oi the Committee, the Home I wae entitled to - has! him I olear and , eagle 1thttttt I Ir. HUDOU ALL begged to any that the report Jeanna to-day wae not meant " a riftu, on on Mr. 00w. It wae merely de. eigned to brie More the Home a queetion which he! tlt " towhat oonetituted at- tendance by a member on a Committee. Mr. CL 13KB laid he had preeented the report, in order to mental: what wan the opinion of the Rom For eeveeal daye ' tour membere ot the committee had attended t beiorethe Mth came. That Btth member t -alir--. ' It. 00W Iehed It We wee in order, " it wee. he would make hie explanation new. ieetead "postponing it till toner-l I row. A _