F.NOWat J "hiiriiiihtorder, " = it wee. he would mehe " explenetion " now. intend "Dawning " till tomor- : row. . n , il not. Mr. OAtntRoN.-ahe new. member L", ior Grenville thir. Clllke)hee e t toepeek ' .. on thet euhjeot. 'tit f Hal-Allluhmtttedthetitweenotie .., " order, on e motion with reference to I M t m. Gow'e shame my, to die- it LI cure whet took [hie to-dey. The At. on. toner-Gum! V" we to mixing the m I I thhnm cumin I wilh ' a" Mr. - to underet "- whetheritlereguleriorn- attil BE Mr. BLAKE-a eek the Speeker'e decieicn d ' r". onthe point ot you. whether it u rele- 'iN vent, on Ir. Gowe exuee for non..Md. , = ence 'ruidrnto.dyoy" whether e mem. Tlr' ' her ehouid ettend during the whole hour or E Hon. Mr. CAMERON contended um ii . . Oluke'e remake - relevent. It it . L", found that en hon. member were gnu. " Lt meticin evoiding hi! duty, it mightbe e .3. mean why " exouee ehould not be no .,. . mid an i a yr. GOW aid. It the Tmemher for Gren- ilEE A. we '03. INCH" h 20M, he ("a Go") an) .0314 clelm the light expiein hi. gluon" " tc-dey. eepeolelly tithet eheeeoe were nude it, r to prejudice the oath he had token todey. " I Mr. CLARKE aid he'wee quite "tlafiod " with Mr. Gow'e "tttttr. for hie ebeenoe y... "iii terdey, eudhe would deter till tomorrow '1 2e: I hie 'iirtaeuon the other queetion. ll I l The motion wee theu agreed to. "" ; . I Ir.'OLABKE [moved that Mr. (low do ' f; ettend in hie piece tit-marrow. Corded. us our". rr, Eon. Hr. WOOD moved that the houee s, resolve iteeli Into committee at eupply. T "ii Mr. BLAKE "ud It the hom gem _ did not men to give the house hie nttt; i L] tione on the eupplementory eetlmetee re , going into committe e. M . Hon. Mr. WOOD eeid he had no objection tir) to do thie. In moving the hcuee into com- iqll mittee ot euppiy. he deeired to make e few ' obeervetione in regerd to the eupplrmentery YI oetimetee. A rum oi '32.100 in eid oi ', rl euperlnr eduoetion wee eeked for intheee , eetlmetee. The greut wee ior one yeer end , e he", end would go in the proportion eteted 'U k to the revere] ooilegee included in the item. ttt e in view ct the not thet grente Inch " thie * ' t hei been give? for 25 yeere, end that e large . , proportion of the moxie ot Genede had " L i" k1wuattosndireotlr en ludirectlyo poeed " C to grentlng money from the public agent to it he need, d rectly or indirectly. in ieetering tin eey rellgloue eeot or denominetioo. In view oi thin " had been thought by the Govern- ment that, in com h',,tl,t our new poiltioei . cam er. it u mid be inedv ebie that the ten B. vince of Outerio ehouid continue theee grente. The Government were not unewere, intehing l thie action, that lherc had been etrong ergu- wvm in femur ot there arente in time pent. e. "an e. U pper Oeuede or Ontario wee in reletlon to Lo wer Canada-wha" mush grente lt, were motioned by e lerge mejority oi the d ttattire-it wee Mt that theee greute were V "Aitutru in timer put. The tiovernment ttt were not eiec unewevo that meny edventegee t flowed to the community by iceterlrg theee gt I lnetituticue ot inning. A_t the reme time ' they conceived it to be contrary to the viewe " ot the lerge moi nity oi the people that theee 'a grente rhouid be continued. _ Further. they In conceived " to be unjust to 'e large portion at toil the community that the grant: ehould be "I . continued, More theee grente, however thd diegnieed, were in tent upheld by taxation Noi " the whole popuhsuon, end on the property sil oi the country. It le admitted that dividing If! t off the community into religioue denomine' "o thee, perhepe theee put down in the eeneue ttm . " belonging to the religioue denominetione 1,ht, to under whore control ere the collegee mention. Be. a. ed in the item, that they ere eo numeroue. "it to in proportion to than ot other denomine- I" "one. that the ergnment in ievour ot the WI nontinuenoe ot the greet bee much ioree. tht For exemple. the Church at Eoglend numbere (W 81i.565 ' the Church oi Rome e little leee. me but not much, '258,141., the Kirk of Boot- ttrt lend. 108963 5 the Wrote-nu Methodietu, ttttl 218,427. Theee were, in numbere, the " prominent religion denomination at 0n ttl terlo, end m e en eggregete of 897.096. W Now, the total popuietton oi the Province, lh tehing the centue of 1861, wee 1396.091. or " 2,t,2 1.400.000. Taking tram the whole It popu tion in 1861 the four reilgioue denomi- " aetione neared. end there remeined e popnlr- tin tlon oi 493 995 or that number. " wee be. ot iieved thet but few tar'doipstedin eny ad. th vantage flt"rtpg from theee grente. Some ot ml the 1trtr'lela denominetione were ht, lerge en lniluenti . For leetence, the " ' Free Church numbered 43.143 ' the In United Preebyterien Church, 61,378-- th n melting . totel for the" tmt denomints. " lone oi M 421. Thle eectlon ot the Wi n pupuletion did not et ell pertlcipete in three 2 a green. Worn religion! ounvlctione end con- Ch r eclectic" 'rtmsplo, they would not tehe the Th ot grants " ell. It bed been urged that the tth r dengcroue or loitcuing 1rf1aGos at three (E loo, grants we! en.h, thet probebly, hereeiter, " 10.. they might not continue ludiepoeed to eocept It! end eleo. Then egelo, the Epleoopei Methodiete in lull were e Urges body on title continent, number th em- inn 71.6l5 Ou principle they had elwne fo pen refused to hen euythlng to do with the tt greute. Theyhede: inelitutlon he believed. P