i Centre! TTitraaFf-cWir0m0ridna eiiili- " = ' eted with " ell coilefee that would conicrm V to e common cnrrlcu tsat end come under n J common eyetem. Let thou inetitntionn Lr {elite receive Provinciel eupport, no that they might not hnve to more here every "" " begging for whet they had n right to receive. " Lt an roatded inetitntlonn which would not ', come into that common eyntem. he would I" not eeh nupport for them. When we enbei- in dined ottarftu.--wlo we nnbnidleed Common w and Gremmer Bahoo1t--+ we to deny n de tmell portion of old to teeter there inetitu- Ab ticnn ot h'gher odmsation which were no en- . , remit! to the well-being end progreu ot the th country. There ehonld be e iced net epert to n: e condition precedent to ceteblinhieg ouch w ll a eyntem en he had Indioated. He would re- ' quire thnt the inetitutionn which cleimed e l mere in the iunde ehculd threw open their , , atom to etndectn oi all creede. end inntitute . n common curriculum, end he would then I . doe! with them " on the name looting. He . could not eccept Hie 1hrttWmtog'a eenege 2 en n tettiement ot the qnmtion. The queeticn [l c, we: not yet nettled, end it wen the duty oi LI the Government en d of thin house to deel , . with it eerneetiy. In e wey to promote the L hart intereetn ot the country. Simiier inciii- f il ticn ehonld be given for higher edncetion, " i g ior common nohocl eduoetion. ' , " Mr. SHAW thought the Government had , I naked wirely in bringing down thinvcte for S" deasorniuatiottttt collegen. Be, wee opposed to . 'il giving the public money to nnpport eny '/ creed ao" there donotihttiotta1 collegee , geve e non tla.etoat1nationai educetion, end " hed. therefore, eielr cleim to eeeietenqyJ It ard - could not be maintained that en inntituticn Tf which had no teetl, which devoted itn re- u , neurone to giving n general non-denomine- w. tionnl edncetion. ehonld be decried en e , necterien inetituticn. Private collegee were a. more eoonomicelly meunged than Government , inetituticne, and he believed the money voted . to them would thereicre produce e lerger ug proportional return then the money given to . the Toronto Univereity. The people ot the -, Province ehonldnotbe compelled to lend their ' ' none from ell parts ot the Province for higher ill educetion to one grncd eentrelielng inntitu- tiou " Toronto. m could not therefore ' . - concur in the propriety ot diaotrntint1ing thene t . . grentn. l Mr. CL ARES neid we had eetehlinhed e f eyetem ot Btete edncetion, ot which the pec- t pls ot Cenede hed - to be proud. It wee etithowever, but en incomplete nyetcm. W. In neerly ell civilized countrien, the educe- of ticnel eyntem comprieed four greden oi ionti- f tutton-ttauntnt echoole, need emiee,coilegee, ' end n univereity. In Cenede the third ,, grade-solute" -w" wenting in our nyetem, tl unleee Upper Cennde College reprenented It h to come extent. Praotioailr it wen repre- w. nented by the denominadtmal coilegee, end, a in connideretion of the nervicen they ram de dered, they naked e emell portion of Stete o , I, aid. Why wee " nought to be minced t . They were neid to be ikrtaeUtr-srhiith wee to need " e term of reproech to indicnte e " oherecter belonging to en inntitutlon, which on dinentitied it trom receiving Mate aid. What alt did " emouut to in thin one t Whetl ec- within there inetitutionn there were theologi. for eel cheire, from which the truthn of Cbrit- l tienity were taught, m did not think they f... ehoeid be put under e hen on thin ecooun it . wen neid, it e denominetion had echocln 0 Ta ite own, it ehonld nupport them. Granted ' ' en but, in gopcrtion no they were of public ' m minty, yond the limiin ot their own ' denomineticn, he thought they were entitled in to Mate content? Mon. gentlemen who of wetohed no cloeel - College Bill, in aw which clergyman were concerned, had no " good oeuee tor,alarm, There wen no likeli- ' ' hood in thin country of clergymen being over- . . ptid -nc likelihood of theee Collagen ever 0 , becoming Inch over- grown institutions no to n interfere with the well-being of the commu- 'lfi nits. There wen e ltrge proportion of the people ot thin country who could not piece conhdence in en inetitniian, where there wen I a. no reiigicne guerentee. The feelicgn oi there an purple ehonld be tetpected ' they ehonld not or be over-borne en e minority, end ehonld not i " l be excluded from their fair proportion ot the tt public epproprietion for ednoetion. mu Mr. FE RRIER thought " n good move to stit bliug there demornittatittnal grentn to en end. Its; There wen no getting over the feet that there oer! collagen were ntric y denominetioneL m " l belxosvodwwe ought to heve one or more nniv exp var-Moe benicee the Toronto Univerelty ' Mul but " they were to receive Publ c aid, they or ought not to be under tunotnirtatittnnt 1nf1a. "" enact. Queen'n College had done e great end h good work, end it it wee remodelled no en ta to be pat on the lento looting en the Toronto the, Univetlity, it ehonld be tren'ed in the enme In way. m would 13le the come remark eleo coa with re'ereuoe to the Cohourg College. a" In. CUMBERLAND thorcnghly approved 'dl') ot the conree oi the Government in thin mat. inn tar. In thin country the geniue ot the people gm wen egainer n stnte Church. Ever tince he a... put hie iont in thin country. he hed felt that "a nil churchen ought to be neli-relient end teii- Uni nugporting. a. wee afraid, however, we fun! might be going to extrema. On - new en ' moo tohooi might be written, " no religion wht here." Unieen the went ot Won- canoe. n, than there wen nupplcmen to come out otherwey, there wen e an? of our people ticn (net drifting into nebeiiei. ct, it denominn- edu, ticneloollegcnhed hitherto been eided " bee ouch bytle Stete, " wee timetheynhould tog!