[ Government $58,000. Now a eey one we" I to look " the number of etudente who and. ueted " eech ot there coliegee. they would I ere whet en enormcue rum thle educetion , hed out. In Oobourg Colleen the total number of greduetee wee 49S. Ot there 59 were Wesleyan miuietcre ' other churchrr 5 ; lew '22 ' medicine 12; Gunner-echool meeterr " 3 preieerore ot college, 8 J merchante, 8 ' editore. lt: tar. mue, 9. Thetotel numberoi ureduetee tn ueen'e College hed been 676--83 being - __ men, 41 lewgere,_ 27 phyeiciene. 5 pro- ) ieeeore ot oollegee, 2iadgU, Now, if eny B one would look " the number of etudente thoroughly educeted " the Gremmer end Gunman Schoole oi the , country. " competed with the number saluting et there ccllegee, they would eee w much wee being accomplished by the Nahum own View of the metter wee thet, with the menu eii'orded by the Province for rupericr eduoetion, the public ought not properly be celled on to pey money ior three denouhiatknat colic N ow the mph Were celled on to '-,'ilih,,il', very vily tor ednoetion. They pey their own echool tex. contribute towerde echool grenie. towerde echool build- inge In meny piecee. end iergely to Gremmrr Bchooie. In regerd to the item oi $11,000 towerde ieciliteting treneport ba. tween Oollingwood and Fort Willi-m. the Premier would explein that item. Ar he underetocd it. " wee not to be given in the light of e rubridy " ell. It wee tor the pur. \ of ohapttrhig e eteemer to run on Lekee Egon end Sugrlcr from Collingwood to Port William, uhepe " woe to be given " e eabeidy, but thet wee not the wry he tut. deretood it. Mr. BOYD-o the were] ot iron " word t Hon. Mr. WOOD believed it wee en iron were), but wee not certein. The item would be expieined. The next item wee "00 to, werde the eeler ot t'e Clerk ot the Crown in Chencery. The additional rum ot 820.000 icr the Crown Lende department hed b... elreedy explelncd by the Commierioner ot Crown Lende. With there oberrvetione he would move thet the Bpreher leeve the cheir. Mr.BEATTYeeld thet with rogerd to route ot the itenmhe did not propcee to meke eny epeclel remerke. Hie object wee otiieflr to reier to the queetion await on " ooneid- ereble length by tho hon. Treerur' in " explenetionr- He Ob. Batty) did not pro. porete teke exception to the item reletirg to "Hegel. The Government hed done right in bringing the metter before the coneidere. tion of the Home. But he took exception to eome of theTreeenrer'e rxplenetione under thle heed. ure took exception to the extre. ordinary propoeition conneatcd with thie grant, The were told thet Inch peymente ' were Ldllal'r, end that it would not be lewiul to continue them hereeiter. Now he did not heritetc to eey that, while eccepting three grente. ho could not event the exple- nation in connection with them. Hereeiter, it ie said, the youth of this country deelring higher educetion muet come to Tei. ronto, end Toronto elonr. He dierented eltogether irom Inch e Imtptnl'iotr, end knew lull well that it wee one the country wee not piepered for. He denied the Treeeurer'e '.' etetement thet the continuence ot there grente would be oontrery to the viewe ot e [ergo mej ority of the people- Some of there inexitutioue hed been receiving these grente for "enty-iour - buceeeeive Govern- mente, lieiorm end (lonerrvetive. had peered there grente. piecing them on the retimetee Now, for the first time, the country in told ell thin wee mom But thet wee not ell. It hed been eeid t thie cry. " Down with teeterien collegee." wee e plenk in the Res, ierm pleticrm. m had been elected " e Reiormer, end etending there thet dry " e Warmer. he repudieted eny euch doctrlnr. end wee preprred to eey that there grente in the poet had been right end in ec cord ee with good government. m took the End ground that thiewee no perty qu " o. m could ehcw hon. gentle menwho hed been the ndvocetee of there pate in the put. They ionnd in thet cote- gory on Ron. Robert Beldwin and Hon. French Bloch. end other eminent men. (Herr, beer). The Trenurer. in ergning thet Toronto Univrrelty wee euillcient. cited - 1gnttia.1 " e lend where there were few Uni were! shut ii there were only e few Unite ' "luxury there were meny Colleges whicn ttgt,':,";',,',',".',' facilities for higher educr tlan.- " iect wee that even on the quoeticn oi company, the eyetem pursued in Oenede in the out he been the right one, What re- msrke he might make wrre not, he would txpieiu, mede in e eplrit ot hoetility to the Univcrelty in Toronto aunt he wee compelled to eey thet oven " "gerded economy, the old '" tem of I'rovlnc'el aid to other inetitutiore wee the but.) Altogether he found thet the Q-rern'e Coil-go had met $76,000 ; Vioiorie College, it we1 eeld, ocet $38,000; while the Toronto Unlwrri n in e eiugle yeer, hed met the country neerly treble thet rum (Herr). Would the Trouumr pretend to eey thet that UniVureizy turned out more I{admin in e eingln yeer then there other inetltutione did during the whole period oi their entrance? Up to the you 1860, he l foaudthat the Toronto Univeroity had cert I the country eon neliy ebont 860,000. Inter: yeere thie would more $600,000; endintheee