e , . I . Legisiat11ro of Untarlo. e---.---------' Toms-r0, 1'uetdar, inch 3. The Speaker took the chi: et eleven o'clock e. In. sown HURON rumor. Mr. CLARKE, trout the SouthHuron can. teeted election Committee, premted expert, uhlngleeveto eppolut e oommlmiener to _ teke evidence in the mutton Md lhet the I Committee eiionrn till celled together by _ the warrant oi the Sp utter. I Mr. CLARKE, eeoonded by Mr. GBA. 1 RAM, moved that the eeleot Committee 1 oppoletedtotry the contested eleetion in South Huron hero luv: to e' j Mutt till the t Speak-u by hie werrent direct euoh Committee to e9 unable. --tuerud. I enrontou "an. Don. tit. CAMERON presented e nmsial I report iron the Eu printendeut of Eduoetlon ', on the etete of eduoetlou in Europe end the I United Stetee. I neurone". ', Hon. J . 8. MCDONALD moved the Home l into Committee on emendmente lathe Beale l try Bill, Mr. Lender in the ohelr Tho Cum I mlttee rote end reported the emendmente l adopted. I Mr, BLtKE hed one "e.adatettt which i he hed endeevonred to induce hie hon.iriend ; to adopt. It had releronoolo the filth eeotlon , of the not. m moved thetthe Bill be re- t committed to emend the out routine by 1 stthet1tttthtgtte word "or " for the word l "end" in the third line, end adding after 1 the word " expedient" the worde " or bath." I non. ATTORNEY-GENERAL oppoeed ', the emendmenton the ground that it would t weeken the control ot the Government over i the Regletrere. ' Mr. BLAKE wiehed the Government to he pieced in e petition to eeoeeeltete f their demanding - one oleee oi unrealee. " each would he found indolent. A He could lmegtne oeeeewhere the Govern- ' meat. fhsdhtg it neoeeeery to compel e "gle- 1 Sarto iUd new euretiee. would by the all] i be compelled to eleo ohteln e deoleretlon of l queiitloetlon. while the enemies oi both l would he menlleetly unjust. Be deeired to l relieve the Government of thin neoenlty. l Hon. J. 8 ICDONALD had no objection i to the emendmunt, end " wee then "opted I The Home went into Committee oi the 1 Whole, " Lender in the oheir. l The eundmeete were adopted in commit- 1 In'ttee. end eiterwerde lo the Home. l The Billwee then reede third time end 1 harmony. ( On motion ti Mr. Boulter, Bill No. 70, l Inletirg to the dentel proieeelon, wee reed e 1 thin: tune end peered. I unto me LUIS-MA. , Hon. hit. RICHARD-'3 moved the Home 1 Into Committee oi the Whole on Bill No. I 116, reletlrg to texee in Algome, Mr. Coyne 1 in the ehelr. _ Hon. Mr. RICHARDS expleleed e num~ I her ot emendmente lntroduoed into the Bill: l moo; the moot important were thoee rec [ quirlng thet the eele for non-peymrnt of uxee on unoccupied leede ehould he held et Toronto; the writ leeued end the role eon- dnoted by the Shelli oi the County oi York, if the 1'neeeerer ehouid elect. end that the limit oi time be three ineteed d tiT - has the eel. " 'attet2t2,trdttr'ttto.! The oleueg " emended by the 'i"Giugriiiu,' ultimotrly pew l, The Bill wee reported Man committee " mended. The Bill wee then reed e tn'rl lime end peeled. cinnamon: were: more COMPABY. Mr. GREELY moved thet Bill No.91. releting to the Genencque Weter Power - " ere committed N " " " 'd