(Minnow)! . . Mr. GRBELY moved thet Bill No.91. reletlng to the Genencqne Weter Power en Ocmpeey. be re committed to Genuine of Mi the Whole ior emendmeut. tit The hoeee went into tuattnttteer---Nr. he Perdee in the choir. The emendment pro- ed pceed wee intho 16th eudl7th eectioneoi the te Bill. The emendmeute were reported. til edopted, end on motion ci Mr. Greely, the ( Bill wee reedethirdtimeeed peered. m GOLD an never. were th Hon. Mr. men suns moved the Iecond , I tending of Bill No. 117. reietlng to gold, end no . ellver minee. In doing to he referred to the principel provieione of the am, out»; that the Bill cf 1864 wee G ohktlr eoiimtsd to gold mince. " ttl wee not then euppreed thet there were silver "1 ' mleee ' but the diecoveriee on the north tn ehore cf Leke Superior chewed thet there wee t t elerge emount oi weelth there. The Gov- ti ernment found it necreeery to mehe ecme , provieion for the gold mining rrgione ot the n! , county ot tnatugs. The Act of 1864, ineteed tl ofe royeity. imposed e ice, under which per- " ' tiee were ellowed to work gold mince. Thie o hedheen precticelly e feilure. They now Pl prepared to euhetitnte e mieer'e license end bl re) elty. The Act eleo epplled to both gold it end eilver mince. Regerding the question ed royelty. he Wee ewere there wee e difference m I oi ttpuitm---sern' holding that minorei lende e1 l ehould he put on the eeme footing " egriculturel leude. He held. .1 however, tut there were meteriel I dlfhrsnota 2 When they geve grante of eng- qt culture! lend they expected permenent bor,efitto the country. bat with regerd to mtnerel lende no euch edventegee were S', looked for. Th. y hed fixed 3 per ornk--.nr F 5ceute en outtetr--" the lcwoat etenderd. at Thet wee the eeme " f1xad in Nave Scotie t It wee else the intention oi the Government, , " the gold-beerhg lection proved richer the Government would feel "stifled in dcnhling '5 the emount of royelty in the eecllon. With f, regard to the mlnerele on the north ehore, tl ' the prohehilltice ere thet the mince would he ts very productive. The Government did not, , ' however, uh to go higher then ten per cent, ' , end would fix the royalty et from three to . ten per cent. In ecme countriee en export - n duty ie peid upon gold. and he new no good t ' reeeon why the Government of thie country t, a would give npite right In regerd to tho t mode of working. ho eteted tut two cleeeoe ti ' of pcveone were likely to he engaged in the wtrk, These were the g miner end the cepiteliat. The t le'tcr clue mould purchelc cmeidernblo t treete of trrrltovy,end we uld u ehln to invert e iunde which the poor miner had not in hie t poeereelon. They. proraeed to divide the to territory and do» privilegee lo "nth cleeue. I They propoeed to give the when eminer'e n leeee no atlow them to p-orpect end heve the p , right to Work euything he found in the t k claim. With regard to quertz_ they prop: aad .' thet no pereon shell be elinwed to crueh ' t querlz without inking out e linen". The n k Kill, he edmitt:d, wee not e perirct one, end r only intended to tide over till next "ion l , end durirg next eeeeion A new Bill would he d , introduced which he hoped would b. more t porixct from the experience nbhingd in the , 'li, working of the" lewe. If he tree In the I j, Government " thet time he promired to ' introduce eomethieg more edepted to up, , g country. ' 1Ir.MtmilLtaABia1lr egreed withthc Com. ' minioner ot Crown Leudeee totheimpcrtenoe , of the Bill. end wee very much eurprieed 1 T thet the Government brought down euch n l in Bill on the very leet dey of the union. t They only had it in their hende ebont en it hour or two, end yet they were eehed to p... it. m wee elive to the neoeeelty of deeliug i )- with the minerel lende, becenee it wee one of the lergeet intercete the Gonrnment hed to b, deal with; yet he thought the Government l should heve token up the matter " en cull" I ' etege in the eeeeion, or ehouid hove tbled it 1 't over till next union, without mining the ' home to edopt it. Be wee not prepered for I the peeeege ot the Bill. It might be good or imperfect; but in dealing with en ierne "a ( impatient e queeticn. he thought the Govern. . ment ae.d the home ehcnld more iully caneider whet they were doing. Bseidee the Commieeicner etimitted the: the Bill wee note perfect one. Under ell the c'rcumeiencre he thought that during the next iew monthe the Government might ' dest with thcee mineral lende ie the eeme wey " in the put He hed looked et come of the cleueee end thought them very oh) w. tionehie. The Commireioner proposed to levy ircm three to ten per cent. Bat eup- poue the miner mede 'iotbug--seut then t They hed ell elong been told, in reierence to .. ell mettere before the houee, that heving '. only one chemher, it Wee Important that there ehouid he full dircneeion on ell euhjecte. He hoped then that the Commieeioner hed t only brought thie down in order that en ex t premiered opinicumight be hed upon it.