MeeelleEES!!eeeelellmeeey- atIBelieville, and he was - to ham, that , "Wigwam: '"" "ftteedtttha" as g o e grant, some ot the leadersci thathodywere about to oceneto themclusion that they ought to ohan e theirgroundiuthls respect, 'ltll,uttl'fl totaheanythiog which wcuidhegiventhen: it this Legislature. The New Connexion ethodists numhored 28,100, and other Methodist 23,330. They had thus 123,145 Methodist. who had hitherto reineed to have anything to do with thus pair. The Baptist, too. had always annealed 'ruth'" sinuous to these grants, In I will." in them. although, of course, had. equaliywithite participant. hadto contribute their share to the taxation iron whence these grants were drawn. The We numbered 61,559. Other denominatiua nods up 498,993. who did not puticipatsist all in these grant». Now, as amattor oi right and wrong, " We as: I',',',','.':",',',,', where l'e,g,td2r2g1 people conscientious eoru against F thuegrants. it would heuniuattotax them for that which their seruples. whether right or wrong. would not allow them to participate in. It had been urged that an- perior cduoathtn would receive a severe shock in tho event of the discontinuance ot there grants. But Government [did "tot partici- pate in that feeling. leans ot ttdemMittr.-- wllnary and suporlor-wsre provided by theestahliehrnent ot a University common to all. and against which it is not conceived any sound objections can be urged. True, they did not iteaoh religion; and if that were Mined as an objection against them. i it was inst the reason whys mixed com; l munlty like cars could not consistently : . s give aid to newton colleges It is "in. thse i of to oblige students to resort to Toronto, will " be to compel many ot than to come a long b distance. and give Toronto a monopoly, '" which would be unjust. Bat, with the pre- " sent means ot communication all through the country, with railroads running its entire length. diataooc irons Toronto was really a matter that made little dlii'crence. so for an travel was concerned. And it thcquestion ot expense were ' into account. he thought the expense would in Toronto he as , light as any ot the colleges were able to at. . lard, with the aid derived from the Govern' ment, However that might be, the lands ot the Unlveralty were quite "ftiaUnt to I bring the was oi ("t'tt than tme . lowest ibis to. "no at; l . that um these 8rival institutions were en- couraged. superior Education would sum: