thin-Ion of . I... Film W tNI ellllrf,'",'.'U'thr 'yttrtttrtnau.tttt-" hm... to a"... tttttttditty?:',?]";?","";;).";",",')?,',',", endocrnerci thottie. oi member- oi the houee with document netting iorth the the breed gouge wee e better one then the '"er1"tqego---that the letter would not nerve the intereetn ot the neclon ot country proposed to be treverned by the line, or promote the object ot thoee deeironn of ' entering on thin underhung: But notwith- etnndleg ell thet had been eeld by ooientio engineere in reierence to thin matter, there pereone hevin the project in v hand were precticel bnsnene moment: under- etood whet they were ebout, psrhepn, " well on the engineere ' end the promotere ot the undertehlng were not by eny meene convinc- ed thet the brood-gouge wen the only one to nerve their intereetn or bttneiit the nectionn oi country propoeed to be troverned by the line. " wen e mntter oi greet importeuce to the notion ot country elluded to that it a eheuld heve rellroed communication. It " might be told that other reg! any compnnlee ' . were equally deelroue of eervlng thin querter. , But whet were the iecte. One ot thcee rail. l l weye, oppceing thin nnrrow-geuge, the Great I Wentorn, wee e compeny proieeeing e deelre its torerve the interente oi that country, and yet for nine ycerepnntthet very company It i, hold e oherter ior the oonetruotion ot e road Rl through the querter niluded to, but had " " never been ebleto eoeomplieh nnythicg. Bat tow when thin Toronto. Grey, end Bruce Oo. - , ~ were working. those other portion, whohed " , been nleeping for nine yeern, nlmcet ' ' eelcng en the oelebreted Rip Van Wlnku--.. wohe up to IW-and endeavoured to prevent the Torcnto. Grey end Bruce Compeny get- , ting echerter. But " no heppened the n - runny inhebitente of thet notion had no faith in theee gentlemenwho only woke up by " end eterh end eoocmplinhed nothing. . Thepecpleoi fer endBrnce iclrthet they l' had been MM ot reiiwey incilltiee for e 5 numberci i'tlld in ccnuquenoe ot the [nice i rcmieee o thoee engeged in the former pro' ' foot, and, no the gentlemen ongeged in the , preeent enterpriee ere men well known end i" men whoee ebiiity erd determinetlon to pneh it through no undoubted, e greet me- 'igit; ot the inhebitnnte whoee intorentn u. w be promoted by thin reed, ere deeiroue thet ite promotere ehould be e'Ilewed to build it on the "row-gouge principle. And it n etruch him thet it would be wrangle the repreeutniven oi the people to Prevent e oonnummetiou no enirebie en the opening up ot thin motion oi the . Province by reiiwey oantmmahmtioet, en pro- pcrcd by the promotere ot the mennre bet-ore the Houee. The Greet Weeiern Bell- wny apparel thin uderteking, contending g that the interrete of Bullion end Guelph . would be but earned by the thal Welling- ton. Grey, end Bruce lino. Thou edvo- cetiog Northern Bellwey interente were nine oppoeed to the meeenre, contending thet the brisk ot gouge would beinjurioun to the tratiio oi the country. Thou gentlemen cf ' iering thin c poeltion were men oi itithtenoe, end mnny who would be in no menner bene" fitted by the contraction of the propoeed Toronto, Grey, end Bruce Iinr--extfotrt in " ier en the generel intereetn ot the Province me: tr2trggt very much inclined to n gen on erehlug no eeeently en the edvoonte ot the .-orthern Mtg: They lietened with e reedy enr to hie heeled worde. Now he t tir. Cameron) neked no one tovcteon thiemeneure eutoiccn- elderetion ior him. Let thoee voting ior it do no eloue irom bonnet, I"htt iorwerd oonviotione thet the e, no proponed, would nerve thelnterentnoi the g'gtg " would run through. No doubt, e greet eelwouldbeeeidee tothe inconveni- ence oi breehing bulh. Thet wee the 'mu- d meet put iorwnrd , the Northern, Greet Weetern end Grend unh. But it wen eny- " thingbntngoodone; tttttttIST nowthe rule end not the once " ell theee brood linen. Another int-eel in ' the tll,2t'dllW,'l hen reiiwey interent- . wen thet ot Guelph. The people oi thet d pm edvocete the Wellington. owe Brucellnqend icrthln renecn. thet th wented no reiiwey " ell. Sta inhebitente ieeltheywcnld bimuah-ttetseiittsd by , the nheence oi n reiiwey then by it moo. 2tgthti it wee thet thet eectlon itttema no e meteriel to reliweye. Thet intereet we: e oppceed to the undertehieg beiore the Em no beoenee they did not went more reiiwey com- in trttuthtatttttt, end not on ecoount of the brook n of gnngo. It wen putt mil known thet ueerly all the citieene oi E'Jllld were in ievcnr ot thin projected nerrow gouge line ' end etetemenie but been mnde by the merohentn on the Corn onhenge thet thin breathing cf bulk wee not oi no much detriment ee ,",'Itl,t be euppoeed. Bulk wen broken every y " Torontoby attthetlneqnnd thet, too, trgtttttl',t The cure oi the Northern eilwev were not found going to Montreal -, nor din the groin oer-e oi the Greet Wentevn pun our the Grend Trunk to lontrenl on e mu. It wee vevy eeldom-Ihie heppened ; More the ument ebcnt breeh oignngoi